
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Vol.96, No.1 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 1389-1723 (Print) 

In this Issue (19 articles)

1 - 9 Saccharomyces sensu stricto: Systematics, genetic diversity and evolution
Rainieri S, Zambonelli C, Kaneko Y
10 - 15 Coaggregation between Acinetobacter johnsonii S35 and Microbacterium esteraromaticum strains isolated from sewage activated sludge
Malik A, Sakamoto M, Ono T, Kakii K
16 - 22 Necessity of a two-stage process for the production of azadirachtin-related limonoids in suspension cultures of Azadirachta indica
Raval KN, Hellwig S, Prakash G, Ramos-Plasencia A, Srivastava A, Buchs J
23 - 31 Isolation of the Cryptococcus humicolus URA3 gene encoding orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase and its use as a selective marker for transformation
Takahashi SJ, Matsunaga RJ, Kera Y, Yamada RH
32 - 37 The action modes of an extracellular beta-1,3-glucanase isolated from Bacillus clausii NM-1 on beta-1,3-glucooligosaccharides
Miyanishi N, Matsubara Y, Hamada N, Kobayashi T, Imada C, Watanabe E
38 - 46 Fusion protein of interleukin-6 and interleukin-6 receptor without a polypeptide linker
Yasukawa K, Tsuchiya S, Ekida T, Iida H, Ide T, Miki D, Yagame H, Murayama K, Ishiguroi T
47 - 52 Effects of C/N ratio and pH of raw materials on oil degradation efficiency in a compost fermentation process
Sasaki N, Suehara KI, Kohda J, Nakano Y, Yano T
53 - 58 Purification, characterization and gene cloning of thermostable O-acetyl-L-homoserine sulfhydrylase forming gamma-cyano-alpha-aminobutyric acid
Omura H, Ikemoto M, Kobayashi M, Shimizu S, Yoshida T, Nagasawa T
59 - 64 Repeated addition of insulin for dynamic control of apoptosis in serum-free culture of chinese hamster ovary cells
Yun ZY, Takagi M, Yoshida T
65 - 69 Optimization and scale-up of L-lactic acid fermentation by mutant strain Rhizopus sp MK-96-1196 in airlift bioreactors
Miura S, Arimura T, Hoshino M, Kojima M, Dwiarti L, Okabe M
70 - 75 The microbial community in a 2,4-dinitrophenol-digesting reactor as revealed by 16S rDNA gene analysis
Kimura N, Shinozaki Y, Lee TH, Yonezawa Y
76 - 78 Analysis of hematopoietic microenvironment containing spatial development of stromal cells in nonwoven fabrics
Sasaki T, Takagi M, Soma T, Yoshida T
79 - 82 Transduction of static pressure signal to expression of human granurocytes macrophage colony stimulating factor mRNA in chinese hamster ovary cells
Gong H, Takagi M, Yoshida T
83 - 85 Transplantation of hepatocytes cultured on hydroxyapatite into Nagase analbuminemia rats
Higashiyama SJ, Noda M, Muraoka S, Hirose M, Ohgushi H, Kawase M, Yagi K
86 - 88 A bead-alignment device with a bead-sized microchamber on a rotating cylinder for fabrication of a miniaturized probe array
Noda H, Kaise M, Kohara Y, Okano K, Kambara H
89 - 91 A novel inhibitory effect of D-allose on production of reactive oxygen species from neutrophils
Murata A, Sekiya K, Watanabe Y, Yamaguchi F, Hatano N, Izumori K, Tokuda M
92 - 94 Purification and characterization of an epsilon-poly-L-lysine-degrading enzyme from the epsilon-poly-L-lysine-tolerant Chryseobacterium sp OJ7
Kito M, Takimoto R, Onji Y, Yoshida T, Nagasawa T
95 - 97 Novel gene assay by probe-regulated simultaneous separation using capillary electrophoresis (CE-PRESS)
Murakami Y, Maeda M
98 - 101 An automatic image analyzing system for evaluation of elongating behavior of plant hairy roots exposed to herbicidal stimuli
Ninomiya K, Tsushima Y, Kino-oka M, Taya M