1 - 8 |
Effect of the modification time of coal with aryldiazonium salts on the performance of cellulose acetate-coal heterogeneous reverse osmosis membranes Gashi ST, Daci NM, Podvorica FI, Sellmi T, Thaci BS |
9 - 13 |
New type of hollow fiber membrane for cell and microorganisms cultivation and encapsulation Chwjnowski A, Wqjclechowski C, Dudzinski K, Lukowska E, Granicka L |
14 - 20 |
New performance of hydrophobic fluorinated porous membranes exhibiting particulate-like morphology Gugliuzza A, Drioli E |
21 - 26 |
Controlled-release fertilizer encapsulated by starch/polyvinyl alcohol coating Han XZ, Chen S, Hu XG |
27 - 35 |
Porous polymer nanoparticle layers Wutzel H, Samhaber WM |
36 - 39 |
Polarization and structural characteristics of nanocomposites based on the perfluorinated sulphocationic membranes and polyaniline Kononenko NA, Loza NV, Timofeyev SV |
40 - 45 |
Preparation and characterization of carbon molecular sieve membranes for gas separation-the effect of incorporated multi-wall carbon nanotubes Tseng HH, Kumar IA, Weng TH, Lu CY, Wey MY |
46 - 53 |
Application of backflushing for fouling reduction during microfiltration of yeast suspensions Gabrus E, Szaniawska D |
54 - 63 |
Mass transport through anisotropic membrane layer Nagy E, Borbely G |
64 - 70 |
Prediction of overall mass transfer coefficients in continuous dialyzers: comparison of pseudo steady state approximation and unsteady state solution Alkan-Sungur A, Ozdural AR |
71 - 77 |
Coupling air-assisted backwash and rinsing steps: a new way to improve ultrafiltration process operation for inside-out hollow fibre modules Bessiere Y, Guigui CG, Remize PJ, Cabassud C |
78 - 88 |
Nanofiltration of concentrated amino acid solutions Kovacs Z, Samhaber W |
89 - 93 |
Ultrafiltration permeate flux decline prediction for gel layer forming solutes using monotubular ceramic membranes Vincent-Vela MC, Bergantinos-Rodriguez E, Alvarez-Blanco S, Lora-Garcia J |
94 - 98 |
Effect of salts on the retention of polyethyleneglycol by a nanofiltration ceramic membrane Bouranene S, Szymczyk A, Fievet P, Vidonne A |
99 - 107 |
Filtration model for hollow fiber membranes with compressible cake formation Kinel J, Dolecek P, Cakl J |
108 - 116 |
Reducing fouling and boundary-layer by application of helical flow in ultrafiltration module employed for radioactive wastes processing Zakrzewska-Trznadel G, Harasimowicz M, Miskiewicz A, Jaworska A, Dluska E, Wronski S |
117 - 126 |
Application of ceramic membranes in water treatment for fish hatchery supplying purposes Szmukala M, Szaniawska D |
127 - 131 |
Feasibility of nanofiltration for the removal of endocrine disrupting compounds Braeken L, Van der Bruggen B |
132 - 142 |
Recovery of copper from process waters by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis Csefalvay E, Pauer V, Mizsey P |
143 - 150 |
Treatment of a denim producing textile industry wastewater using pilot-scale membrane bioreactor Yigit NO, Uzal N, Koseoglu H, Harman I, Yukseler H, Yetis U, Civelekoglu G, Kitis M |
151 - 159 |
Coagulation-ultrafiltration system for river water treatment Konleczny K, Sakol D, Plonka J, Rajca M, Bodzek M |
160 - 169 |
Domestic wastewater treatment with membrane filtration - two years experience Blst'akova A, Bodik I, Dancova L, Jakubcova Z |
170 - 177 |
Effect of preozonation on the filterability of model dairy waste water in nanofiltration Laszlo Z, Kertesz S, Beszedes S, Hovorka-Horvath Z, Szabo G, Hodur C |
178 - 185 |
Indigo dyeing wastewater reclamation by membrane-based filtration and coagulation processes Unlu M, Yukseler H, Yetis U |
