1 - 5 |
Growth of (NaxKy)FezSe2 crystals by chlorides flux at low temperatures Wang G, Ying TP, Huang YB, Jin SF, Yan L, Ding H, Chen XL |
6 - 10 |
Access and in situ growth of phosphorene-precursor black phosphorus Kopf M, Eckstein N, Pfister D, Grotz C, Kruger I, Greiwe M, Hansen T, Kohlmann H, Nilges T |
11 - 15 |
Yb-doped LiGd1-xLux(WO4)(2) single crystal fibers grown from the melt and optical characterization Rekik B, Derbal M, Benamara O, Lebbou K |
16 - 18 |
Growth of tellurium doped ultra-broadband tunnel junction for the next generation 5J solar cell Li XY, Zhang W, Lu HB, Chen KJ, Zhou DY |
19 - 22 |
Thermodynamic study of beta-Ga2O3 growth by halide vapor phase epitaxy Nomura K, Goto K, Togashi R, Murakami H, Kumagai Y, Kuramata A, Yamakoshi S, Koukitu A |
23 - 28 |
Effect of electromagnetic stirring on the enrichment of primary silicon from Al-Si melt Yu WZ, Ma WH, Lv GQ, Xue HY, Li SY, Dai YN |
29 - 34 |
Morphological and structural evolution during thermally physical vapor phase growth of PbI2 polycrystalline thin films Sun H, Zhu XH, Yang DY, Yang J, Gao XY, Li X |
35 - 38 |
Unique surface structure formations on a Ge-covered Si(110)-16 x 2 surface Yokoyama Y, Uozumi Y, Asaoka H |
39 - 43 |
Facile synthesis of colloidal InAs nanocrystals using triphenylarsine as an arsenic source Uesugi H, Kita M, Omata T |
44 - 51 |
High-speed growth of Si single bulk crystals by expanding low-temperature region in Si melt using noncontact crucible method Nakajima K, Morishita K, Murai R |
52 - 58 |
Influence of temperature-dependent thermophysical properties of sapphire on the modeling of Kyropoulos cooling process Jin ZL, Fang HS, Yang N, Zhang Z, Wang S, Xu JF |
59 - 63 |
Characterization of low angle grain boundary in large sapphire crystal grown by the Kyropoulos method Yu GJ, Hu XB, Wang XJ, Zong YM, Xu XG |
64 - 67 |
Growth of crystallized AlOx on AlN/GaN heterostructures by in-situ RF-MBE Sugiura Y, Honda T, Higashiwaki M |
68 - 72 |
Influence of the solution volume on the growth of C-60 nanowhiskers Miyazawa K, Hirata C, Wakahara T |
73 - 80 |
Molecular orientation transformation of pentacene on amorphous SiO2: A computational study on the initial growth stage of physical vapor deposition Zeng YQ, Tao B, Yin ZP |
81 - 86 |
Defect reduction in epitaxial InP on nanostructured Si (001) substrates with position-controlled seed arrays Li Q, Ng KW, Tang CW, Lau KM, Hill R, Vert A |
87 - 91 |
Impact of growth temperature and substrate orientation on dilute-nitride-antimonide materials grown by MOVPE for multi-junction solar cell application Kim TW, Kuech TF, Mawst LJ |
92 - 96 |
Single crystal growth of TIMETAL LCB titanium alloy by a floating zone method Smilauerova J, Pospisil J, Harcuba P, Holy V, Janecek M |
97 - 101 |
Growth and doping of semipolar GaN grown on patterned sapphire substrates Scholz F, Meisch T, Caliebe M, Schorner S, Thonke K, Kirste L, Bauer S, Lazarev S, Baumbach T |
102 - 109 |
Structural characteristics of gallium metal deposited on Si (001) by MOCVD Werner K, Beyer A, Oelerich JO, Baranovskii SD, Stolz W, Volz K |
110 - 121 |
Microstructual path analysis of polycrystalline solidification by using multi-phase-field method incorporating a nucleation model Nishida Y, Aiga F, Itoh S |
122 - 130 |
Dissolution study of active pharmaceutical ingredients using molecular dynamics simulations with classical force fields Greiner M, Elts E, Schneider J, Reuter K, Briesen H |
131 - 141 |
Defect formation induced by seed-joints during directional solidification of quasi-mono-crystalline silicon ingots Trempa M, Reimann C, Friedrich J, Muller G, Krause A, Sylla L, Richter T |
142 - 149 |
Tunable synthesis of multi-shaped PbS via L-cysteine assisted solvothermal method Zhang BH, Guo FQ, Yang LH, Wang JJ |