
Energy Conversion and Management

Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.38 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0196-8904 (Print) 

In this Issue (112 articles)

S1 - S2 Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Removal - Cambridge, MA, USA, 9-11 September 1996 -Introduction
Herzog HJ
S3 - S12 Sustainable development, climate change, and carbon dioxide removal (CDR)
Turkenburg WC
S13 - S18 United States strategy for mitigating global climate change
Kane RL, Klein DE
S19 - S23 Japanese strategy for mitigating global warming
Kaya Y
S25 - S30 Lower CO2 emissions through better technology
Gessinger G
S31 - S35 Technology responses to global climate change concerns: The benefits from international collaboration
Tilley J
S37 - S42 Research and development issues in CO2 capture
Meisen A, Shuai XS
S43 - S44 CO2 abatement investigations under the Framework Programme of the RTD policy of the EU, in particular under the Joule II-Programme (1993 to 1995)
Pruschek R
S45 - S50 Development requirements for absorption processes for effective CO2 capture from power plants
Leci CL
S51 - S56 CO2 capture processes - Opportunities for improved energy efficiencies
Chakma A
S57 - S62 Development of energy saving technology for flue gas carbon dioxide recovery in power plant by chemical absorption method and steam system
Mimura T, Simayoshi H, Suda T, Iijima M, Mituoka S
S63 - S68 Evaluation of test results of 1000 m(3)N/h pilot plant for CO2 absorption using an amine-based solution
Arashi N, Oda N, Yamada M, Ota H, Umeda S, Tajika M
S69 - S74 The enhancement of the rate of absorption of CO2 in amine solutions due to the Marangoni effect
Buzek J, Podkanski J, Warmuzinski K
S75 - S80 Mass transfer studies of high performance structured packing for CO2 separation processes
Aroonwilas A, Tontiwachwuthikul P
S81 - S86 Separation of carbon dioxide from offshore gas turbine exhaust
FalkPedersen O, Dannstrom H
S87 - S92 Implementations of advisory system for the solvent selection of carbon dioxide removal processes
Chan C, Lau P
S93 - S98 The production of carbon dioxide from flue gas by membrane gas absorption
Feron PHM, Jansen AE
S99 - S104 A novel carbon fiber based material and separation technology
Burchell TD, Judkins RR
S105 - S110 Role of activated carbon pellets in carbon dioxide removal
Sarkar SC, Bose A
S111 - S116 Development of hollow fiber membranes for CO2 separation
Tokuda Y, Fujisawa E, Okabayashi N, Matsumiya N, Takagi K, Mano H, Haraya K, Sato M
S117 - S122 Pressurized fluidized bed combustion and gasification of coal using flue gas recirculation and oxygen injection
Andries J, Becht JGM, Hoppesteyn PDJ
S123 - S127 Trial design for a CO2 recovery power plant by burning pulverized coal in O-2/CO2
Okawa M, Kimura N, Kiga T, Takano S, Arai K, Kato M
S129 - S134 Characteristics of pulverized-coal combustion in the system of oxygen recycled flue gas combustion
Kiga T, Takano S, Kimura N, Omata K, Okawa M, Mori T, Kato M
S135 - S140 Integrating O-2 production with power systems to capture CO2
Jody BJ, Daniels EJ, Wolsky AM
S141 - S146 Highly efficient zero emission CO2-based power plant
Iantovski E, Mathieu P
S147 - S152 Combining cryogenic flue gas emission remediation with a CO2/O-2 combustion cycle
Meratla Z
S153 - S158 The role of IGCC in CO2 abatement
Pruschek R, Oeljeklaus G, Haupt G, Zimmermann G, Jansen D, Ribberink JS
S159 - S164 Water gas shift membrane reactor for CO2 control in IGCC systems: Techno-economic feasibility study
Bracht M, Alderliesten PT, Kloster R, Pruschek R, Haupt G, Xue E, Ross JRH, Koukou MK, Papayannakos N
S165 - S172 Natural gas utilisation without CO2 emissions
Gaudernack B, Lynum S
