1 - 4 |
Heteroepitaxy of CdTe(111)B on Si(111): As Schick H, Bensing F, Hilpert U, Richter U, Hansen L, Wagner J, Wagner V, Geurts J, Waag A, Landwehr G |
5 - 8 |
Growth of CdTe on hydrogen-terminated Si(111) Seto S, Yamada S, Suzuki K |
9 - 13 |
Growth of CdTe from Te excess solution and self-compensation of doped donor Mochizuki K |
14 - 18 |
A new process for synthesizing high-purity stoichiometric cadmium telluride Zappettini A, Gorog T, Zha M, Zanotti L, Zuccalli G, Paorici C |
19 - 24 |
Growth characteristics of CdZnTe layers in metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy Yasuda K, Araki N, Samion HB, Miyata M |
25 - 29 |
Fabrication and optical properties of ZnSeTe superlattices with sinusoidal compositional modulation Lee S, Yang G, Liu X, Bindley U, Dobrowolska M, Furdyna JK, Reimer PM, Buschert JR |
30 - 34 |
Equilibrium partial pressures and crystal growth of Cd1-xZnxTe Sang WB, Qian YB, Shi WM, Wang LJ, Yang J, Liu DH |
35 - 39 |
MBE growth and characterization of ZnTe epilayers and ZnCdTe/ZnTe structures on GaAs(100) and ZnTe(100) substrates Kozlovsky VI, Krysa AB, Korostelin YV, Sadofyev YG |
40 - 44 |
Self-organized growth of HgSe quantum wires Anh TT, Wissmann H, Rogaschewski S, von Ortenberg M |
45 - 49 |
Allyl-iso-propyltelluride, a new MOVPE precursor for CdTe, HgTe and (Hg,Cd)Te Hails JE, Cole-Hamilton DJ, Stevenson J, Bell W |
50 - 54 |
ZnO growth on Si by radical source MBE Iwata K, Fons P, Niki S, Yamada A, Matsubara K, Nakahara K, Tanabe T, Takasu H |
55 - 58 |
Combinatorial laser MBE synthesis of 3d ion doped epitaxial ZnO thin films Jin ZW, Murakami M, Fukumura T, Matsumoto Y, Ohtomo A, Kawasaki M, Koinuma H |
59 - 62 |
Epitaxial growth of ZnO films on lattice-matched ScAlMgO4(0001) substrates Tamura K, Ohtomo A, Saikusa K, Osaka Y, Makino T, Segawa Y, Sumiya M, Fuke S, Koinuma H, Kawasaki M |
63 - 67 |
Plasma-assisted epitaxial growth of ZnO layer on sapphire Yamauchi S, Ashiga T, Nagayama A, Hariu T |
68 - 71 |
ZnO films grown under the oxygen-rich condition Sekiguchi T, Haga K, Inaba K |
72 - 76 |
Hydrothermal growth of ZnO single crystals and their optical characterization Sekiguchi T, Miyashita S, Obara K, Shishido T, Sakagami N |
77 - 80 |
ZnO thin films prepared by remote plasma-enhanced CVD method Haga K, Kamidaira M, Kashiwaba Y, Sekiguchi T, Watanabe H |
81 - 86 |
Evolution of initial layers of plasma-assisted MBE grown ZnO on (0001)GaN/sapphire Hong SK, Ko HJ, Chen YF, Hanada T, Yao T |
87 - 91 |
Two-dimensional growth of ZnO films on sapphire(0001) with buffer layers Chen YF, Ko HJ, Hong SK, Yao T, Segawa Y |
92 - 94 |
Effects of substrate offset angles on MBE growth of ZnO Sakurai K, Kanehiro M, Nakahara K, Tanabe T, Fujita S, Fujita S |
95 - 99 |
Molecular beam epitaxial growth and characterization of Be(Zn)Se on Si(001) and GaAs(001) Chauvet C, Tournie E, Faurie JP |
XI - XI |
II-VI Compounds 1999 - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on II-VI Compounds - Kyoto, Japan, 1-5 November 1999 -Editor's preface Suemune I, Ishibashi A |
100 - 103 |
ZnBeSe epitaxy layers grown by photo-assisted metalorganic chemical vapor deposition Zhang JY, Shen DZ, Fan XW, Yang BJ, Zheng ZH |
104 - 108 |
Traveling solvent growth of ZnSe1-xTex and BeyZn(1-y)Se1-xTex using tellurium solution Maruyama K, Suto K, Nishizawa J |
109 - 114 |
MBE growth and properties of bulk BeCdSe alloys and digital (BeSe : CdSe)/ZnSe quantum wells Ivanov SV, Toropov AA, Shubina TV, Lebedev AV, Sorokin SV, Sitnikova AA, Kop'ev PS, Reuscher G, Keim M, Bensing F, Waag A, Landwehr G, Pozina G, Bergman JP, Monemar B |
115 - 118 |
Metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy of ZnMgCdSe structures on InP Strassburg M, Strassburg M, Pohl UW, Bimberg D |
119 - 124 |
MOVPE growth of MgSe and ZnMgSe on (100)GaAs Prete P, Lovergine N, Tapfer L, Zanotti-Fregonara C, Mancini AM |
125 - 129 |
New type of ZnCdS/ZnMgCdS heterostructures lattice-matched to GaAs for selective-area growth Avramescu A, Ueta A, Uesugi K, Suemune I |
130 - 134 |
Instability and immiscibility regions in MgxZn1-xSySe1-y alloys Sorokin VS, Sorokin SV, Kaygorodov VA, Ivanov SV |
135 - 139 |
Molecular beam epitaxy and optical properties of ZnCdS/ZnMgS quantum wells on GaP Ichino K, Kariya H, Suzuki N, Ueyama K, Kitagawa M, Kobayashi H |
140 - 149 |
Self-organized quantum dots of diluted magnetic semiconductors Cd1-xMnxTe Kuroda S, Terai Y, Takita K, Takamasu T, Kido G, Hasegawa N, Kuroda T, Minami F |
150 - 153 |
Semimagnetic (Cd,Mn)Te single quantum dots - technological access and optical spectroscopy Kummell T, Bacher G, Welsch MK, Eisert D, Forchel A, Konig B, Becker C, Ossau W, Landwehr G |
154 - 158 |
Crystal growth of Cd1-x-yMnxHgyTe1-zSez by a zone-melt method using a pressurized cast ingot Onodera K, Ohba H, Sato H, Nagayama S |
159 - 162 |
