S1 - S2 |
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Removal - Cambridge, MA, USA, 9-11 September 1996 -Introduction Herzog HJ |
S3 - S12 |
Sustainable development, climate change, and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) Turkenburg WC |
S13 - S18 |
United States strategy for mitigating global climate change Kane RL, Klein DE |
S19 - S23 |
Japanese strategy for mitigating global warming Kaya Y |
S25 - S30 |
Lower CO2 emissions through better technology Gessinger G |
S31 - S35 |
Technology responses to global climate change concerns: The benefits from international collaboration Tilley J |
S37 - S42 |
Research and development issues in CO2 capture Meisen A, Shuai XS |
S43 - S44 |
CO2 abatement investigations under the Framework Programme of the RTD policy of the EU, in particular under the Joule II-Programme (1993 to 1995) Pruschek R |
S45 - S50 |
Development requirements for absorption processes for effective CO2 capture from power plants Leci CL |
S51 - S56 |
CO2 capture processes - Opportunities for improved energy efficiencies Chakma A |
S57 - S62 |
Development of energy saving technology for flue gas carbon dioxide recovery in power plant by chemical absorption method and steam system Mimura T, Simayoshi H, Suda T, Iijima M, Mituoka S |
S63 - S68 |
Evaluation of test results of 1000 m(3)N/h pilot plant for CO2 absorption using an amine-based solution Arashi N, Oda N, Yamada M, Ota H, Umeda S, Tajika M |
S69 - S74 |
The enhancement of the rate of absorption of CO2 in amine solutions due to the Marangoni effect Buzek J, Podkanski J, Warmuzinski K |
S75 - S80 |
Mass transfer studies of high performance structured packing for CO2 separation processes Aroonwilas A, Tontiwachwuthikul P |
S81 - S86 |
Separation of carbon dioxide from offshore gas turbine exhaust FalkPedersen O, Dannstrom H |
S87 - S92 |
Implementations of advisory system for the solvent selection of carbon dioxide removal processes Chan C, Lau P |
S93 - S98 |
The production of carbon dioxide from flue gas by membrane gas absorption Feron PHM, Jansen AE |
S99 - S104 |
A novel carbon fiber based material and separation technology Burchell TD, Judkins RR |
S105 - S110 |
Role of activated carbon pellets in carbon dioxide removal Sarkar SC, Bose A |
S111 - S116 |
Development of hollow fiber membranes for CO2 separation Tokuda Y, Fujisawa E, Okabayashi N, Matsumiya N, Takagi K, Mano H, Haraya K, Sato M |
S117 - S122 |
Pressurized fluidized bed combustion and gasification of coal using flue gas recirculation and oxygen injection Andries J, Becht JGM, Hoppesteyn PDJ |
S123 - S127 |
Trial design for a CO2 recovery power plant by burning pulverized coal in O-2/CO2 Okawa M, Kimura N, Kiga T, Takano S, Arai K, Kato M |
S129 - S134 |
Characteristics of pulverized-coal combustion in the system of oxygen recycled flue gas combustion Kiga T, Takano S, Kimura N, Omata K, Okawa M, Mori T, Kato M |
S135 - S140 |
Integrating O-2 production with power systems to capture CO2 Jody BJ, Daniels EJ, Wolsky AM |
S141 - S146 |
Highly efficient zero emission CO2-based power plant Iantovski E, Mathieu P |
S147 - S152 |
Combining cryogenic flue gas emission remediation with a CO2/O-2 combustion cycle Meratla Z |
S153 - S158 |
The role of IGCC in CO2 abatement Pruschek R, Oeljeklaus G, Haupt G, Zimmermann G, Jansen D, Ribberink JS |
S159 - S164 |
Water gas shift membrane reactor for CO2 control in IGCC systems: Techno-economic feasibility study Bracht M, Alderliesten PT, Kloster R, Pruschek R, Haupt G, Xue E, Ross JRH, Koukou MK, Papayannakos N |
S165 - S172 |
Natural gas utilisation without CO2 emissions Gaudernack B, Lynum S |
S173 - S178 |
Comparison of CO2 removal systems for fossil-fueled power plant processes Gottlicher G, Pruschek R |
S179 - S186 |
Thermodynamic and environmental assessment of integrated gasification and methanol synthesis (IGMS) energy systems with CO2 removal Cau G, Carapellucci R, Cocco D |
S187 - S192 |
CO2 recovery in a power plant with chemical looping combustion Ishida M, Jin H |
S193 - S198 |
An overview of the underground disposal of carbon dioxide Holloway S |
S199 - S204 |
Progress toward storage of carbon dioxide Freund P, Ormerod WG |
S205 - S209 |
Acid gas re-injection - A practical way to eliminate CO2 emissions from gas processing plants Chakma A |
S211 - S216 |
Disposal of power plant CO2 in depleted oil and gas reservoirs in Texas Bergman PD, Winter EM, Chen ZY |
S217 - S222 |
Deep coalbed methane in Alberta, Canada: A fuel resource with the potential of zero greenhouse gas emissions Gunter WD, Gentzis T, Rottenfusser BA, Richardson RJH |
S223 - S228 |
