3 - 3 |
New definitions Hunter D |
9 - 9 |
Pharmaceuticals - DuPont buys Aventis R&D site Walsh K |
9 - 9 |
Oil prices - Crude surge fuels concerns about chemicals profitability McElligott S, Westervelt R |
11 - 11 |
Polyethylene terephthalate - Feedstock advances bring April increases McElligott S |
11 - 11 |
Water-soluble polymers - SNF invests to reduce costs and hold market share Hunter D |
11 - 11 |
E-commerce - Chemconnect raises another $70 million Westervelt R |
11 - 11 |
Finance - CK Witco issues bonds Nielsen K |
13 - 13 |
Catalysts - Albemarle adds dialkyl magnesium, strengthens one-stop shop position Moore SK |
13 - 13 |
Polymers - Producers announce polystyrene hike Seewald N |
13 - 13 |
Water treatment - Dow to double membrane capacity at Minneapolis site Westervelt R |
13 - 13 |
Titanium dioxide - Kerr-McGee confirms plans to buy two Kemira plants (vol 162, pg 7, 2000) Seewald N |
13 - 13 |
Finance - Dow plans three for-one stock split Nielsen K |
16 - 16 |
Legislation - Senate backs notification of school pesticide use [Anonymous] |
16 - 16 |
Emissions - Court upholds EPA smog plan Sissell K |
16 - 16 |
Climate change - CMA reverses policy on early crediting Franz N |
16 - 16 |
Endocrine disrupters - EPA admits animal rights groups [Anonymous] |
18 - 18 |
Litigation - Bayer wins pesticide labeling lawsuit Sissell K |
18 - 18 |
Food labeling - US proposes ban on GM ingredients in organic foods Sissell K |
18 - 18 |
Olefins - Propylene buyers agree to two-month settlement McElligott S |
19 - 19 |
Petrochemicals - Dow and Repsol study shared cracker project at Tarragona Alperowicz N |
19 - 19 |
Fertilizers - Norsk hydro to close three plants Alperowicz N |
19 - 19 |
Companies - Lenzing posts profits drop, but stays upbeat for 2000 Hamilton G |
20 - 20 |
Resins - Dow announces price hikes for epoxies Walsh K |
20 - 20 |
Flame retardants - Industry attacks Greenpeace call Scott A |
20 - 20 |
Fine chemicals - Rhodia pushes into pharma custom synthesis Hume C |
23 - 23 |
Korea - BASF goes on a spending spree Young I |
23 - 23 |
Australia - Orica sells PE films to management Forster C |
24 - 24 |
UCB studies radcure monomer plant in Shanghai [Anonymous] |
24 - 24 |
Massive petchem complex planned in Australia [Anonymous] |
24 - 24 |
Elf Atochem builds acrylics complex in France [Anonymous] |
24 - 24 |
BASF starts up dispersion plant in the Philippines [Anonymous] |
24 - 24 |
Japanese companies drop Saudi projects [Anonymous] |
24 - 24 |
Harlow Chemical expands PVC stabilizers [Anonymous] |
24 - 24 |
Four groups bid for LDPE plant in turkey [Anonymous] |
24 - 24 |
Asahi Chemical raises nylon-6,6 polymer capacity [Anonymous] |
24 - 24 |
Indonesia approves textile chemical investments [Anonymous] |
24 - 24 |
Indian oil plans P-xylene project [Anonymous] |
25 - 27 |
Reliance grows up - Joining the industry's giants Alperowicz N |
29 - 30 |
The Euro - Benefits accrue; Conversion is slow Young I |
32 - 32 |
Flame retardants - Great Lakes posts new price hikes Walsh K |
32 - 32 |
Vitamins - Avon calling, Roche formulating Schmitt B |
33 - 33 |
Hanna compounds its customer focus Schmitt B |
33 - 33 |
Plastic additives - Healthy growth ahead for best in the batch Schmitt B |
34 - 34 |
Aromatics - Low inventories lift pricing McElligott S |
34 - 34 |
Inorganics - Sodium chlorate on the rise Seewald N |
35 - 35 |
Product focus: Cumene [Anonymous] |
37 - 37 |
Vital statistics Pearlman A |
38 - 38 |
CW price report [Anonymous] |
39 - 39 |
Plant biotech - OECD mediates GM debate Scott A |
39 - 39 |
Toxicology - Technology aids in NIEHS testing Franz N |
41 - 43 |
Refinery and petrochemical catalysts - Petroleum sector stays a crude business Moore SK |
42 - 42 |
Tensions mount over EPA's sulfur plan Franz N |
48 - 51 |
CW 300; Fourth-quarter 1999 - Profits scatter as feedstocks rise Nielsen K |
56 - 56 |
Distribution - Vopak launches ChemPoint.com Fuller J |
56 - 56 |
Manufacturing software - BP Amoco, Pavilion form alliance Fuller J |