1 - 13 |
Procurement planning in oil refining industries considering blending operations Oddsdottir TA, Grunow M, Akkerman R |
14 - 32 |
Multi-objective multi-drug scheduling schemes for cell cycle specific cancer treatment Alam MS, Hossain MA, Algoul S, Majumader MAA, Al-Mamun MA, Sexton G, Phillips R |
33 - 39 |
A new method for solving initial value problems Rahmanzadeh M, Cai L, White RE |
40 - 53 |
A non-Gaussian pattern matching based dynamic process monitoring approach and its application to cryogenic air separation process Chen JY, Yu J, Mori J, Rashid MM, Hu GS, Yu HL, Flores-Cerrillo J, Megan L |
54 - 67 |
Shut-in based production optimization of shale-gas systems Knudsen BR, Foss B |
68 - 83 |
Predictions of CO and NOx emissions from steam cracking furnaces using GRI2.11 detailed reaction mechanism - A CFD investigation Hassan G, Pourkashanian M, Ingham D, Ma L, Newman P, Odedra A |
84 - 97 |
Adaptive soft sensor for online prediction and process monitoring based on a mixture of Gaussian process models Grbic R, Sliskovic D, Kadlec P |
98 - 115 |
Structured cell simulator coupled with a fluidized bed bioreactor model to predict the adaptive mercury uptake by E. coli cells Maria G, Luta I |
116 - 134 |
Generalized shape constrained spline fitting for qualitative analysis of trends Villez K, Venkatasubramanian V, Rengaswamy R |
135 - 143 |
Computing multi-species chemical equilibrium with an algorithm based on the reaction extents Paz-Garcia JM, Johannesson B, Ottosen LM, Ribeiro AB, Rodriguez-Maroto JM |
144 - 155 |
Product sampling during transient continuous countercurrent hydrolysis of canola oil and development of a kinetic model Wang WC, Natelson RH, Stikeleather LF, Roberts WL |
156 - 177 |
Thermodynamics based stability analysis and its use for nonlinear stabilization of the CSTR Hoang NH, Couenne F, Jallut C, Le Gorrec Y |
178 - 202 |
Options analysis for long-term capacity design and operation of a lignocellulosic biomass refinery Sharma P, Romagnoli JA, Vlosky R |
203 - 210 |
Solution of diffusion-dispersion models using a computationally efficient technique of orthogonal collocation on finite elements with cubic Hermite as basis Mittal AK, Ganaie IA, Kukreja VK, Parumasur N, Singh P |
211 - 222 |
On the optimal numerical time integration for DEM using Hertzian force models Danby M, Shrimpton J, Palmer M |
223 - 259 |
Evaluation of weighted residual methods for the solution of the pellet equations: The orthogonal collocation, Galerkin, tau and least-squares methods Solsvik J, Tangen S, Jakobsen HA |
260 - 268 |
Development and test of CFD-DEM model for complex geometry: A coupling algorithm for Fluent and DEM Liu DY, Bu CS, Chen XP |
269 - 277 |
Model selection and parameter estimation for chemical reactions using global model structure de Souza LGM, Haida H, Thevenin D, Seidel-Morgenstern A, Janiga G |
278 - 287 |
Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods with shock-capturing for nonlinear convection dominated models Yucel H, Stoll M, Benner P |
288 - 297 |
Adaptive soft sensor model using online support vector regression with time variable and discussion of appropriate hyperparameter settings and window size Kaneko H, Funatsu K |
298 - 304 |
Continuous prediction technique for fast determination of cyclic steady state in simulated moving bed process Yao CY, Tang SK, Yao HM, Tade MO |
305 - 314 |
Optimal processing pathway for the production of biodiesel from microalgal biomass: A superstructure based approach Rizwan M, Lee JH, Gani R |
315 - 333 |
Integration of production scheduling and dynamic optimization for multi-product CSTRs: Generalized Benders decomposition coupled with global mixed-integer fractional programming Chu YF, You FQ |
334 - 343 |
Optimizing process economics online using model predictive control Amrit R, Rawlings JB, Biegler LT |
344 - 368 |
Systematic substrate adoption methodology (SAM) for future flexible, generic pharmaceutical production processes Singh R, Godfrey A, Gregertsen B, Muller F, Gernaey KV, Gani R, Woodley JM |
369 - 377 |
Protein aggregation and lyophilization: Protein structural descriptors as predictors of aggregation propensity Roughton BC, Iyer LK, Bertelsen E, Topp EM, Camarda KV |
378 - 380 |
A quasi-analytical solution of Frost-Kalkwarf vapor pressure equation Leibovici CF, Nichita DV |
381 - 389 |
Time optimal cyclic crystallization Bajcinca N |