1643 - 1643 |
Special issue: CEC and EKC 2007 El Rassi Z |
1645 - 1657 |
CEC and EKC of natural compounds Scherz H, Huck CW, Bonn GK |
1658 - 1667 |
Fabrication and characterization of open-tubular CEC modified with tentacle-type metal-chelating polymer chains Xu L, Sun Y |
1668 - 1673 |
Electrochromatography in poly(dimethyl)siloxane microchips using organic monolithic stationary phases Faure K, Bias M, Yassine O, Delaunay N, Cretier G, Albert M, Rocca JL |
1674 - 1680 |
Wide-bore monolithic column for electrochromatography Yuan RJ, Ding GS, Guo YG, Liu DN, Bao JJ |
1681 - 1688 |
Optimization of CEC for simultaneous determination of eleven nucleosides and nucleobases in Cordyceps using central composite design Yang FQ, Li SP, Li P, Wang YT |
1689 - 1695 |
CEC separation of insect oostatic peptides using a strong-cation-exchange stationary phase Rocco A, Aturki Z, D'Orazio G, Fanali S, Solinova V, Hlavacek J, Kasicka V |
1696 - 1703 |
Development of a new method for analysis of Sudan dyes by pressurized CEC with amperometric detection Liu SF, Zhang X, Lin XC, Wu XP, Fu FF, Xie ZH |
1704 - 1713 |
CEC separation of heterocyclic amines using methacrylate monolithic columns Barcelo-Barrachina E, Moyano E, Puignou L, Galceran MT |
1714 - 1722 |
Surfactant-coated single-walled carbon nanotubes as a novel pseudostationary phase in capillary EKC Suarez B, Simonet BM, Cardenas S, Valcarcel M |
1723 - 1734 |
Two-chiral-component microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography-chiral surfactant and chiral oil: Part 1. Dibutyl tartrate Kahle KA, Foley JP |
1735 - 1743 |
Sample stacking for the analysis of catechins by microemulsion EKC Huang HY, Huang IY, Liang HH, Lee S |
1744 - 1751 |
A comparative study of micellar and microemulsion EKC for the analysis of benzoylurea insecticides and their analogs Yang X, Xia Y, Tao CJ, Liao YP, Zuo YM, Liu HW |
1752 - 1761 |
Thermodynamic studies of the interaction of molecular micelles and copolymerized molecular micelles with benzodiazepines and alkyl phenyl ketones using MEKC Akbay C, Gill NL, Warner IM |
1762 - 1778 |
Polymeric alkenoxy amino acid surfactants: V. Comparison of carboxylate and sulfate head group polymeric surfactants enantioseparation in MEKC Rizvi SAA, Shamsi SA |
1779 - 1787 |
Separation of cold medicine ingredients using a precise MEKC method at elevated pH Hasemann P, ter Balk M, Preu L, Watzig H |
1788 - 1797 |
Simultaneous determination of cefepime and vancomycin in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid by MEKC with direct sample injection and application for bacterial meningitis Yang YH, Wu WY, Yeh HH, Chen SH |
1798 - 1804 |
Analysis of substances to be used as internal standards in MEKC Hasemann P, ter Balk M, Watzig H |
1805 - 1814 |
MEKC combined with SPE and sample stacking for multiple analysis of pesticides in water samples at the ng/L level Ravelo-Perez LM, Hernandez-Borges J, Cifuentes A, Rodriguez-Delgado MA |
1815 - 1822 |
Electrokinetic partial filling technique as a powerful tool for enantiomeric separation of DL-lactic acid by CE with contactless conductivity detection Maier V, Petr J, Knob R, Horakova J, Sevcik J |
1823 - 1831 |
Determination of sertraline and N-desmethylsertraline in human plasma by CE with LIF detection Musenga A, Kenndler E, Mercolini L, Amore M, Fanali S, Raggi MA |
1832 - 1838 |
Electrophoretic affinity measurements on microchip. Determination of binding affinities between diketopiperazine receptors and peptide ligands Stettler AR, Krattiger P, Wennemers H, Schwarz MA |
1839 - 1845 |
Comparative studies of the interaction between ferulic acid and bovine serum albumin by ACE and surface plasmon resonance Zhang YT, Xu MT, Du M, Zhou FM |