p-type conductivity control of ZnMnTe and CdMnTe/ZnTe quantum wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy Yasuda T, Duc MD, Segawa Y |
163 - 166 |
In situ reflectance difference spectroscopy of intra-Mn transitions in highly N-doped II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors Bonanni A, Hingerl K, Hilber W, Stifter D, Sitter H |
167 - 171 |
CdTe/CdMnTe lateral superlattices grown on (001) C vicinal substrates Marsal L, Wasiela A, Fishman G, Michelini F, Mariette H |
172 - 177 |
MBE growth and RHEED characterization of MnSe/ZnSe superlattices on GaAs (100) substrates Ishibe I, Nabetani Y, Kato T, Matsumoto T |
178 - 182 |
Growth of self-organized dots of Cd1-xMnxTe on ZnTe by atomic layer epitaxy Terai Y, Kuroda S, Takita K |
183 - 186 |
Fabrication and optical study of quantum dots, quantum wires and quantum wells of II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors Takahashi N, Takabayashi K, Shirado E, Souma I, Shen JX, Oka Y |
187 - 191 |
Crystalline structure of ZnSe and ZnSSe epilayers grown on (100)GaAs by metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy Lovergine N, Prete P, Tapfer L, Mancini AM |
192 - 196 |
Growth of hexagonal ZnCdS on GaAs(111)B and (001) substrates by MBE Umeya H, Kitamura K, Jia A, Shimotomai M, Kato Y, Kobayashi M, Yoshikawa A, Takahashi K |
197 - 201 |
MBE growth of ZnS and ZnCdS layers on GaP Telfer SA, Morhain C, Urbaszek B, O'Donnell C, Tomasini P, Balocchi A, Prior KA, Cavenett BC |
202 - 206 |
Selective-area growth of ZnSe on patterned GaAs(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy Yamazaki Y, Chang JH, Cho MW, Sekiguchi T, Yao T |
207 - 211 |
Identification of Ag-acceptors in Ag-111/Cd-111 doped ZnTe and CdTe Hamann J, Burchard A, Deicher M, Filz T, Lany S, Ostheimer V, Strasser F, Wolf H, Wichert T |
212 - 215 |
Effect of deep traps on photo-generated carrier dynamics in high-resistivity CdTe Ghislotti G, Pietralunga SM, Ripamonti L |
216 - 219 |
Effects of wavelength upon photoluminescence properties of ZnTe layers grown by photo-assisted MOVPE Hayashida K, Nishio M, Harada H, Furukawa S, Guo QX, Ogawa H |
220 - 224 |
Photoluminescence characterization of MBE-grown ZnTexSe1-x epitaxial layers with. high Te concentrations Kishino M, Tanaka S, Senda K, Yamada Y, Taguchi T |
225 - 228 |
A study on photoluminescence of interface layer of ZnTe/CdTe heterostructure Kim YH, Kim IJ, Lee SD, Oh KN, Hong SK, Kim SU, Park MJ |
229 - 233 |
Structural and electrical properties of CdTe layers grown on ZnTe/GaAs by hydrogen transport VPE Lovergine N, Bayhan M, Prete P, Cola A, Tapfer L, Mancini AM |
234 - 239 |
Carrier transport and recombination in MOVPE-grown CdTe/ZnTe/GaAs and ZnTe/GaAs heterostructures Mizeikis V, Jarasiunas K, Lovergine N, Prete P |
240 - 244 |
Polarized photoluminescence experiments in CdTe/CdMgTe quantum Hall systems at nu=1 Imanaka Y, Takamasu T, Kido G, Karczewski G, Wojtowicz T, Kossut J |
245 - 249 |
Observation and origin of the photoluminescence spectrum showing multi-band structure from strained layer superlattice of ZnS-ZnTe Lu YM, Kato A, Matsumoto-Aoki T, Sakamoto Y, Iida S |
250 - 254 |
Photoluminescence of various Zn1-xCdxTe/ZnTe heterostructures grown by MBE on GaAs(001) and ZnTe(001) substrates: temperature dependences Bagaev VS, Zaitsev VV, Onishchenko EE, Sadofyev YG |
255 - 259 |
Reduction of surface recombination in n-type HgZnTe (x=0.16) crystal Kim KH, Oh KN, An SM, Shin DY, Hong JK, Kim YH, Kim SU, Park MJ |
260 - 264 |
The minority carrier mobility of HgCdTe measured by the modulated Hall effect Shim JC, Kim YG, Song YT, Hong JK, Hong SK, Kim SU, Park MJ |
265 - 268 |
Comparison of physical passivation of Hg1-xCdxTe Sang WB, Ju JH, Shi WM, Qian YB, Wang LJ, Xia YB, Wu WH, Fang JX, Li YJ, Zhao J, Gong HM |
269 - 274 |
Structural characterization of MBE-grown HgSe : Fe layers: X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy Szuszkiewicz W, Bak-Misiuk J, Dynowska E, Jouanne M, Morhange JF, Wissmann H, Anh TT, von Ortenberg M |
275 - 279 |
Acceptor level related Shockley-Read-Hall centres in p-HgCdTe Nishino H, Ozaki K, Tanaka M, Saito T, Ebe H, Miyamoto Y |
280 - 283 |
Luminescence properties of ZnO films grown on GaAs substrates by molecular-beam epitaxy excited by electron-cyclotron resonance oxygen plasma Kumano H, Ashrafi AA, Ueta A, Avramescu A, Suemune I |
284 - 288 |
Lateral grain size and electron mobility in ZnO epitaxial films grown on sapphire substrates Ohtomo A, Kimura H, Saito K, Makino T, Segawa Y, Koinuma H, Kawasaki M |
289 - 293 |
Optical spectra in ZnO thin films on lattice-matched substrates grown with laser-MBE method Makino T, Isoya G, Segawa Y, Chia CH, Yasuda T, Kawasaki M, Ohtomo A, Tamura K, Koinuma H |
294 - 298 |
Luminescent properties of ZnO thin films grown epitaxially on Si substrate Miyake A, Kominami H, Tatsuoka H, Kuwabara H, Nakanishi Y, Hatanaka Y |
299 - 303 |
