115 - 124 |
Development of Thermophilic Methanogenic Sludge in Compartmentalized Upflow Reactors Vanlier JB, Groeneveld N, Lettinga G |
125 - 135 |
Dynamic Ultrafiltration Model for Proteins - A Colloidal Interaction Approach Rowan WR, Williams PM |
136 - 144 |
Biological Sulfate Reduction Using Synthesis Gas as Energy and Carbon Source Vanhouten RT, Vanderspoel H, Vanaelst AC, Pol LW, Lettinga G |
145 - 150 |
Simulation of Particle-Size Distribution Changes Occurring During High-Pressure Disruption of Bakers-Yeast Siddiqi SF, Titchenerhooker NJ, Shamlou PA |
151 - 168 |
Aggregation of Ligand-Modified Liposomes by Specific Interactions with Proteins .1. Biotinylated Liposomes and Avidin Lynch NJ, Kilpatrick PK, Carbonell RG |
169 - 183 |
Aggregation of Ligand-Modified Liposomes by Specific Interactions with Proteins .2. Biotinylated Liposomes and Antibiotin Antibody Lynch NJ, Kilpatrick PK, Carbonell RG |
184 - 196 |
Use of the Weighted Jackknife Method to Calculate the Variance in Cellular-Specific Protein Secretion Rate - Application to Monoclonal-Antibody Secretion Rate Kinetics in Response to Osmotic-Stress Yang XH, Oehlert GW, Flickinger MC |
197 - 202 |
Increased Phb Productivity by High-Cell-Density Fed-Batch Culture of Alcaligenes Latus, a Growth-Associated Phb Producer Yamane T, Fukunaga M, Lee YW |
203 - 206 |
Protein Extraction Using the Sodium bis(2-Ethylhexyl) Phosphate (Nadehp) Reverse Micellar System Hu ZY, Gulari E |
207 - 210 |
Production and Isolation of Chitosan by Submerged and Solid-State Fermentation from Lentinus-Edodes Crestini C, Kovac B, Giovannozzisermanni G |
211 - 216 |
Collagenase Digestion of Bone Fragments in Microgravity Roedersheimer MT, Nunes CR, Simske SJ |
217 - 221 |
Growth-Kinetics of a Bacteriophage in Continuous-Culture Schwienhorst A, Lindemann BF, Eigen M |
222 - 227 |
Effects of pH and Aeration on Gamma-Poly(Glutamic Acid) Formation by Bacillus-Licheniformis in Controlled Batch Fermenter Cultures Cromwick AM, Birrer GA, Gross RA |
228 - 228 |
Studies on the Synthesis of Beta-hCG Hormone in Vero Cells by Recombinant Vaccinia Virus (Vol 48, Pg 158, 1995) Mukhopadhyay A, Mukhopadhyay SN, Talwar GP |