
Combustion and Flame

Combustion and Flame, Vol.121, No.4 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0010-2180 (Print) 

In this Issue (12 articles)

555 - 574 Laminar flamelet expressions for pressure fluctuation terms in second moment models of premixed turbulent combustion
Domingo P, Bray KNC
575 - 592 Experimental study of nonfuel hydrocarbons and soot in coflowing partially premixed ethylene/air flames
McEnally CS, Pfefferle LD
593 - 609 The chemistry of the destruction of organophosphorus compounds in flames - III: The destruction of DMMP and TMP in a flame of hydrogen and oxygen
Korobeinichev OP, Ilyin SB, Bolshova TA, Shvartsberg VM, Chernov AA
610 - 624 Effects of a sampling quartz nozzle on the flame structure of a fuel-rich low-pressure propene flame
Hartlieb AT, Atakan B, Kohse-Hoinghaus K
625 - 639 Diffusional-thermal instability of cylindrical burner-stabilized premixed flames
Chao BH, Xia YQ
640 - 650 Structure of the soot growth region of laminar premixed methane/oxygen flames
Xu F, Faeth GM
651 - 661 Experimental and kinetic modeling of the reduction of NO by propene at 1 Atm
Dagaut P, Luche J, Cathonnet M
662 - 670 Thermal decomposition of energetic materials 74. Volatile metal isocyanates from flash pyrolysis metal-NTO and metal-picrate salts and an application hypothesis
Brill TB, Zhang TL, Tappan BC
671 - 678 The effects of equivalence ratio on the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and soot in premixed ethane flames
Melton TR, Inal F, Senkan SM
679 - 688 The mass transfer coefficient for oxygen reacting with a carbon particle in a fluidized or packed bed
Hayhurst AN
689 - 694 Retardation of spontaneous hydrocarbon ignition in diesel engines by di-tert-butyl peroxide
Clothier PQE, Heck SM, Pritchard HO
695 - 698 Application of atomic force microanalysis in surface analysis of solidifying ash particles
Ramesh A, Kozinksi JA