Electronic structures of hexagonal ZnO/GaN interfaces Nakayama T, Murayama M |
304 - 307 |
Unusual combination repetitions of the zero phonon line of Ni acceptor excitons in ZnSe : Ni and ZnO : Ni due to photoinduced lattice vibrations Sokolov VI, Shirokov EA, Kislov AN, Mazurenko VG |
308 - 311 |
Time-resolved photoluminescence in ZnO epitaxial thin films studied by up-conversion method Yamamoto A, Kido T, Goto T, Chen YF, Yao TF, Kasuya A |
312 - 315 |
Effects of thermal annealing of ZnO layers grown by MBE Ogata K, Sakurai K, Fujita S, Fujita S, Matsushige K |
316 - 320 |
BeTe-ZnSe type-II heterojunctions Waag A, Keim M, Reuscher G, Gerhard T, Platonov AV, Yakovlev DR, Molenkamp LW, Landwehr G |
321 - 324 |
Wide bandgap over 3 eV and high p-doping BeZnTe grown on InP substrates by molecular beam epitaxy Che SB, Nomura I, Shinozaki W, Kikuchi A, Shimomura K, Kishino K |
325 - 329 |
Band offset determination in ZnSe-based heterostructures involving ZnBeSe Kim M, Kim CS, Lee S, Furdyna JK, Dobrowolska M |
330 - 334 |
Structural properties and relaxation behavior of short-period BeTe/ZnSe superlattices Gerthsen D, Walter T, Fischer F, Gerhard T, Waag A, Landwehr G |
335 - 339 |
Photoluminescence characterization of MBE grown Zn1-xBexSe Kuskovsky I, Tian C, Sudbrack C, Neumark GF, Guo SP, Tamargo MC |
340 - 344 |
Electronic band structure of quaternary Be-chalcogenides, studied by ultraviolet ellipsometry and photoreflectance spectroscopy Wagner V, Fleszar A, Geurts J, Reuscher G, Keim M, Waag A, Landwehr G, Wilmers K, Esser N, Richter W |
345 - 349 |
Giant quantum-confined Pockels effect in type-II heterostructures Yakovlev DR, Platonov AV, Kochereshko VP, Ivchenko EL, Keim M, Ossau W, Waag A, Landwehr G |
350 - 354 |
Energy band gap of the alloy Zn1-xMgxSeyTe1-y lattice matched to ZnTe, InAs and InP Shim K, Rabitz H, Chang JH, Yao TF |
355 - 358 |
ZnSe/ZnMgSSe structures on ZnSSe substrates Krysa AB, Korostelin YV, Kozlovsky VI, Shapkin PV, Kalisch H, Ruland R, Heuken M, Heime K |
359 - 363 |
Raman investigation of Zn1-xMgxSe1-yTey quaternary alloys grown by molecular beam epitaxy Makino H, Sasaki H, Chang JH, Yao T |
364 - 367 |
Optical and structural characterization of MgxZn1-xS mixed films grown by low-pressure MOCVD Yoshimura K, Yamada Y, Taguchi T |
368 - 372 |
Optical properties of ZnS/ZnMgS strained-layer quantum wells Ichino K, Suzuki N, Kariya H, Ueyama K, Kitagawa M, Kobayashi H |
373 - 377 |
Properties of lattice matched ZnMgSeTe quaternary alloys grown on ZnTe substrates Chang JH, Cho MW, Makino H, Shim K, Rabitz H, Yao T |
378 - 386 |
II-VI quantum structures with tunable electron g-factor Wojtowicz T, Kutrowski M, Karczewski G, Kossut J, Konig B, Keller A, Yakovlev DR, Waag A, Geurts J, Ossau W, Landwehr G, Merkulov IA, Teran FJ, Potemski M |
387 - 390 |
Carrier-induced ferromagnetic interactions in p-doped Zn(1-x)MnxTe epilayers Ferrand D, Cibert J, Bourgognon C, Tatarenko S, Wasiela A, Fishman G, Bonanni A, Sitter H, Kolesnik S, Jaroszyski J, Barcz A, Dietl T |
391 - 394 |
Nonlinear properties of intraionic luminescence of Mn2+ in dilute magnetic semiconductors CdMnTe and CdMnMgTe Aguekian VF, Vasil'ev NN, Serov AY, Filosofov NG |
395 - 399 |
CdSe quantum dots in a Zn1-xMnxSe matrix: new effects due to the presence of Mn Kim CS, Kim M, Lee S, Kossut J, Furdyna JK, Dobrowolska M |
400 - 404 |
Cyclotron resonance in Cd1-xMnxTe : I at very high magnetic fields Matsuda YH, Miura N, Kuroda S, Shibuya M, Takita K |
405 - 409 |
Lifetime of red and yellow emissions of ZnS-CdS(Se,Te): Mn superlattices Kiichi T, Ito K, Ohyama T, Fujii K, Ishikawa T, Nakamura T, Fujiyasu H |
410 - 414 |
Optical properties of undoped and Mn2+-doped CdS nanocrystals in polymer Tanaka M, Qi JF, Masumoto Y |
415 - 419 |
Excitonic coherent gain induced by giant Zeeman splitting in Cd1-xMnxTe quantum wells Akimoto R, Sasaki F, Kobayashi S, Ando K, Karczewski G, Wojtowicz T |
420 - 423 |
Quasi-zero-dimensional excitons in quantum well structures of CdTe/CdMnTe Godlewski M, Narkowicz R, Wojtowicz T, Bergman JP, Monemar B |
424 - 427 |
Submillimeter wave ESR study of Cd1-xMnxTe Nojiri H, Motokawa M, Takeyama S, Sato T |
428 - 431 |
Pressure effect on the exchange interaction in the interface region of a CdTe/CdMnTe quantum-well structure Yokoi H, Tozer S, Kim Y, Takeyama S, Wojtowicz T, Karczewski G, Kossut J |
432 - 435 |
Interaction of localized excitons in semimagnetic quantum wells with manganese spin pairs Puls J, Henneberger F |
436 - 440 |
Novel approach to description of optical and magnetotransport data in dilute magnetic semiconductors near semimetal-semiconductor transition Tarasov GG, Mazur YI, Kuz'menko EV, Belyaev AE, Hoerstel W, Kraak W, Masselink WT |
441 - 446 |
Photoluminescence fatigue of ZnSe semiconductor under ultraviolet irradiation Liem NQ, Lee JI, Quang VX, Thanh DX, Kim D, Son JS, Noh SK |
