1 - 4 |
Transformation of Enterobacter gergoviae isolated from pink bollworm (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae) gut with Bacillus thuringiensis toxin Kuzina LV, Miller ED, Ge BX, Miller TA |
5 - 9 |
Effect of oleic acid on Oenococcus oeni strains and malolactic fermentation in wine Guerrini S, Bastianini A, Granchi L, Vincenzini M |
10 - 17 |
Characterization of anti-Listeria monocytogenes bacteriocins from Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, and Lactococcus lactis strains isolated from raib, a Moroccan traditional fermented milk Elotmani F, Revol-Junelles AM, Assobhei O, Milliere JB |
18 - 24 |
Site-specific integration of the double-mutation glucose isomerase (GIG138PG247D) gene in Streptomyces lividans and its stable expression Yang YH, Xu C, Ge F, Lu ZQ, Zhu GP, Li H, Liao J, Niu LW, Wang YZ, Wu M |
25 - 30 |
A UV tolerant mutant of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp kurstaki producing melanin Saxena D, Ben-Dov E, Manasherob R, Barak Z, Boussiba S, Zaritsky A |
31 - 37 |
4-hydroxybenzoate uptake in Klebsiella planticola strain DSZ1 is driven by triangle pH Allende JL, Gibello A, Fortun A, Sanchez M, Martin M |
38 - 43 |
Carvacrol and thymol reduce swine waste odor and pathogens: Stability of oils Varel VH |
44 - 48 |
Multi-copy repression of Serratia marcescens nuclease expression by dinI Berkmen M, Benedik MJ |
49 - 55 |
Nanoscale powders and formulations with biocidal activity toward spores and vegetative cells of Bacillus species, viruses, and toxins Koper OB, Klabunde JS, Marchin GL, Klabunde KJ, Stoimenov P, Bohra L |
56 - 60 |
Chemolithoautotrophic nitrifiers in the phyllosphere of a spruce ecosystem receiving high atmospheric nitrogen input Papen H, Gessler A, Zumbusch E, Rennenberg H |
61 - 66 |
Proteome analysis of aniline-induced proteins in Acinetobacter lwoffii K24 Kim SI, Kim SJ, Nam MH, Kim SH, Ha KS, Oh KH, Yoo JS, Park YM |
67 - 70 |
Integration of the gene for Carboxin resistance does not impact the Ustilago maydis - Maize interaction Topp CN, Ruiz-Herrera J, Martinez-Espinoza AD, Gold SE |
71 - 74 |
Bacitracin: Substantiation and elimination of contaminating proteolytic activity and use as an affinity chromatography ligand to purify a siderophore-degrading enzyme Zaya NE, Vaughan EE, Shah SK, Castignetti D |