
Applied Energy

Applied Energy, Vol.99 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0306-2619 (Print) 

In this Issue (56 articles)

1 - 12 Techno-economic and environmental risk analysis for advanced marine propulsion systems
Doulgeris G, Korakianitis T, Pilidis P, Tsoudis E
13 - 22 Agent-based modeling for trading wind power with uncertainty in the day-ahead wholesale electricity markets of single-sided auctions
Li G, Shi J
23 - 31 High-solids loading enzymatic hydrolysis of waste papers for biofuel production
Wang L, Templer R, Murphy RJ
32 - 39 Techno-economic comparison between different technologies for a CCS power generation plant integrated with a sub-bituminous coal mine in Italy
Pettinau A, Ferrara F, Amorino C
40 - 49 Wood, liquefied in polyhydroxy alcohols as a fuel for gas turbines
Seljak T, Opresnik SR, Kunaver M, Katrasnik T
50 - 66 Prototyping a series of bi-directional horizontal axis tidal turbines for optimum energy conversion
Liu PF, Bose N
67 - 79 Experimental and numerical study of proton exchange membrane fuel cell with spiral flow channels
Jang JY, Cheng CH, Liao WT, Huang YX, Tsai YC
80 - 84 Heteropolyacid catalyzed conversion of fructose, sucrose, and inulin to 5-ethoxymethylfurfural, a liquid biofuel candidate
Yang Y, Abu-Omar MM, Hu CW
85 - 96 Estimates of the global indirect energy-use emission impacts of USA biofuel policy
Oladosu G
97 - 108 Estimating risk for the carbon market via extreme value theory: An empirical analysis of the EU ETS
Feng ZH, Wei YM, Wang K
109 - 115 Moisture content and storage time influence the binding mechanisms in biofuel wood pellets
Samuelsson R, Larsson SH, Thyrel M, Lestander TA
116 - 125 Combustion characteristics of diesel HCCI engine: An experimental investigation using external mixture formation technique
Singh AP, Agarwal AK
126 - 134 Biogas residues as fertilisers - Effects on wheat growth and soil microbial activities
Abubaker J, Risberg K, Pell M
135 - 145 Travelling-wave thermoacoustic electricity generator using an ultra-compliant alternator for utilization of low-grade thermal energy
Yu ZB, Jaworski AJ, Backhaus S
146 - 153 Enhanced methanol recovery and glycerol separation in biodiesel production - DWC makes it happen
Kiss AA, Ignat RM
154 - 166 Wind speed and wind energy forecast through Kalman filtering of Numerical Weather Prediction model output
Cassola F, Burlando M
167 - 172 Investigation on a novel reactor for gas hydrate production
Rossi F, Filipponi M, Castellani B
173 - 182 PDF models and synthetic model for the wind speed fluctuations based on the resolution of Langevin equation
Calif R
183 - 191 A thermodynamic analysis of high temperature gas-cooled reactors for optimal waste heat recovery and hydrogen production
Li PJ, Hung TC, Pei BS, Lin JR, Chieng CC, Yu GP
192 - 197 Kinetic modelling of batch ethanol production from sugar beet raw juice
Dodic JM, Vucurovic DG, Dodic SN, Grahovac JA, Popov SD, Nedeljkovic NM
198 - 205 Hydrothermal synthesis of well-aligned hierarchical TiO2 tubular macrochannel arrays with large surface area for high performance dye-sensitized solar cells
Wang XY, Li HB, Liu Y, Zhao WX, Liang CL, Huang H, Mo DL, Liu Z, Yu X, Deng YJ, Shen H
206 - 212 An experimental study of combustion and emissions of biomass briquettes in a domestic wood stove
Roy MM, Corscadden KW
213 - 225 Power management based on sliding control applied to fuel cell systems: A further step towards the hybrid control concept
Segura F, Andujar JM
226 - 233 An experimental study of the hydraulic free piston engine
Zhao ZF, Zhang FJ, Huang Y, Zhao CL, Guo F
234 - 246 LCA of biomass-based energy systems: A case study for Denmark
Tonini D, Astrup T
247 - 254 Multi-agent control system with information fusion based comfort model for smart buildings
Wang Z, Wang LF, Dounis AI, Yang R
255 - 264 Optimal sensor placement in integrated gasification combined cycle power systems
Lee AJ, Diwekar UM
265 - 271 Optimized preparation conditions of yttria doped zirconia coatings on potassium ferrate (VI) electrode for alkaline super-iron battery
Zhang YQ, Zhao XH, Zhang SM, Zhang GD, Liu SM