447 - 451 |
Generation of misfit dislocations due to thermally induced strain - a study by temperature-dependent HRXRD Grossmann V, Heinke H, Leonardi K, Hommel D |
452 - 456 |
Vacancy ordering/disordering and electronic structures of II1III2VI4 compounds Ishikawa M, Nakayama T |
457 - 459 |
Optical manifestation of stacking faults in CdS1-xSex crystals Grigorieva NR, Grigoriev RV, Denisov EP, Fedorov DL, Kazennov BA, Novikov BV |
460 - 464 |
Optical properties of ZnSxSe1-x (x < 0.18) random and ordered alloys grown by metalorganic atomic layer epitaxy Song JH, Sim ED, Baek KS, Chang SK |
465 - 468 |
High magnetic field cyclotron resonance in CdS: Explanation of the non-monotonic temperature dependence of the cyclotron mass Devreese JT, Fomin VM, Gladilin VN, Imanaka Y, Miura N |
469 - 473 |
Band structure parameters of Zn1-xCdxSe investigated by spin-flip Raman spectroscopy Wolverson D, Karimov OZ, Davies JJ, Irvine SJC, Ahmed MU, Telfer SA, Prior KA, Ogata K, Fujita S, Fujita S |
474 - 477 |
Ab initio energy calculation of nitrogen-related defects in ZnSe Gundel S, Albert D, Nurnberger J, Faschinger W |
478 - 481 |
Direct observation of hydrogen passivation of nitrogen-related energy levels in ZnSe and ZnSxSe1-x grown by MBE Seghier D, Gudmundsson JT, Gislason HP |
482 - 486 |
Properties of the nitrogen acceptor in Zn1-xMgxSe alloys with varying Mg concentration Morhain C, Seghier D, Vogele B, O'Donnell C, Prior KA, Cavenett BC, Gislason HP |
487 - 491 |
MBE grown BeTe and ZnBeTe films as a new p-contact layer of ZnSe-based II-VI lasers Cho MW, Hong SK, Chang JH, Saeki S, Nakajima M, Yao T |
492 - 496 |
Optimization of ZnSe/ZnTe superlattice structured p-contact for ZnSe-based optical devices Abe T, Ishikura H, Saomoto Y, Goto K, Masuda K, Shirai T, Yamada H, Kuroda S, Kasada H, Ando K |
497 - 501 |
Shallow donors in ultrathin nitrogen-doped ZnSe layers - a novel or a disregarded compensation mechanism in II-VI device structures? Strauf S, Michler P, Gutowski J, Klude M, Hommel D |
502 - 506 |
Electrically stable p-type doping of ZnSe grown by molecular beam epitaxy with different nitrogen activators Jmerik VN, Sorokin SV, Shubina TV, Shmidt NM, Sedova IV, Fedorov DL, Ivanov SV, Kop'ev PS |
507 - 510 |
Hydrogen/deuterium: a probe to investigate carrier-compensation in ZnSe : N Tournie E, Pelletier H, Neu G, Theys B, Lusson A, Teisseire M, Chauvet C, Faurie JP |
511 - 515 |
Investigation of persistent photoconductivity in nitrogen-doped ZnSe/GaAs heterojunctions grown by MBE Seghier D, Gislason HP |
516 - 519 |
p-type II-VI compounds doped by rare-earth elements Georgobiani AN, Kotljarevsky MB, Kidalov VV, Rogozin IV, Aminov UA |
520 - 523 |
Pattern doping on CdTe by excimer laser irradiation Mochizuki D, Niraula M, Aoki T, Nagai T, Kinoshita M, Hatanaka Y |
524 - 528 |
Periodic doping of GaAs : Zn p-type nano-clusters in ZnSe grown by metalorganic molecular-beam epitaxy Hirose J, Suemune I, Ueta A, Machida H, Shimoyama N |
529 - 532 |
Electrical properties of Sb-doped ZnSe grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Goto H, Ido T, Takatsuka A |
533 - 536 |
Infrared absorption of Li accepters in ZnSe Nakata H, Yamada K, Ohyama T |
537 - 541 |
n-type ZnSe crystal growth by MOVPE under atmospheric pressure with UV irradiation on stoichiometry-controlled p-type ZnSe crystals Sakurai F, Suto K, Oyama Y, Nishizawa J |
542 - 546 |
Anomaly in growth rate of Cl-doped ZnSe layer grown by molecular beam epitaxy Yoneta M, Ohishi M, Saito H, Hayashi M, Uechi H |
547 - 551 |
In situ measurement of carrier concentration in n-ZnSe by reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS) Kumagai N, Yasuda T, Hanada T, Yao T |
552 - 555 |
Unipolarity of ZnO with a wide-band gap and its solution using codoping method Yamamoto T, Katayama-Yoshida H |
556 - 561 |
Effect and comparison of co-doping of Ag, Ag plus In, and Ag+Clin ZnS : N/GaAs layers prepared by vapor-phase epitaxy Kishimoto S, Hasegawa T, Kinto H, Matsumoto O, Iida S |
562 - 566 |
Study of site change of Li impurities in ZnSe by co-doping with iodine Suemune I, Ohsawa H, Tawara T, Machida H, Shimoyama N |
567 - 571 |
The role of impurity bands and electron-phonon interaction in formation of near-band-edge PL spectra of compensated ZnSe Gurskii AL, Voitikov SV, Hamadeh H, Kalisch H, Heuken M, Heime K |
572 - 575 |
Photoluminescence and photoacoustic spectra of N-doped ZnSe epitaxial layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy Yoshino K, Yoneta M, Saito H, Ohishi M, Chan LH, Abe T, Ando K, Ikari T |
576 - 580 |
Optical properties of ZnSe, ZnCdSe and ZnSSe alloys doped with iron Surkova TP, Kaczor P, Zakrzewski AJ, Swiatek K, Ivanov VY, Godlewski M, Polimeni A, Eaves L, Giriat W |
581 - 584 |
Magneto-optics on p-type ZnSe epilayers: the dependence on the nitrogen doping concentration Gravier L, Makino H, Arai K, Sasaki H, Kimura K, Miwa S, Yao T |
