1 - 8 |
Optimal energy management of a small-size building via hybrid model predictive control Khakimova A, Kusatayeva A, Shamshimova A, Sharipova D, Bemporad A, Familiant Y, Shintemirov A, Ten V, Rubagotti M |
9 - 18 |
Seasonal variation of thermal sensations in residential buildings in the Hot Summer and Cold Winter zone of China Liu H, Wu YX, Li BZ, Cheng Y, Yao RM |
19 - 27 |
Performance evaluation of light shelves Warrier GA, Raphael B |
28 - 41 |
State-of-the-art for the use of phase-change materials in tanks coupled with heat pumps Pardinas AA, Alonso MJ, Diz R, Kvalsvik KH, Fernandez-Seara J |
42 - 49 |
Recent progress on ultrasonic de-icing technique used for wind power generation, high-voltage transmission line and aircraft Wang ZJ |
50 - 60 |
Indoor lighting techniques: An overview of evolution and new trends for energy saving Montoya FG, Pena-Garcia A, Juaidi A, Manzano-Agugliaro F |
61 - 67 |
Effectiveness of design codes for life cycle energy optimisation Orr J, Bras A, Ibell T |
68 - 80 |
Measuring embodied carbon dioxide equivalent of buildings: A review and critique of current industry practice De Wolf C, Pomponi F, Moncaster A |
81 - 97 |
Data driven prediction models of energy use of appliances in a low-energy house Candanedo LM, Feldheim V, Deramaix D |
98 - 109 |
Accuracy analysis and improvement of the Blind Enclosure Model to calculate the longwave radiative heat transfer for a facade with louver blinds Jiang FJ, Li ZR, Zhao Q, Tao QH, Lu SY |
110 - 120 |
Hybrid energy scenarios-for residential applications based on the heat pump split air-conditioning units for operation in the Mediterranean climate conditions Nizetic S, Papadopoulos AM, Tina GM, Rosa-Clot M |
121 - 130 |
Optimization approaches in district heating and cooling thermal network Sameti M, Haghighat F |
131 - 139 |
Balance between energy conservation and environmental impact: Life-cycle energy analysis and life-cycle environmental impact analysis Hu M |
140 - 153 |
Shoeboxer: An algorithm for abstracted rapid multi-zone urban building energy model generation and simulation Dogan T, Reinhart C |
154 - 170 |
Analysis of different applications of Maisotsenko cycle heat exchanger in the desiccant air conditioning systems Pandelidis D, Anisimov S, Worek WM, Drag P |
171 - 187 |
A disaggregated, probabilistic, high resolution method for assessment of domestic occupancy and electrical demand Flett G, Kelly N |
188 - 195 |
Recent advancement in BIPV product technologies: A review Shukla AK, Sudhakar K, Baredar P |
196 - 209 |
A comparative thermodynamic and economic analysis and assessment of a conventional HVAC and a VRF system in a social and cultural center building Ouml;zahi E, Abusoglu A, Kutlar AI, Dagci O |
210 - 223 |
Thermal and visual comfort assessment of natural ventilated office buildings in Europe and North America Costanzo V, Donn M |
224 - 235 |
An infrared thermography passive approach to assess the effect of leakage points in buildings Barreira E, Almeida RMSF, Moreira M |
236 - 244 |
Environmental benefits of renewable building materials: A case study in Taiwan Lo CL |
245 - 260 |
Establishment and experimental verification of TRNSYS model for PCM floor coupled with solar water heating system Lu SL, Zhao YQ, Fang K, Li YR, Sun PC |
261 - 267 |
Development and validation of a three-dimensional numerical model for predicting the ground temperature distribution Ji YC, Qian H, Zheng XH |
268 - 279 |
Estimation of the thermophysical properties of date palm fibers/gypsum composite for use as insulating materials in building Braiek A, Karkri M, Adili A, Ibos L, Ben Nasrallah S |
280 - 294 |
The glazing area in residential buildings in temperate climate: The thermal-energetic performance of housing units in Lisbon Tavares MCP, Goncalves HJP, Bastos JNTDC |
295 - 304 |
Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation potential in the commercial and institutional sector Subramanyam V, Ahiduzzaman M, Kumar A |
305 - 316 |
An enhanced ISODATA algorithm for recognizing multiple electric appliances from the aggregated power consumption dataset Li MC, Han S, Shi J |
317 - 323 |
Baseline building energy modeling of cluster inverse model by using daily energy consumption in office buildings Ko JH, Kong DS, Huh JH |
324 - 335 |
An investigation on the thermal and energy performance of living wall system in Shanghai area He Y, Yu H, Ozaki A, Dong NN, Zheng SL |
336 - 347 |
Harvesting daylight with LED or T5 fluorescent lamps? The role of dimming Doulos LT, Tsangrassoulis A, Kontaxis PA, Kontadakis A, Topalis FV |
348 - 358 |
Impact of daily passenger traffic on energy consumption of intermittent-operating-escalators Uimonen S, Tukia T, Siikonen ML, Lehtonen M |
359 - 370 |
Empirical model for evaluating power consumption of centrifugal chillers Wang HD |
371 - 379 |
Analysis of the influence of the return position in the vertical temperature gradient in displacement ventilation systems for large halls Gil-Lopez T, Galvez-Huerta MA, O'Donohoe PG, Castejon-Navas J, Dieguez-Elizondo PM |
380 - 387 |
A novel concept to measure envelope thermal transmittance and air infiltration using a combined simulation and experimental approach Li Y, Rezgui Y |
388 - 398 |
Building retrofit addressing occupancy: An integrated cost and environmental tife-tycle analysis Rodrigues C, Freire F |
399 - 417 |
The cost efficiency of improved roof windows in two well-lit nearly zero-energy houses in Copenhagen Skarning GCJ, Hviid CA, Svendsen S |
418 - 429 |
A dynamic dehumidifier model for simulations and control of liquid desiccant hybrid air conditioning systems Wang LS, Xiao F, Niu XF, Gao DC |
430 - 442 |
Optimal chiller sequencing control in an office building considering the variation Of chiller maximum cooling capacity Liu ZH, Tan HW, Luo D, Yu GB, Li J, Li ZY |
443 - 457 |
Assessment of natural lighting performance and visual comfort of educational architecture in Southern Europe: The case of typical educational school premises in Cyprus Michael A, Heracleous C |
458 - 479 |
Review on energy savings by solar control techniques and optimal building orientation for the strategic placement of facade shading systems Valladares-Rendon LG, Schmid G, Lo SL |
480 - 500 |
Tailored domestic retrofit decision making towards integrated performance targets in Tianjin, China Yang HW, Liu L, Li XJ, Liu CH, Jones P |
501 - 507 |
Simulating the effects of anchors on the thermal performance of building insulation systems Ji R, Zhang ZT, He Y, Liu J, Qu SL |