3517 - 3523 |
Power and cogeneration technology environomic performance typification in the context of CO2 abatement part II: Combined heat and power cogeneration Li HT, Marechal F, Favrat D |
3524 - 3534 |
Characteristics of heat transfer and fluid flow in a channel with single-row plates array oblique to flow direction for photovoltaic/thermal system Ali AHH, Ahmed M, Youssef MS |
3535 - 3539 |
On the methodology of energy-GDP Granger causality tests Beaudreau BC |
3540 - 3550 |
Thermoeconomic assessment of a multi-engine, multi-heat-pump CCHP (combined cooling, heating and power generation) system - A case study Diaz PR, Benito YR, Parise JAR |
3551 - 3556 |
Second-law analyses applied to a spark ignition engine under surrogate fuels for gasoline Feng HQ, Li HJ |
3557 - 3562 |
Effective hydrogen production using waste sludge and its filtrate Guo LA, Li XM, Zeng GM, Zhou Y |
3563 - 3568 |
Experimental investigation on thermal performance of thermosyphon flat-plate solar water heater with a mantle heat exchanger Huang JB, Pu SX, Gao WF, Que Y |
3569 - 3577 |
Sovereign wealth funds as a new instrument of climate protection policy? A case study of Norway as a pioneer of ethical guidelines for investment policy Reiche D |
3578 - 3586 |
Sensitivity analysis of steam power plant-binary cycle Rosyid H, Koestoer R, Putra N, Nasruddin, Mohamad AA, Yanuar |
3587 - 3592 |
Technical and economical evaluation of enhanced biomass to liquid fuel processes Seiler JM, Hohwiller C, Imbach J, Luciani JF |
3593 - 3602 |
Optimum turbine-site matching Albadi MH, El-Saadany EF |
3603 - 3613 |
Effects of turpentine and gasoline-like fuel obtained from waste lubrication oil on engine performance and exhaust emission Arpa O, Yumrutas R, Alma MN |
3614 - 3622 |
Diethyl ether as an ignition improver for biogas homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) operation - An experimental investigation Sudheesh K, Mallikarjuna JM |
3623 - 3627 |
An analysis of energy use efficiency of canola production in Turkey Unakitan G, Hurma H, Yilmaz F |
3628 - 3639 |
Experimental study of inlet manifold water injection on combustion and emissions of an automotive direct injection Diesel engine Tauzia X, Maiboom A, Shah SR |
3640 - 3648 |
Multivariate Granger causality between electricity generation, exports, prices and GDP in Malaysia Lean HH, Smyth R |
3649 - 3656 |
Analyzing variables for district heating collaborations between energy utilities and industries Thollander P, Svensson IL, Trygg L |
3657 - 3665 |
Prospective national and regional environmental performance: Boundary estimations using a combined data envelopment - stochastic frontier analysis approach Vaninsky A |
3666 - 3673 |
Ecological assessment and economic feasibility to utilize first generation biofuels in cogeneration output cycle - The case of Lithuania Raslavicius L, Bazaras Z |
3674 - 3685 |
Short-term electricity demand and gas price forecasts using wavelet transforms and adaptive models Nguyen HT, Nabney IT |
3686 - 3695 |
Second law analysis and heat transfer in a cross-flow heat exchanger with a new winglet-type vortex generator Kotcioglu I, Caliskan S, Cansiz A, Baskaya S |
3696 - 3706 |
On the Second-Law inconsistency of Emergy Analysis Sciubba E |
3707 - 3716 |
Experimental and numerical investigation of a flat-plate solar collector Alvarez A, Cabeza O, Muniz MC, Varela LM |
3717 - 3721 |
Modeling stump biomass of stands using harvester measurements for adaptive energy wood procurement systems Vesa L, Palander T |
3722 - 3730 |
INLUX-DBR - A calculation code to calculate indoor natural illuminance inside buildings under various sky conditions Ferraro V, Igawa N, Marinelli V |
3731 - 3737 |
Energy intensity and greenhouse gases footprint of metallurgical processes: A continuous steelmaking case study Barati M |