585 - 589 |
Analysis of cadmium diffusion in ZnSe by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy Heinke H, Passow T, Stockmann A, Selke H, Leonardi K, Hommel D |
590 - 594 |
Engineered interface properties in ZnSSe/GaAs heterovalent heterostructures Funato M, Fujita S, Fujita S |
595 - 601 |
RHEED study of atomic steps on ZnSe surface growing on vicinal GaAs substrates Abe H, Kanemaru M, Egawa T, Nabetani Y, Kato T, Matsumoto T |
602 - 605 |
Comparative study of molecular beam and migration-enhanced epitaxy of ZnCdSe quantum wells: influence on interface and composition fluctuations Seedorf T, Cornelissen M, Leonardi K, Hommel D, Selke H, Ryder PL |
606 - 609 |
Growth of (Zn)CdSe quantum structures on vicinal GaAs(001) substrates: step flow growth versus strain effects Passow T, Heinke H, Kayser D, Leonardi K, Hommel D |
610 - 615 |
Strain distribution around the step edge of ZnSe/CdSe/ZnSe strained quantum well grown on vicinal GaAs substrate Nabetani Y, Kato T, Matsumoto T |
616 - 624 |
Spin-flip Raman scattering studies of II-VI heterostructures Davies JJ, Wolverson D, Karimov OZ, Griffin IJ |
625 - 629 |
Investigation of mid-infrared intersubband transitions in CdS : Cl/ZnSe quantum wells Goppert M, Becker R, Petillon S, Grun M, Maier C, Dinger A, Klingshirn C |
630 - 633 |
Spill relaxation and spin-dependent exciton interactions in ZnSe quantum wells Kalt H, Hoffmann J, Trondle D, Wachter S, Luerssen D, Hagele D, Ruhle WW, Oestreich M, Blewett IJ, Galbraith I |
634 - 638 |
Stacking-fault-induced pairs of localizing centers in ZnSe quantum wells Luerssen D, Bleher R, Kalt H, Richter H, Schimmel T, Rosenauer A, Litvinov D, Kamilli A, Gerthsen D, Jobst B, Ohkawa K, Hommel D |
639 - 645 |
Time-space-resolved photoluminescence from (Zn,Cd)Se-based quantum structures Okamoto K, Ko HC, Kawakami Y, Fujita S |
646 - 650 |
Strain-dependent negative excitonic masses in ZnCdSe/Zn(S)Se superlattices Semjonow AJ, Pohl UW |
651 - 655 |
Multiphonon relaxation in ZnSe/ZnCdSe superlattice Melnik NN, Sadofyev YG, Zavaritskaya TN |
656 - 659 |
Resonant Raman scattering of submono-layer CdSe/ZnSe superlattices Reshina II, Toropov AA, Ivanov SV, Mirlin DN, Keim M, Waag A, Landwehr G |
660 - 664 |
Exciton localization in cubic CdS/ZnSe type-II quantum-well structures Dinger A, Baldauf M, Petillon S, Hepting A, Luerssen D, Grun M, Kalt H, Klingshirn C |
665 - 670 |
Potential profile and quantum energy level in ZnSe/CdSe/ZnSe strained quantum well grown on vicinal GaAs substrate Nabetani Y, Kato T, Matsumoto T |
671 - 675 |
Cathodoluminescence and TEM studies of MBE-grown CdSe submonolayers in ZnSe matrix, cladded by ZnSSe, ZnSe and ZnMgSe Trubenko PA, Kozlovsky VI, Roddatis VV |
676 - 679 |
Lattice dynamical properties of cubic CdS/ZnSe strained-layer superlattices Dinger A, Becker R, Goppert M, Petillon S, Grun M, Klingshirn C, Liang J, Wagner V, Geurts J |
680 - 683 |
Self-assembled CdS quantum-dot structures grown on ZnSe and ZnSSe Kitamura K, Umeya H, Jia A, Shimotomai M, Kato Y, Kobayashi M, Yoshikawa A, Takahashi K |
684 - 689 |
Be-induced CdSe island formation in CdSe/ZnSe sub-monolayer superlattices Keim M, Korn M, Bensing F, Waag A, Landwehr G, Ivanov SV, Sorokin SV, Sitnikova AA, Shubina TV, Toropov AA |
690 - 693 |
In situ RHEED study of CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots formation during alternate beam supply and photoluminescence properties Ohishi M, Saito H, Yoneta M, Ichikawa T, Fujimoto T |
694 - 697 |
Self-assembling CdTe quantum dots on ZnSe by alternate supplying and molecular beam epitaxial method Matsumura N, Kimura Y, Endo H, Saraie J |
698 - 702 |
Investigations on the formation kinetics of CdSe quantum dots Schikora D, Schwedhelm S, Kudryashov I, Lischka K, Litvinov D, Rosenauer A, Gerthsen D, Strassburg M, Hoffmann A, Bimberg D |
703 - 706 |
Self-organized formation processes of CdSe quantum dots studied by reflection high-energy electron diffraction Arai K, Hanada T, Yao T |
707 - 711 |
Structural and chemical analysis of CdSe islands in a ZnSe matrix by transmission electron microscopy Gerthsen D, Rosenauer A, Litvinov D, Peranio N |
712 - 716 |
Properties and self-organization of CdSe : S quantum islands grown with a cadmium sulfide compound source Kurtz E, Schmidt M, Baldauf M, Wachter S, Grun M, Litvinov D, Hong SK, Shen JX, Yao T, Gerthsen D, Kalt H, Klingshirn C |
717 - 721 |
CdSe/ZnSSe quantum islands grown by MOVPE on homoepitaxial GaAs buffers Pohl UW, Strassburg M, Strassburg M, Krestnikov IL, Engelhardt R, Rodt S, Bimberg D |
722 - 726 |
Quantum island formation in CdS/ZnS heterostructures grown by MOVPE Meyne C, Pohl UW, Richter W, Strassburg M, Hoffmann A, Turck V, Rodt S, Bimberg D, Gerthsen D |
727 - 731 |
Defect-induced island formation in CdSe/ZnSe structures Shubina TV, Sitnikova AA, Solov'ev VA, Toropov AA, Sedova IV, Ivanov SV, Keim M, Waag A, Landwehr G |
