3 - 3 |
Facing the market Mullin R |
7 - 7 |
EPA-Greens RCRA accord Franz N |
7 - 7 |
Titanium dioxide - Kerr-McGee confirms plans to buy two Kemira plants Seewald N |
8 - 8 |
Rail transportation - BNSF, CN guarantee post-merger service Fuller J |
8 - 8 |
Key changes - DuPont shuffles management; Picks Biotech panel Moore SK |
8 - 8 |
Latin America - Dow to invest $550 million Sissell K |
8 - 8 |
Toxicology - Discord dogs children's health plan Franz N |
9 - 9 |
Finance - Diversa IPO rides Biotech wave Moore SK |
9 - 9 |
Companies - LaRoche hires another adviser; Sell-off thought likely Nielsen K |
10 - 10 |
Environment - USPIRG raps water permit violators Franz N |
10 - 10 |
Transportation - Socma forms Shippers Association [Anonymous] |
10 - 10 |
Companies - Dow reorganization may include Agchem spin-off Moore SK, Wood A |
10 - 10 |
Earnings - Speciality chemicals profits still uneven Nielsen K |
13 - 13 |
Right-to-know - Safety worries close EPA's Internet site Franz N |
13 - 13 |
Regulation - DuPont blasts EPA's clean water plan Franz N |
13 - 13 |
Companies - Calgon carbon profits plans Nielsen K |
14 - 14 |
Companies - Benjamin Moore to close eight plants, trim jobs Sissell K |
14 - 14 |
Fine chemicals - Suppliers' focus moves from tons to technology Schmitt B, Walsh K |
14 - 14 |
Coatings - PPG acquires Monarch Paint Nielsen K |
16 - 16 |
Companies - BASF plans to triple pharma profits; Denies sell-off rumors Hume C |
16 - 16 |
Specialties - Borregaard spins off cellulose, may quit chemicals business Hume C |
17 - 17 |
Fertilizers - Hydro puts Jordanian project on hold; Seeks partner for petrochemicals Young I |
18 - 18 |
Storage - Oiltanking to expand storage Westervelt R |
18 - 18 |
Singapore - Celanese seeks ethylene for VAM Alperowicz N |
18 - 18 |
China - BP Amoco shifts project to Caojing, raises capacity Alperowicz N |
18 - 18 |
Vinyl acetate monomer - Millennium narrows location to Singapore or Thailand Westervelt R |
20 - 20 |
Asia's economic: Recovery stimulates capacity investment Westervelt R |
21 - 21 |
Sumitomo, Phillips boost PP at Pasadena [Anonymous] |
21 - 21 |
BP Amoco considers China acetic acid hike [Anonymous] |
21 - 21 |
Degussa-Huls invests in precipitated silica [Anonymous] |
21 - 21 |
DSM, JSR reactivate delayed resins project [Anonymous] |
21 - 21 |
Cydsa builds Pemex water treatment unit [Anonymous] |
21 - 21 |
Ube to debottleneck dimethyl carbonate [Anonymous] |
21 - 21 |
Saudi firm to take stake in MA-BDO venture [Anonymous] |
21 - 21 |
Mitsubishi to double polycarbonate capacity in Asia [Anonymous] |
21 - 21 |
Kvaerner lands Iran phosgene contract [Anonymous] |
21 - 21 |
Air products supplies H-2 purifiers to wacker [Anonymous] |
23 - 25 |
Industrial gases - Inflating market share Moore SK, Hume C |
28 - 28 |
Plant management software - Putting some 'E' in manufacturing Mullin R, Morris GDL |
29 - 29 |
Electronic chemicals - Cabot sets up shop in Korea Moore SK |
29 - 29 |
Fine chemicals - Sigma-Aldrich's cool investment Walsh K, Schmitt B |
31 - 31 |
SDA meeting - Soapers lean on suppliers for help with innovation Schmitt B, Wood A |
32 - 32 |
Acrylonitrile - Export demand lifts prices [Anonymous] |
32 - 32 |
Olefins - Ethylene demand beats forecasts Adams J |
33 - 33 |
Conferences - Europe needs more petchem restructuring Alperowicz N |
34 - 34 |
Price - Commentary [Anonymous] |
46 - 46 |
Technology - ICI boosts R&D for Agchems Moore SK |
46 - 46 |
Environmental legislation - Fewer green voters in Congress Franz N |
47 - 47 |
Employment - DuPont plant fails equal opportunity test Sissell K |
47 - 47 |
Environmental management - Innovest gives AHP poor eco-efficiency grade Sissell K |
49 - 50 |
Companies - Goldschmidt raises specialties profile Wood A |
56 - 56 |
E-Commerce - Eastman forms open logistics site Fuller J |
56 - 56 |
Transportation - CheMatch allies with Stolt-Nielsen Fuller J |