3738 - 3750 |
Optimizing the energy efficiency of conventional multi-cylinder dryers in the paper industry Laurijssen J, De Gram FJ, Worrell E, Faaij A |
3751 - 3762 |
Radial Basis Function Network-based prediction of global solar radiation data: Application for sizing of a stand-alone photovoltaic system at Al-Madinah, Saudi Arabia Benghanem M, Mellit A |
3763 - 3772 |
Hydrogen distribution in the refinery using mathematical modeling Kumar A, Gautami G, Khanam S |
3773 - 3782 |
The effect of daylight saving time options on electricity consumption of Turkey Karasu S |
3783 - 3787 |
Single and double pass solar air heaters with wire mesh as packing bed Aldabbagh LBY, Egelioglu F, Ilkan M |
3788 - 3792 |
Characterization of energy use in 300 mm DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) wafer fabrication plants (fabs) in Taiwan Hu SC, Xu TF, Chaung T, Chan DYL |
3793 - 3798 |
Experimental study of R152a and R32 to replace R134a in a domestic refrigerator Bolaji BO |
3799 - 3802 |
Experimental investigation of a box-type solar cooker with a finned absorber plate Harmim A, Belhamel M, Boukar M, Amar M |
3803 - 3813 |
The socio-political economy of nuclear energy in China and India Sovacool BK, Valentine SV |
3814 - 3820 |
A new method of leak location for the natural gas pipeline based on wavelet analysis Yang Z, Xiong ZA, Shao M |
3821 - 3826 |
Energetic and exergetic performance evaluation of the quadruple-effect evaporator unit in tomato paste production Sogut Z, Ilten N, Oktay Z |
3827 - 3837 |
DMLHFLC (Dual mode linguistic hedge fuzzy logic controller) for an isolated wind-diesel hybrid power system with BES (battery energy storage) unit Ansari MMT, Velusami S |
3838 - 3848 |
Fully automatic AI-based leak detection system Tylman W, Kolczynski J, Anders GJ |
3849 - 3862 |
A systematic tool for the minimization of the life cycle impact of solar assisted absorption cooling systems Gebreslassie BH, Guillen-Gosalbez G, Jimenez L, Boer D |
3863 - 3869 |
Influence of CFB (circulating fluidized bed) boiler bottom ash heat recovery mode on thermal economy of units Zeng B, Lu XF, Liu HZ |
3870 - 3876 |
Hour-ahead wind power and speed forecasting using simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm and neural network with fuzzy inputs Hong YY, Chang HL, Chiu CS |
3877 - 3882 |
Enhancement of APCI cycle efficiency with absorption chillers Mortazavi A, Somers C, Alabdulkarem A, Hwang Y, Radermacher R |
3883 - 3890 |
Optimal reserve capacity allocation with consideration of customer reliability requirements Najafi M, Ehsan M, Fotuhi-Firuzabad M, Akhavein A, Afshar K |
3891 - 3901 |
Performance analysis of a direct expansion air dehumidification system combined with membrane-based total heat recovery Liang CH, Zhang LZ, Pei LX |
3902 - 3908 |
Tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide semi-clathrate hydrate process for post-combustion capture of carbon dioxide in the presence of dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride Li XS, Xu CG, Chen ZY, Wu HJ |
3909 - 3920 |
An analytical method for the measurement of energy system sustainability in urban areas Jovanovic M, Afgan N, Bakic V |
3921 - 3931 |
Potential impact of (CET) carbon emissions trading on China's power sector: A perspective from different allowance allocation options Cong RG, Wei YM |
3932 - 3940 |
Seasonal energy utilization optimization in an enterprise Zheng ML, Wang W |
3941 - 3957 |
Synthesis methods of low-Pt-loading electrocatalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cell systems Esmaeilifar A, Rowshanzamir S, Eikani MH, Ghazanfari E |
3958 - 3974 |
Review of mathematical models of future oil supply: Historical overview and synthesizing critique Brandt AR |