S173 - S178 Comparison of CO2 removal systems for fossil-fueled power plant processes
Gottlicher G, Pruschek R
S179 - S186 Thermodynamic and environmental assessment of integrated gasification and methanol synthesis (IGMS) energy systems with CO2 removal
Cau G, Carapellucci R, Cocco D
S187 - S192 CO2 recovery in a power plant with chemical looping combustion
Ishida M, Jin H
S193 - S198 An overview of the underground disposal of carbon dioxide
Holloway S
S199 - S204 Progress toward storage of carbon dioxide
Freund P, Ormerod WG
S205 - S209 Acid gas re-injection - A practical way to eliminate CO2 emissions from gas processing plants
Chakma A
S211 - S216 Disposal of power plant CO2 in depleted oil and gas reservoirs in Texas
Bergman PD, Winter EM, Chen ZY
S217 - S222 Deep coalbed methane in Alberta, Canada: A fuel resource with the potential of zero greenhouse gas emissions
Gunter WD, Gentzis T, Rottenfusser BA, Richardson RJH
S223 - S228 Simultaneous production of electricity, steam, and CO2 from small gas-fired cogeneration plants for enhanced oil recovery
deMontigny D, Kritpiphat W, Gelowitz D, Tontiwachwuthikul P
S229 - S234 Vertical convection in an aquifer column under a gas cap of CO2
Lindeberg E, WesselBerg D
S235 - S240 Escape of CO2 from aquifers
Lindeberg E
S241 - S245 Safety of the underground disposal of carbon dioxide
Holloway S
S247 - S252 Gas power with CO2 deposition located on abandoned platforms
Holt T, Lindeberg E
S253 - S258 Deep sub-seabed disposal of CO2 - The most protective storage
Koide H, Shindo Y, Tazaki Y, Iijima M, Ito K, Kimura N, Omata K
S259 - S264 Progress on binding CO2 in mineral substrates
Lackner KS, Butt DP, Wendt CH
S265 - S271 Ocean systems for managing the global carbon cycle
Spencer DF, North WJ
S273 - S277 Cost comparison in various CO2 ocean disposal options
Fujioka Y, Ozaki M, Takeuchi K, Shindo Y, Herzog HJ
S279 - S286 Transport systems for ocean disposal of CO2 and their environmental effects
Golomb D
S287 - S294 Marine carbonate formations: Their role in mediating long-term ocean-atmosphere carbon dioxide fluxes - A review.
Murray CN, Wilson TRS
S295 - S300 Testing the waters: An analytical framework for testing the political feasibility of scenario-based proposals for disposing of CO2 in the oceans
Kildow J
S301 - S306 CO2 clathrate-hydrate formation and its mechanism by molecular dynamics simulation
Hirai S, Okazaki K, Tabe Y, Kawamura K
S307 - S312 Dissolution mechanisms of CO2 molecules in water containing CO2 hydrates
Uchida T, Takagi A, Mae S, Kawabata J
S313 - S318 Numerical simulation for dissolution of liquid CO2 droplets covered with clathrate film in intermediate depth of ocean
Hirai S, Okazaki K, Tabe Y, Hijikata K
S319 - S324 Dispersion of CO2 droplets in the deep ocean
Teng H, Masutani SM, Kinoshita CM
S325 - S329 Influence of disposal depth on the size of CO2 droplets produced from a circular orifice
Teng H, Yamasaki A, Shindo Y
S331 - S336 LES study of CO2 enriched gravity currents
Alendal G
S337 - S341 Impacts of high concentration of CO2 on marine organisms; A modification of CO2 ocean sequestration
Takeuchi K, Fujioka Y, Kawasaki Y, Shirayama Y
S343 - S348 Near field impacts of reduced pH from ocean CO2 disposal
Caulfield JA, Auerbach DI, Adams EE, Herzog HJ
S349 - S354 Far-field impacts associated with ocean disposal of CO2
Dewey RK, Stegen GR, Bacastow R
S355 - S360 Dispersion of CO2 injected into the ocean at the intermediate depth
Nakashiki N, Ohsumi T
S361 - S366 LES study of flow around a CO2-droplet plume in the ocean
Thorkildsen F, Alendal G
S367 - S372 Photosynthetic Greenhouse gas mitigation by ocean nourishment
Jones ISF, Otaegui D
S373 - S378 Carbon dioxide utilisation in the chemical industry.
