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Response to Comments on "Reconciliation of the Devils Hole climate record with orbital forcing" Moseley GE, Dublyansky YV, Edwards RL, Wendt KA, Pythoud M, Zhang P, Cheng H, Lu YB, Boch R, Spotl C |
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Comment on "Reconciliation of the Devils Hole climate record with orbital forcing" Coplen TB |
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Comment on "Reconciliation of the Devils Hole climate record with orbital forcing" Winograd IJ |
265 - 265 |
A short presidential reading list Berg J |
266 - 266 |
US-Cuba biomed barrier falls [Anonymous] |
266 - 266 |
Hunting driving many mammals to edge [Anonymous] |
267 - 267 |
Brazil faces budget freeze [Anonymous] |
267 - 267 |
High altitude transforms blood [Anonymous] |
267 - 267 |
Oversight body debate heats up [Anonymous] |
267 - 267 |
Treaty to curb HFC emissions [Anonymous] |
268 - 269 |
'Green hell' has long been home for humans Curry A |
269 - 270 |
Odd computer zips through knotty tasks Cho A |
271 - 271 |
Colombia peace deal blow dismays ecologists Wade L |
272 - 272 |
Are labmade human eggs coming soon? Vogel G |
273 - 273 |
Alien fungus blights Hawaii's native trees Vesper I |
274 - 274 |
274 - 275 |
Evolution promises unpleasant surprises Pennisi E |
275 - 275 |
The genome-editing revolution beckons Cohen J |
276 - 277 |
Seas are rising sooner than you think Voosen P |
277 - 277 |
Brain health should be top of mind Wadman M |
278 - 278 |
Machines are getting much, much smarter Malakoff D |
278 - 279 |
We aren't so great at assessing risk Miller G |
280 - 281 |
The first jaws Long JA |
282 - 283 |
A photoreceptor's on-off switch Fankhauser C, Ulm R |
283 - 284 |
Molecular imaging at 1-femtosecond resolution Ruan CY |
284 - 285 |
Hitting Ebola, to the power of two Labrijn AF, Parren PWHI |
286 - 287 |
Why I know but don't believe Butts CT |
287 - 288 |
A plankton bloom shifts as the ocean warms Worden AZ, Wilken S |
289 - 289 |
Predicting the basis of convergent evolution Bridgham JT |
290 - 292 |
Identifying the policy space for climate loss and damage Mechler R, Schinko T |
293 - 293 |
Science and the City The Mechanics Behind the Metropolis Derrible S |
294 - 294 |
Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship Bagasra O |
295 - 295 |
Premature downgrade of panda's status Kang DW, Li JQ |
295 - 296 |
Stop Pakistan's polio vaccination tax Meo SA |
296 - 296 |
Creating a culture of ethics in Iran Rezaee-Zavareh MS, Naji Z, Salamati P |
300 - U88 |
Metal-catalyzed reductive coupling of olefin-derived nucleophiles: Reinventing carbonyl addition Nguyen KD, Park BY, Luong T, Sato H, Garza VJ, Krische MJ |
301 - U100 |
Structural basis for the gating mechanism of the type 2 ryanodine receptor RyR2 Peng W, Shen HZ, Wu JP, Guo WT, Pan XJ, Wang RW, Chen SRW, Yan N |
302 - U104 |
Subthreshold Schottky-barrier thin-film transistors with ultralow power and high intrinsic gain Lee S, Nathan A |
305 - 307 |
Molecular force spectroscopy with a DNA origami-based nanoscopic force clamp Nickels PC, Wunsch B, Holzmeister P, Bae W, Kneer LM, Grohmann D, Tinnefeld P, Liedl T |
308 - 312 |
Ultrafast electron diffraction imaging of bond breaking in di-ionized acetylene Wolter B, Pullen MG, Le AT, Baudisch M, Doblhoff-Dier K, Senftleben A, Hemmer M, Schroter CD, Ullrich J, Pfeifer T, Moshammer R, Grafe S, Vendrell O, Lin CD, Biegert J |
312 - 316 |
Dynamic creation and evolution of gradient nanostructure in single-crystal metallic microcubes Thevamaran R, Lawal O, Yazdi S, Jeon SJ, Lee JH, Thomas EL |
316 - 321 |
Observation of a nematic quantum Hall liquid on the surface of bismuth Feldman BE, Randeria MT, Gyenis A, Wu FC, Ji HW, Cava RJ, MacDonald AH, Yazdani A |
321 - 326 |
Network science on belief system dynamics under logic constraints Friedkin NE, Proskurnikov AV, Tempo R, Parsegov SE |
326 - 329 |
Physiological and ecological drivers of early spring blooms of a coastal phytoplankter Hunter-Cevera KR, Neubert MG, Olson RJ, Solow AR, Shalapyonok A, Sosik HM |
329 - 333 |
Formaldehyde stabilization facilitates lignin monomer production during biomass depolymerization Shuai L, Amiri MT, Questell-Santiago YM, Heroguel F, Li YD, Kim H, Meilan R, Chapple C, Ralph J, Luterbacher JS |
334 - 336 |
A Silurian maxillate placoderm illuminates jaw evolution Zhu M, Ahlberg PE, Pan ZH, Zhu YA, Qiao T, Zhao WJ, Jia LT, Lu J |
336 - 339 |
Predictable convergence in hemoglobin function has unpredictable molecular underpinnings Natarajan C, Hoffmann FG, Weber RE, Fago A, Witt CC, Storz JF |
339 - 342 |
The biosynthetic pathway of coenzyme F430 in methanogenic and methanotrophic archaea Zheng KY, Ngo PD, Owens VL, Yang XP, Mansoorabadi SO |
343 - 347 |
Photoactivation and inactivation of Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 Wang Q, Zuo ZC, Wang X, Gu LF, Yoshizumi T, Yang ZH, Yang L, Liu Q, Liu W, Han YJ, Kim JI, Liu B, Wohlschlegel JA, Matsui M, Oka Y, Lin CT |
347 - 350 |
Intercellular communication and conjugation are mediated by ESX secretion systems in mycobacteria Gray TA, Clark RR, Boucher N, Lapierre P, Smith C, Derbyshire KM |
350 - 354 |
A "Trojan horse" bispecific-antibody strategy for broad protection against ebolaviruses Wec AZ, Nyakatura EK, Herbert AS, Howell KA, Holtsberg FW, Bakken RR, Mittler E, Christin JR, Shulenin S, Jangra RK, Bharrhan S, Kuehne AI, Bornholdt ZA, Flyak AI, Saphire EO, Crowe JE, Aman MJ, Dye JM, Lai JR, Chandran K |
354 - 358 |
A large fraction of HLA class I ligands are proteasome-generated spliced peptides Liepe J, Marino F, Sidney J, Jeko A, Bunting DE, Sette A, Kloetzel PM, Stumpf MPH, Heck AJR, Mishto M |
358 - 362 |
A pathogenic role for T cell-derived IL-22BP in inflammatory bowel disease Pelczar P, Witkowski M, Perez LG, Kempski J, Hammel AG, Brockmann L, Kleinschmidt D, Wende S, Haueis C, Bedke T, Witkowski M, Krasemann S, Steurer S, Booth CJ, Busch P, Konig A, Rauch U, Benten D, Izbicki JR, Rosch T, Lohse AW, Strowig T, Gagliani N, Flavell RA, Huber S |