732 - 736 |
Self-organized nucleation of sharply defined nanostructures during growth into shadow masks Schumacher C, Faschinger W |
737 - 741 |
Spin and exchange effects in CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots probed by single-dot spectroscopy Weigand R, Seufert J, Bacher G, Kulakovskii VD, Kummell T, Forchel A, Leonardi K, Hommel D |
742 - 746 |
Fine structure of the exciton in a single asymmetric CdTe quantum dot Besombes L, Marsal L, Kheng K, Charvolin T, Dang LS, Wasiela A, Mariette H |
747 - 751 |
Dephasing and interaction of excitons in CdSe/ZnSe islands Wagner HP, Tranitz HP, Preis H, Langbein W, Hvam JM |
752 - 755 |
Photoluminescence core-level excitation of CdSe quantum dot structures Maehashi K, Kobayashi K, Ota T, Nakashima H, Ishiwata Y, Shin S |
756 - 760 |
Optical identification of quantum dot types in CdSe/ZnSe structures Strassburg M, Deniozou T, Hoffmann A, Rodt S, Turck V, Heitz R, Pohl UW, Bimberg D, Litvinov D, Rosenauer A, Gerthsen D, Schwedhelm S, Kudryashov I, Lischka K, Schikora D |
761 - 764 |
Optical observation of quantum-dot formation in sub-critical CdSe layers grown on ZnSe Kim CS, Kim M, Lee S, Furdyna JK, Dobrowolska M, Rho H, Smith LM, Jackson HE |
765 - 769 |
Time-resolved photoluminescence of ZnCdSe single quantum dots Zhang BP, Li YQ, Yasuda T, Segawa Y, Edamatsu K, Itoh T |
770 - 773 |
Temperature dependence of photoluminescence spectra of self-organized CdSe quantum dots Murase Y, Ota T, Yasui N, Shikimi A, Noma T, Maehashi K, Nakashima H |
774 - 777 |
Fine structure of the exciton groundstate in self-assembled CdSe quantum dots Puls J, Rabe M, Henneberger F |
778 - 781 |
Micro-photoluminescence from CdSe quantum dots Ota T, Murase Y, Noma T, Maehashi K, Nakashima H, Oto K, Murase K |
782 - 786 |
Raman characterization of CdTe/CdS-"core-shell"-clusters in colloids and films Schreder B, Schmidt T, Ptatschek V, Spanhel L, Materny A, Kiefer W |
787 - 791 |
Raman investigation of CdxZn1-xSe/ZnSe quantum wires: length dependence of the strain relaxation Schreder B, Kummell T, Bacher G, Forchel A, Landwehr G, Materny A, Kiefer W |
792 - 796 |
Resonance Raman spectroscopy and excitation profile of CdxZn1-xSe/ZnSe quantum wires Schreder B, Kummell T, Bacher G, Forchel A, Landwehr G, Materny A, Kiefer W |
797 - 800 |
Recombination dynamics of excitons in Cd1-xMnxTe epilayers and quantum wells by time-resolved photoluminescence Debnath MC, Shen JX, Shirado E, Souma I, Sato T, Pittini R, Oka Y |
801 - 805 |
Coexistence of excitons and free carriers in Cd1-xMnxTe/ZnTe multiple-quantum wells Pittini R, Shen JX, Takahashi M, Oka Y |
806 - 809 |
Dynamics of excitons near the mobility edge in CdSe/ZnSe superlattices Toropov AA, Shubina TV, Lebedev AV, Sorokin SV, Ivanov SV, Pozina GR, Bergman JP, Monemar B |
810 - 814 |
Excitonic absorption and gain in ZnSe Peng QY, Schmielau T, Manzke G, Henneberger K |
815 - 818 |
Magneto-luminescence spectroscopy of biexcitons in ZnS epitaxial layers Yamada Y, Sakashita T, Watanabe H, Kugimiya H, Nakamura S, Taguchi T |
819 - 822 |
Biexcitons in CdMnTe/CdTe/CdMgTe single quantum well Adachi S, Takagi Y, Takeyama S |
823 - 826 |
Magneto-optics of charged excitons in ZnSe/ZnMgSSe quantum wells Yakovlev DR, Nickel HA, McCombe BD, Keller A, Astakhov GV, Kochereshko VP, Ossau W, Nurnberger J, Faschinger W, Landwehr G |
827 - 831 |
A detailed study of the dynamics of charged excitons in CdTe/CdMgZnTe quantum wells Vanelle E, Brinkmann D, Gilliot P, Paillard M, Marie X, Amand T, Honerlage B, Cibert J, Tatarenko S |
832 - 836 |
The trion spin-singlet and -triplet states in ZnSe single quantum wells Homburg O, Michler P, Sebald K, Gutowski J, Wenisch H, Hommel D |
837 - 841 |
Oscillator strengths of charged excitons: combining magnetoabsorption and photoluminescence dynamics in semimagnetic quantum wells Kossacki P, Ciulin V, Cibert J, d'Aubigne YM, Arnoult A, Bourgognon C, Wasiela A, Tatarenko S, Staehli JL, Graniere JD, Deveaud B, Gaj JA |
842 - 846 |
Dephasing of negatively charged excitons in ZnMgSe/ZnSe single quantum wells Tranitz HP, Schuster R, Wagner HP |
847 - 851 |
Four-wave-mixing spectroscopy of localized excitons in CdS1-xSex Dinger A, Ell R, Reznitsky A, Klingshirn C |
852 - 855 |
Intensity dependence of signals obtained in four-wave-mixing geometry: influence of higher-order contributions Haase B, Neukirch U, Meinertz J, Gutowski J, Axt VM, Bartels G, Stahl A, Nurnberger J, Faschinger W |
856 - 861 |
Line shape of four-wave-mixing signals: dependence on sample geometry and excitation conditions Haase B, Neukirch U, Gutowski J, Nurnberger J, Faschinger W, Behringer M, Hommel D, Axt VM, Bartels G, Stahl A |
862 - 865 |
Nonlinear polaritons in II-VI MQW heterostructures Santer M, Meinertz J, Gutowski J, Pereira MF |
866 - 869 |