Aresta M, Tommasi I
S379 - S384 CO2 removal and fixation solar high temperature syngas generation for fuel synthesis
Weimer T, Specht M, Bandi A, Schaber K, Maier CU
S385 - S390 Highly effective gasoline synthesis from carbon dioxide
Inui T, Hara H, Takeguchi T, Ichino K, Kim JB, Iwamoto S, Pu SB
S391 - S396 Separate production of hydrogen and carbon monoxide by carbon dioxide reforming reaction of methane
Takayasu O, Sato F, Ota K, Hitomi T, Miyazaki T, Osawa T, Matsuura I
S397 - S402 Catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide into hydrocarbons over zinc promoted iron catalysts
Nam SS, Lee SJ, Kim H, Jun KW, Choi MJ
S403 - S408 Methanol synthesis from CO2 and H-2 over a Cu/ZnO-based multicomponent catalyst
Saito M, Takeuchi M, Watanabe T, Toyir J, Luo SC, Wu JG
S409 - S414 An assessment procedure for chemical utilisation schemes intended to reduce CO2 emissions to atmosphere
Audus H, Oonk H
S415 - S422 Greenhouse gas chemistry
Bill A, Wokaun A, Eliasson B, Killer E, Kogelschatz U
S423 - S430 Methanol as an agent for CO2 mitigation
Steinberg M
S431 - S436 Hydrogen and electricity from decarbonised fossil fuels
Kaarstad O, Audus H
S437 - S442 Liquid phase methanol synthesis catalyst
Mabuse H, Hagihara K, Watanabe T, Saito M
S443 - S448 Carbon recycling system through methanation of CO2 in flue gas in LNG power plant
Yoshida T, Tsuji M, Tamaura Y, Hurue T, Hayashida T, Ogawa K
S449 - S454 Catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide using phase transfer catalysts
Park DW, Moon JY, Yang JG, Lee JK
S455 - S460 Technology assessment of alternative fuels by CO2 fixation use in passenger cars
Matsumoto S, Inaba A, Yanagisawa Y
S461 - S466 Absorption and fixation of carbon dioxide by rock weathering
Kojima T, Nagamine A, Ueno N, Uemiya S
S467 - S473 Biological fossil CO2 mitigation
Hughes E, Benemann JR
S475 - S479 CO2 mitigation with microalgae systems
Benemann JR
S481 - S486 A new marine microalga cultivation in a tubular bioreactor and its utilization as an additive for paper surface improvements
HonNami K, Hirano A, Kunito S, Tsuyuki Y, Kinoshita T, Ogushi Y
S487 - S492 Biological CO2 fixation and utilization project by RITE .1. Highly-effective photobioreactor system
Usui N, Ikenouchi M
S493 - S497 The biological CO2 fixation and utilization project by RITE .2. Screening and breeding of microalgae with high capability in fixing CO2
Murakami M, Ikenouchi M
S499 - S503 Development of a photobioreactor incorporating Chlorella sp. for removal of CO2 in stack gas
Watanabe Y, Saiki H
S505 - S510 Plant flue gas as a source of CO2 for microalgae cultivation. Economic impact of different process options
Kadam KL
S511 - S516 Optimization of the fertilization by nutrients of the ocean, taking fixation by phytoplankton into account
Horiuchi K, Kojima T, Inaba A
S517 - S521 Calcium chloride as a biomimetic intermediate for the mineralization of carbonate ions of water as calcium carbonate in gelatinous matrices of chitosan and chitin
Hirano S, Yamamoto K, Inui H
S523 - S528 Cyanobacterial bioconversion of carbon dioxide for fuel productions
Ohtaguchi K, Kajiwara S, Mustaqim D, Takahashi N
