707 - 720 |
Forced Convective Condensation of R134A Vapor Inside a Vertical Microfin Tube Arslan G, Eskin N |
721 - 740 |
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer in a Multiple-ventilated Enclosure with Discrete Heat Sources Ajmera SK, Shukla HJ, Mathur AN |
741 - 758 |
Experimental Investigation of Subcooled Flow Boiling in an Inclined Channel with a Hot Spot Setoodeh H, Keshavarz A, Ghasemian A, Nasouhi A |
759 - 780 |
Numerical and Experimental Comparative Study on Nanofluids Flow and Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Triangular Duct Ahmed HE, Ahmed MI, Yusoff MZ |
781 - 795 |
Comparison between Experimental and Theoretical Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids Containing Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Decorated with TiO2 Nanoparticles Abbasi S, Zebarjad SM, Baghban SHN, Youssefi A |
796 - 810 |
Natural Convection from a Corrugated Heated Surface at the Bottom of Vented Rectangular Enclosure Omara MA |
811 - 832 |
Experimental Study on Flow Boiling Pressure Drop and Flow Instabilities of Reentrant Micro-channels Deng D, Huang Q, Wan W, Zhou W, Lian Y |