Sub-nanosecond all-optical switching in CdZnTe Zappettini A, Cerati L, Milani A, Pietralunga SM, Martinelli M |
870 - 874 |
Seeded-vapour-phase free growth and characterization of ZnTe single crystals Korostelin YV, Kozlovsky VI, Shapkin PV |
875 - 879 |
Melt growth of twin-free ZnSe single crystals Wang JF, Omino A, Isshiki M |
880 - 884 |
Growth and characterisation of bulk Zn1-xBexSe, Zn1-x-yMgxBeySe and Zn1-xBexTe crystals Firszt F, Legowski S, Meczynska H, Szatkowski J, Banasiak A, Paszkowicz W, Falke U, Schultze S, Hietschold M |
885 - 888 |
Characterization of Cd1-xMnxTe crystals grown by the Bridgman method and the zone melt method Sato H, Onodera K, Ohba H |
889 - 893 |
The effect of (Al, I) impurities and heat treatment on lattice parameter of single-crystal ZnSe Udono H, Kikuma I, Okada Y |
894 - 898 |
Solid-phase recrystallization of ZnS ceramics in phase transition region Lott K, Anan'eva G, Gorokhova E |
899 - 903 |
Weak- and strong-field magnetooptics of wurtzite CdSe: parameters of quasi-cubic approximation Kapustina AB, Petrov BV, Rodina AV, Seisyan RP |
904 - 908 |
Hall effect investigations of Cd1-xMgxSe and Zn1-xMgxSe bulk crystals Perzynska K, Firszt F, Legowski S, Meczynska H, Szatkowski J, Biernacka M, Gajlewicz A, Tarasenko S, Zaleski P |
909 - 912 |
Drift mobility measurements on undoped Cd0.9Zn0.1Te grown by high-pressure Bridgman technique Suzuki K, Iwata A, Seto S, Sawada T, Imai K |
913 - 917 |
Characterization of electro-optic shielding effect in bulk CdTe : In crystals Milani A, Bocchi E, Zappettini A, Pietralunga SM, Martinelli M |
918 - 925 |
Recent progress in the development of full color SrS-based electroluminescent phosphors Summers CJ, Wagner BK, Tong W, Park W, Chaichimansour M, Xin YB |
926 - 930 |
"Quantum-confined atoms": novel luminescent centers for future II-VI devices Bhargava RN |
931 - 934 |
Luminescent properties of ZnxMg1-xS: Mn thin film electroluminescent devices Inoue R, Kitagawa M, Horii Y, Kinba S, Nishigaki T, Ichino K, Tanaka S, Kobayashi H |
935 - 938 |
Efficient luminescence from Sm-doped ZnSSe/undoped-ZnS multi-quantum wells Yamada H, Tanaka M, Maruyama T, Masumoto Y, Yao T, Akimoto K |
939 - 943 |
The effect of cadmium doping on the photoluminescence in CaS at 77 and 295 K Ray B, Bickerton JC, Brightwell JW, Viney IVF |
944 - 949 |
Energy levels of defects in electroluminescent ZnS : Mn thin films exhibiting hysteresis and self-organized patterns Vlasenko NA, Denisova ZL, Veligura LI, Zuccaro S, Niedernostheide FJ, Purwins HG |
950 - 953 |
Hot-wall deposition using alternative source supply for SrS based electroluminescent phosphor thin films Ohmi K, Fujiwara T, Fukada H, Tanaka S, Kobayashi H |
954 - 957 |
Quenching mechanism of luminescence in Sm-doped ZnS Maruyama T, Yamada H, Mochizuki T, Akimoto K, Yagi E |
958 - 962 |
Optical properties of Te-doped CaxSr1-xS Kato T, Kagawa H, Kanie H |
963 - 966 |
Dependence of luminescent properties of blue-emitting CaS : Cu,F thin films on annealing condition Kawasumi A, Nakajima T, Kominami H, Nakanishi Y, Hatanaka Y |
967 - 973 |
Defect complexes formed with Ag atoms in CdTe, ZnTe, and ZnSe Wolf H, Filz T, Ostheimer V, Hamann J, Lany S, Wichert T |
974 - 978 |
Compensating related defects in In-doped bulk CdTe Seto S, Suzuki K, Abastillas VN, Inabe K |
979 - 982 |
Passivation and reactivation of shallow level defects in p-CdTe after low-energy hydrogen implantation Reislohner U, Achtziger N, Hulsen C, Witthuhn W |
983 - 987 |
Deep-level transient spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence of CdxZn1-xTe/ZnTe QW structures grown on GaAs(100) by MBE Kozlovsky VI, Sadofyev YG, Litvinov VG |
988 - 992 |
Reversible conductivity control and quantitative identification of compensating defects in ZnSe bulk crystals Prokesch M, Irmscher K, Gebauer J, Krause-Rehberg R |
993 - 1001 |
Excitons, microcavity physics and devices in wide bandgap semiconductors Nurmikko AV |
II-VI Compounds 1999 - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on II-VI Compounds - Kyoto, Japan, 1-5 November 1999 -Chairman's preface Fujita S |
1002 - 1009 |
Mechanisms of polariton stimulation in a microcavity Andre R, Boeuf F, Romestain R, Dang LS, Peronne E, Lampin JF, Hulin D, Alexandrou A |
1010 - 1014 |
Polariton-biexciton transitions in a ZnSe-based microcavity Neukirch U, Bolton SR, Fromer NA, Sham LJ, Chemla DS |
1015 - 1018 |
Micro-cavity lasing of optically excited CdS thin films at room temperature Bagnall DM, Ullrich B, Sakai H, Segawa Y |
1019 - 1023 |
MOVPE growth of ZnSe/ZnMgS distributed Bragg reflectors with high refractive-index contrast Tawara T, Suemune I, Tanaka S |
1024 - 1028 |
Enhancement of spontaneous emission by ZnS-based II-VI semiconductor photonic dots Ueta A, Avramescu A, Suemune I, Machida H, Shimoyama N |
1029 - 1034 |