S529 - S532 Design of the bioreactor for carbon dioxide fixation by Synechococcus PCC7942
Kajiwara S, Yamada H, Ohkuni N, Ohtaguchi K
S533 - S537 Stably sustained hydrogen production by biophotolysis in natural day/night cycle
Miura Y, Akano T, Fukatsu K, Miyasaka H, Mizoguchi T, Yagi K, Maeda I, Ikuta Y, Matsumoto H
S539 - S544 The synthesis of alternatives for the bioconversion of waste-monoethanolamine from large-scale CO2-removal processes
Ohtaguchi K, Yokoyama T
S545 - S549 Biomass development and waste wood co-firing
Benjamin W
S551 - S556 The Shawville Coal/Biomass Cofiring Test: A coal/power industry cooperative test of direct fossil-fuel CO2 mitigation
Hunt EF, Prinzing DE, Battista JJ, Hughes E
S557 - S562 Potential of cofiring with biomass in Italy
Aresta M, Tommasi I, Galatola M
S563 - S568 Utility Forest Carbon Management Program UtiliTree Carbon Company
Kinsman J, Kaster G, Kuhn E, McIntyre R
S569 - S573 Potential land area for reforestation and carbon dioxide mitigation effect through biomass energy conversion
Yokoyama SY
S575 - S580 Oxygen-blown gasification combined cycle: Carbon dioxide recovery, transport, and disposal
Doctor RD, Molburg JC, Thimmapuram PR
S581 - S588 The sequestering of carbon dioxide, embodied energy and common targets for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
Walsh JH
S589 - S594 Estimating the embodied carbon emissions from the material content
Nishimura K, Hondo H, Uchiyama Y
S595 - S600 The costs and benefits of mitigation: A full-fuel-cycle examination of technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Audus H, Freund P
S601 - S606 Full fuel cycle emission analysis for electric power generation options and its application in a market-based economy
Macdonald D, Donner J, Nikiforuk A
S607 - S614 Study on GHG control scenarios by life cycle analysis - World energy outlook until 2100
Ito K, Uchiyama Y, Takeshita T, Hayashibe H
S615 - S620 Evaluation of CO2 payback time of power plants by LCA
Tahara K, Kojima T, Inaba A
S621 - S627 Economic assessment of CO2 capture and disposal
Eckaus RS, Jacoby HD, Ellerman AD, Leung WC, Yang Z
S629 - S634 Synergies and conflicts of sulfur and carbon mitigation strategies
Messner S
S635 - S641 Assessment of CO2 removal utilizing the concept of sustainability limitations
Matsuhashi R, Ishitani H
S643 - S648 Externality estimation of greenhouse warming impacts
Sorensen B
S649 - S654 Japan's cooperative research of CO2 mitigation with developing countries
Kusuda S, Kurashige Y, Higashikawa T, Hayashi I
S655 - S660 CO2 mitigation by new energy systems
Sakaki K, Yamada K
S661 - S667 CO2 mitigation through the use of hybrid solar-combined cycles
Allani Y, Favrat D, vonSpakovsky MR
S669 - S672 Mitigation impact of CO2 in developing countries
BhavanNaRayana K
S673 - S678 CO2 release of main industries in China: Situation and options
Jiang M
S679 - S684 Trends in evolution of CO2 emissions in Romania and perspectives for diminishing their environmental impact
Dragos L, Scarlat N, Flueraru C
S685 - S689 Non-CO2 emitting renewable energy sources in Nepal: Problems and prospects
Shrestha JN, Kojima T