272 - 279 Valorisation of spent coffee grounds as CO2 adsorbents for postcombustion capture applications
Plaza MG, Gonzalez AS, Pevida C, Pis JJ, Rubiera F
280 - 290 An EU initiative for future generation of IGCC power plants using hydrogen-rich syngas: Simulation results for the baseline configuration
Majoumerd MM, De S, Assadi M, Breuhaus P
291 - 296 A study of the Ce3+/Ce4+ redox couple in sulfamic acid for redox battery application
Xiong FJ, Zhou DB, Xie ZP, Chen YY
297 - 308 Parameter extraction of solar photovoltaic modules using penalty-based differential evolution
Ishaque K, Salam Z, Mekhilef S, Shamsudin A
309 - 315 Design of distributed energy system through Electric System Cascade Analysis (ESCA)
Ho WS, Hashim H, Hassim MH, Muis ZA, Shamsuddin NLM
316 - 323 A trigeneration system based on compressed air and thermal energy storage
Li YL, Wang X, Li DC, Ding YL
324 - 333 Performance analysis of four modified approaches for wind speed forecasting
Zhang WY, Wu J, Wang JZ, Zhao WG, Shen L
334 - 343 Impact of biodiesel in bioethanol blended diesel on the engine performance and emissions characteristics in compression ignition engine
Park SH, Cha J, Lee CS
344 - 354 Co-firing based on biomass torrefaction in a pulverized coal boiler with aim of 100% fuel switching
Li J, Brzdekiewicz A, Yang WH, Blasiak W
355 - 362 Robust control strategy for PV system integration in distribution systems
Hossain MJ, Saha TK, Mithulananthan N, Pota HR
363 - 371 Combustion and emissions characteristics of diesel engine fueled by biodiesel at partial load conditions
An H, Yang WM, Chou SK, Chua KJ
372 - 378 Bioethanol production from carob pods by solid-state fermentation with Zymomonas mobilis
Mazaheri D, Shojaosadati SA, Mousavi SM, Hejazi P, Saharkhiz S
379 - 385 A 1 kW(e) thermoelectric stack for geothermal power generation -Modeling and geometrical optimization
Suter C, Jovanovic ZR, Steinfeld A
386 - 392 Biomass temperature profile development and its implications under the microwave-assisted pyrolysis condition
Wang XQ, Morrison W, Du ZY, Wan YQ, Lin XY, Chen P, Ruan R
393 - 401 Study on heat transfer and pressure drop performances of ribbed channel in the high temperature heat exchanger
Ma T, Wang QW, Zeng M, Chen YT, Liu Y, Nagarajan V
402 - 413 Trapezoidal array of air-cooled condensers to restrain the adverse impacts of ambient winds in a power plant
Yang LJ, Wang MH, Du XZ, Yang YP
414 - 422 A direct control based maximum power point tracking method for photovoltaic system under partial shading conditions using particle swarm optimization algorithm
Ishaque K, Salam Z, Shamsudin A, Amjad M
423 - 429 Prognostics-based risk mitigation for telecom equipment under free air cooling conditions
Dai J, Das D, Pecht M
430 - 444 Wind powered pumped-hydro storage systems for remote islands: A complete sensitivity analysis based on economic perspectives
Kapsali M, Anagnostopoulos JS, Kaldellis JK
445 - 454 Energy consumption and income in Chinese provinces: Heterogeneous panel causality analysis
Akkemik KA, Goksal K, Li J
455 - 470 An efficient scenario-based stochastic programming framework for multi-objective optimal micro-grid operation
Niknam T, Azizipanah-Abarghooee R, Narimani MR
471 - 483 FEM modeling of the piezoelectric driving system in the design of direct-acting diesel injectors
Ferrari A, Mittica A
484 - 490 An optimal design methodology for large-scale gas liquefaction
Li YL, Wang X, Ding YL
491 - 495 Enabling inter-cooker thermal performance comparison based on cooker opto-thermal ratio (COR)
Lahkar PJ, Bhamu RK, Samdarshi SK
496 - 512 Assessment and comparison of different catalytic coupling exothermic and endothermic reactions: A review
Rahimpour MR, Dehnavi MR, Allahgholipour F, Iranshahi D, Jokar SM
513 - 533 Review on phase change materials (PCMs) for cold thermal energy storage applications
Oro E, de Gracia A, Castell A, Farid MM, Cabeza LF
534 - 544 Gasoline engine exhaust gas recirculation - A review
Wei HQ, Zhu TY, Shu GQ, Tan LL, Wang YS
545 - 554 Waste materials for carbon capture and storage by mineralisation (CCSM) - A UK perspective
Sanna A, Dri M, Hall MR, Maroto-Valer M