Current status and future prospects of ZnSe-based light-emitting devices Itoh S, Nakano K, Ishibashi A |
1035 - 1039 |
Microscopic defect induced slow-mode degradation in II-VI based blue-green laser diodes Adachi M, Aung ZM, Minami K, Koizumi K, Watanabe M, Kawamoto S, Yamaguchi T, Kasada H, Abe T, Ando K, Nakano K, Ishibashi A, Itoh S |
1040 - 1044 |
Influence of driving conditions on the stability of ZnSe-based cw-laser diodes Klude M, Fehrer M, Grossmann V, Hommel D |
1045 - 1048 |
Low threshold II-VI laser diodes with transversal and longitudinal single-mode emission Legge M, Bacher G, Forchel A, Klude M, Fehrer M, Hommel D |
1049 - 1053 |
High-resolution X-ray diffraction study of degrading ZnSe-based laser diodes Gerhard T, Albert D, Faschinger W |
1054 - 1057 |
Lateral-index-guided ZnCdSSe lasers Strassburg M, Schulz O, Pohl UW, Bimberg D, Klude M, Hommel D |
1058 - 1063 |
Full-color light-emitting diodes from ZnCdMgSe/ZnCdSe quantum well structures grown on InP substrates Tamargo MC, Lin W, Guo SP, Guo Y, Luo Y, Chen YC |
1064 - 1070 |
ZnSe-based white LEDs Katayama K, Matsubara H, Nakanishi F, Nakamura T, Doi H, Saegusa A, Mitsui T, Matsuoka T, Irikura M, Takebe T, Nishine S, Shirakawa T |
1071 - 1074 |
ZnSe/BeTe type-II LEDs emitting between 640 and 515 nm Reuscher G, Keim M, Lugauer HJ, Waag A, Landwehr G |
1075 - 1079 |
Internal photoluminescence in ZnSe homoepitaxy and application in blue-green-orange mixed-color light-emitting diodes Wenisch H, Fehrer M, Klude M, Ohkawa K, Hommel D |
1080 - 1084 |
ZnTe pure green light-emitting diodes fabricated by thermal diffusion Sato K, Hanafusa M, Noda A, Arakawa A, Uchida M, Asahi T, Oda O |
1085 - 1090 |
Design of new UV/blue/green light emitters made of hexagonal-phase ZnMgCdOSSe mixed-crystal system fabricated on GaAs- and InP-(111) substrates Jia A, Furushima T, Kobayashi M, Kato Y, Shimotomai M, Yoshikawa A, Takahashi K |
1091 - 1095 |
Room-temperature 340 nm ultraviolet electroluminescence from ZnS-based light-emitting diodes Nakamura S, Yamada Y, Taguchi T |
1096 - 1099 |
Efficient blue-green light-emitting diodes of ZnSSe : Te/ZnMgSSe DH structure grown by molecular-beam epitaxy Lee HC, Abe T, Watanabe M, Aung ZM, Adachi M, Shirai T, Yamada H, Kuroda S, Kasada H, Ando K |
1100 - 1105 |
Status of HgCdTe-MBE technology for producing dual-band infrared detectors Rajavel RD, Brewer PD, Jamba DM, Jensen JE, LeBeau C, Olson GL, Roth JA, Williamson WS, Bangs JW, Goetz P, Johnson JL, Patten EA, Wilson JA |
1106 - 1110 |
Characterisation of dark current in novel Hg1-xCdxTe mid-wavelength infrared photovoltaic detectors based on n-on-p junctions formed by plasma-induced type conversion Rais MH, Musca CA, Antoszewski J, Dell JM, Nener BD, Faraone L |
1111 - 1115 |
The comparison on the performance of a gamma-ray spectrometer with the variation of Pt(Au)/CdZnTe/Pt(Au) interface Lee SH, Kim IJ, Choi YJ, Hong JK, Lee HK, Chung YC, Yi Y, Kim SU, Park MJ |
1116 - 1120 |
Performance of CdTe gamma-ray detectors fabricated in a new M-pi-n design Niraula M, Mochizuki D, Aoki T, Tomita Y, Hatanaka Y |
1121 - 1124 |
Growth of CdZnTe and CdSeTe crystals for p-i-n radiation detectors Noda D, Aoki T, Nakanishi Y, Hatanaka Y |
1125 - 1129 |
Temperature dependence of the responsivity of ZnS-based UV detectors Sou IK, Ma ZH, Zhang ZQ, Wong GKL |
1130 - 1133 |
High quantum efficiency blue-ultraviolet ZnSe pin photodiode grown by MBE Ishikura H, Fukuda N, Itoi M, Yasumoto K, Abe T, Kasada H, Ando K |
1134 - 1137 |
Demonstration of blue-ultraviolet avalanche photo-diodes of II-VI wide bandgap compounds grown by MBE Abe T, Ishikura H, Fukuda N, Aung ZM, Adachi M, Kasada H, Ando K |
1138 - 1141 |
High-sensitivity p-i-n-detectors for the visible spectral range based on wide-gap II-VI materials Faschinger W, Ehinger M, Schallenberg T |
1142 - 1147 |
Characterization of CdS thin film in high efficient CdS/CdTe solar cells Tsuji M, Aramoto T, Ohyama H, Hibino T, Omura K |
1148 - 1151 |
Optical and electrical characterizations of highly efficient CdTe thin film solar cells prepared by close-spaced sublimation Okamoto T, Yamada A, Konagai M |
1152 - 1154 |
Performance improvement of CdZnTe detectors using modified two-terminal electrode geometry Parnham K, Glick JB, Szeles C, Lynn KG |
1155 - 1157 |
n- and p-type post-growth self-doping of CdTe single crystals Lyahovitskaya V, Chernyak L, Greenberg J, Kaplan L, Cahen D |
1158 - 1159 |
Two-dimensional localization of excitons in QWs formed by II-VI solid solutions Permogorov S, Klochikhin A, Reznitsky A, Tenishev L, Ivanov S, Sorokin S, Klingshirn C |
1160 - 1162 |
Phonon relaxation in CdSSe semiconductor quantum dots studied by femtosecond time-resolved resonant four-wave mixing spectroscopy Waltner P, Materny A, Kiefer W |
1163 - 1165 |
ZnSe : Sb/ZnSe : Cl heteroepitaxial LED grown by MOVPE Kalisch H, Hamadeh H, Ruland R, Berntgen J, Krysa A, Heuken M |