XI - XI |
Microscopic and nanoscopic aspects of corrosion and corrosion protection - Editorial Hassel AW, Stratmann M |
1093 - 1104 |
Passive films on stainless steels - chemistry, structure and growth Olsson COA, Landolt D |
1105 - 1114 |
Recent advances in photocurrent spectroscopy of passive films Piazza S, Santamaria M, Sunseri C, Di Quarto F |
1115 - 1121 |
Precursor sites for localised corrosion on lacquered tinplates visualised by means of alternating current scanning electrochemical microscopy Katemann BB, Inchauspe CG, Castro PA, Schulte A, Calvo EJ, Schuhmann W |
1123 - 1130 |
Effect of hydrogen on stresses in anodic oxide film on titanium Kim JD, Pyun SI, Seo M |
1131 - 1141 |
Characterisation and behaviour of Ti/TiO2/noble metal anodes de Mussy JPG, Macpherson JV, Delplancke JL |
1143 - 1156 |
Photocurrent spectroscopy study of passive films on hafnium and hafnium-tungsten sputtered alloys Di Quarto F, Santamaria M, Skeldon P, Thompson GE |
1157 - 1167 |
In situ STM study of the effect of chlorides on the initial stages of anodic oxidation of Cu(111) in alkaline solutions Kunze J, Maurice V, Klein LH, Strehblow HH, Marcus P |
1169 - 1191 |
Structure, dissolution, and passivation of Ni(111) electrodes in sulfuric acid solution: an in situ STM, X-ray scattering, and electrochemical study Scherer J, Ocko BM, Magnussen OM |
1193 - 1210 |
Transitions between pitting and intergranular corrosion in AA2024 Zhang WL, Frankel GS |
1211 - 1222 |
The role of chromate in filiform corrosion inhibition Kloet JV, Schmidt W, Hassel AW, Stratmann M |
1223 - 1234 |
Localized corrosion of Al90Fe5Gd5 and Al87Ni8.7Y4.3 alloys in the amorphous, nanocrystalline and crystalline states: resistance to micrometer-scale pit formation Sweitzer JE, Shiflet GJ, Scully JR |
1235 - 1243 |
Microscopic aspects of electrochemical delamination: an SKPFM study Rohwerder M, Hornung E, Stratmann M |
1245 - 1255 |
Effect of bath concentration and curing time on the structure of nonfunctional thin organosilane layers on aluminium Franquet A, Le Pen C, Terryn H, Vereecken J |
1257 - 1262 |
Corrosion protection by ultrathin films of conducting polymers Rammelt U, Nguyen PT, Plieth W |
1263 - 1271 |
Extending surface Raman spectroscopy to transition metals for practical applications IV. A study on corrosion inhibition of benzotriazole on bare Fe electrodes Yao JL, Ren B, Huang ZF, Cao PG, Gu RA, Tian ZQ |
1273 - 1277 |
Study of thiourea adsorption onto polycrystalline gold electrodes Garcia G, Macagno VA, Lacconi GI |
1279 - 1285 |
STM tip-induced local electrochemical dissolution of silver Garcia SG, Salinas DR, Mayer CE, Lorenz WJ, Staikov G |
1287 - 1294 |
A combined experimental and theoretical study of the generation of palladium clusters on Au(111) with a scanning tunnelling microscope Del Popolo MG, Leiva EPM, Kleine H, Meier J, Stimming U, Mariscal M, Schmickler W |
1295 - 1300 |
Nickel electroless deposition process on chemically pretreated Si(100) wafers in aqueous alkaline solution Niwa D, Takano N, Yamada T, Osaka T |
1301 - 1308 |
Pore initiation and growth on n-InP(100) Schmuki P, Schlierf U, Herrmann T, Champion G |
1309 - 1313 |
Electrochemical microstructuring of ultra-thin passive films on aluminium Pilaski M, Lohrengel MM |