186 - 197 |
Macrocycle carriers for separation of metal ions in liquid membrane processes - a review Walkowlak W, Kozlowski CA |
198 - 208 |
Microfiltration/ultrafiltration as pretreatment for reclamation of rinsing waters of indigo dyeing Uzal N, Yilmaz L, Yetis U |
209 - 217 |
On the effect of flocculation as pretreatment process and particle size distribution for membrane fouling reduction Stoller M |
218 - 226 |
Removal of zinc and nickel ions by complexation-membrane filtration process from industrial wastewater Gabor B, Endre N |
227 - 235 |
Role of electrolyte type on TiO2-ZrO2 nanofiltration membranes performances Mazzoni C, Orlandini F, Bandini S |
236 - 243 |
Selected factors affecting the elimination of hormones from water using nanofiltration Dudziak M, Bodzek M |
244 - 250 |
Separation of HCl from HCl-H2SO4 solutions by membrane distillation Tomaszewska M, Mientka A |
251 - 256 |
Studies on treatment of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate solution by high shear ultrafiltration system Tu ZH, Ding LH, Frappart M, Jaffrin MY |
257 - 261 |
The effect of pre-treatment on crossflow microfiltration of titanium dioxide dispersions Horcickova J, Mikulasek P, Dvorakova J |
262 - 269 |
The removal of zinc from synthetic wastewaters by micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration: statistical design of experiments Landaburu-Aguirre J, Garcia V, Pongracz E, Keiski RL |
270 - 273 |
Treatment of high arsenic content wastewater by membrane filtration Fogarassy E, Galambos I, Bekassy-Molnar E, Vatai G |
274 - 279 |
Reverse osmosis of the retentate from the nanofiltration of secondary effluents Garcia-Figueruelo C, Bes-Pia A, Mendoza-Roca JA, Lora-Garcia J, Cuartas-Uribe B |
280 - 289 |
Concentration of ammonium and nitrate from mine water by reverse osmosis and nanofiltration Hayrynen K, Pongracz E, Vaisanen V, Pap N, Manttari M, Langwaldt J, Keiski RL |
290 - 297 |
Nanofiltration as a final step towards textile wastewater reclamation Alcaina-Miranda MI, Barredo-Damas S, Bes-Pia A, Iborra-Clar MI, Iborra-Clar A, Mendoza-Roca JA |
298 - 300 |
High molecular fixed-site-carrier PVAm membrane for CO2 capture Sandru M, Kim TJ, Hagg MB |
301 - 305 |
High purification of substances by a gas separation method Vorotyntsev VM, Drozdov PN, Vorotyntsev IV |
306 - 310 |
Modelling of biohydrogen production and recovery by membrane gas separation Bucsu D, Nemestothy N, Pientka Z, Gubiczaa L, Belafi-Bako K |
311 - 315 |
Separation of biohydrogen by supported ionic liquid membranes Neves LA, Nemestothy N, Alves VD, Cserjesi P, Belafi-Bako K, Coelhoso IM |
316 - 325 |
A comparative study of the selective transport of Zn/Cd and Pt/Pd couples with activated composite membranes and hybrid membranes Resina M, Macanas J, Fontas C, Palet C, Munoz M |
326 - 332 |
Modification of brackish water composition by means of Donnan dialysis as pretreatment before desalination Rozanska A, Wisniewski J |
333 - 340 |
Continuous dialysis of inorganic acids: permeability of Neosepta-AFN membrane Bendova H, Palaty Z, Zakova A |
341 - 346 |
Gas and water vapor permeation in a short-side-chain PFSI membrane Catalano J, Baschetti MG, De Angelis MG, Sarti GC, Sanguineti A, Fossati P |
347 - 350 |
Influence of aqueous-organic solutions containing aprotic solvent on equilibrium and transport properties of ion-exchange membranes Dyomina OA, Berezina NP, Dyomin AV, Zabolotsky VI |
351 - 357 |
The two-phase model of structure microheterogeneity revisited by the study of the CMS cation exchange membrane Tuan LX, Mertens D, Buess-Herman C |