6 - 6 |
Reader appreciates CP as a technical reference Flores ER |
6 - 6 |
Should have addressed flame-resistant clothes Seligman CH |
6 - 6 |
Exchanged e-mails related to CP safety theme [Anonymous] |
6 - 6 |
Exchanged e-mails related to CP safety theme Brookshire B |
9 - 9 |
Plant operator of the near future - Information technology is transforming the chemical industry and its employees Knox PK |
13 - 13 |
Hill resigns as safety board CEO - Said he plans to remain a board member after leaving the top spot Barlas S |
14 - 14 |
E-commerce and the chem biz - Fast-growing Internet activity is providing access to products and services Hodel AE |
16 - 16 |
Don't believe process myths - Faith in partly true ideas can blind a person to profitable improvements Tatterson G |
19 - 20 |
New interest in worker's old crime - The company didn't care about the past - until things soured in the present Green DS |
28 - 31 |
E-commerce and the virtual chemical company Knox PJ |
34 - 40 |
Breaking the installed-cost barrier - Grandpa was right - you don't know the price until the merchandise wears out Scott JV |
49 - 53 |
Pitting nickel against corrosion - Here's a guide to choosing the nickel alloys best-suited to corrosive chores Kingseed DA, Crook P, Rebak RB |
57 - 61 |
7 steps to efficient conveying - A series of equations can help you choose the right pneumatic system Haraburda SS |
63 - 67 |
When and how to pick S&Ts - Using TEMA designations to choose a shell-and-tube heat exchanger Butterworth D |
69 - 72 |
Big picture on large AC motors - Wherein CP provides the ABC's of A, B, C and D motors, as defined by NEMA Campbell K |
74 - 77 |
The resurrection of life-cycle costing - Plants can create an electronic database that mirrors every change in the facility Porter J |