Simultaneous production of electricity, steam, and CO2 from small gas-fired cogeneration plants for enhanced oil recovery deMontigny D, Kritpiphat W, Gelowitz D, Tontiwachwuthikul P |
S229 - S234 |
Vertical convection in an aquifer column under a gas cap of CO2 Lindeberg E, WesselBerg D |
S235 - S240 |
Escape of CO2 from aquifers Lindeberg E |
S241 - S245 |
Safety of the underground disposal of carbon dioxide Holloway S |
S247 - S252 |
Gas power with CO2 deposition located on abandoned platforms Holt T, Lindeberg E |
S253 - S258 |
Deep sub-seabed disposal of CO2 - The most protective storage Koide H, Shindo Y, Tazaki Y, Iijima M, Ito K, Kimura N, Omata K |
S259 - S264 |
Progress on binding CO2 in mineral substrates Lackner KS, Butt DP, Wendt CH |
S265 - S271 |
Ocean systems for managing the global carbon cycle Spencer DF, North WJ |
S273 - S277 |
Cost comparison in various CO2 ocean disposal options Fujioka Y, Ozaki M, Takeuchi K, Shindo Y, Herzog HJ |
S279 - S286 |
Transport systems for ocean disposal of CO2 and their environmental effects Golomb D |
S287 - S294 |
Marine carbonate formations: Their role in mediating long-term ocean-atmosphere carbon dioxide fluxes - A review. Murray CN, Wilson TRS |
S295 - S300 |
Testing the waters: An analytical framework for testing the political feasibility of scenario-based proposals for disposing of CO2 in the oceans Kildow J |
S301 - S306 |
CO2 clathrate-hydrate formation and its mechanism by molecular dynamics simulation Hirai S, Okazaki K, Tabe Y, Kawamura K |
S307 - S312 |
Dissolution mechanisms of CO2 molecules in water containing CO2 hydrates Uchida T, Takagi A, Mae S, Kawabata J |
S313 - S318 |
Numerical simulation for dissolution of liquid CO2 droplets covered with clathrate film in intermediate depth of ocean Hirai S, Okazaki K, Tabe Y, Hijikata K |
S319 - S324 |
Dispersion of CO2 droplets in the deep ocean Teng H, Masutani SM, Kinoshita CM |
S325 - S329 |
Influence of disposal depth on the size of CO2 droplets produced from a circular orifice Teng H, Yamasaki A, Shindo Y |
S331 - S336 |
LES study of CO2 enriched gravity currents Alendal G |
S337 - S341 |
Impacts of high concentration of CO2 on marine organisms; A modification of CO2 ocean sequestration Takeuchi K, Fujioka Y, Kawasaki Y, Shirayama Y |
S343 - S348 |
Near field impacts of reduced pH from ocean CO2 disposal Caulfield JA, Auerbach DI, Adams EE, Herzog HJ |
S349 - S354 |
Far-field impacts associated with ocean disposal of CO2 Dewey RK, Stegen GR, Bacastow R |
S355 - S360 |
Dispersion of CO2 injected into the ocean at the intermediate depth Nakashiki N, Ohsumi T |
S361 - S366 |
LES study of flow around a CO2-droplet plume in the ocean Thorkildsen F, Alendal G |
S367 - S372 |
Photosynthetic Greenhouse gas mitigation by ocean nourishment Jones ISF, Otaegui D |
S373 - S378 |
Carbon dioxide utilisation in the chemical industry. Aresta M, Tommasi I |
S379 - S384 |
CO2 removal and fixation solar high temperature syngas generation for fuel synthesis Weimer T, Specht M, Bandi A, Schaber K, Maier CU |
S385 - S390 |
Highly effective gasoline synthesis from carbon dioxide Inui T, Hara H, Takeguchi T, Ichino K, Kim JB, Iwamoto S, Pu SB |
S391 - S396 |
Separate production of hydrogen and carbon monoxide by carbon dioxide reforming reaction of methane Takayasu O, Sato F, Ota K, Hitomi T, Miyazaki T, Osawa T, Matsuura I |
S397 - S402 |
Catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide into hydrocarbons over zinc promoted iron catalysts Nam SS, Lee SJ, Kim H, Jun KW, Choi MJ |
S403 - S408 |
Methanol synthesis from CO2 and H-2 over a Cu/ZnO-based multicomponent catalyst Saito M, Takeuchi M, Watanabe T, Toyir J, Luo SC, Wu JG |
S409 - S414 |
An assessment procedure for chemical utilisation schemes intended to reduce CO2 emissions to atmosphere Audus H, Oonk H |
S415 - S422 |
Greenhouse gas chemistry Bill A, Wokaun A, Eliasson B, Killer E, Kogelschatz U |
S423 - S430 |
Methanol as an agent for CO2 mitigation Steinberg M |
S431 - S436 |
Hydrogen and electricity from decarbonised fossil fuels Kaarstad O, Audus H |
S437 - S442 |
Liquid phase methanol synthesis catalyst Mabuse H, Hagihara K, Watanabe T, Saito M |
S443 - S448 |
Carbon recycling system through methanation of CO2 in flue gas in LNG power plant Yoshida T, Tsuji M, Tamaura Y, Hurue T, Hayashida T, Ogawa K |
S449 - S454 |
Catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide using phase transfer catalysts Park DW, Moon JY, Yang JG, Lee JK |
S455 - S460 |
Technology assessment of alternative fuels by CO2 fixation use in passenger cars Matsumoto S, Inaba A, Yanagisawa Y |
S461 - S466 |
Absorption and fixation of carbon dioxide by rock weathering Kojima T, Nagamine A, Ueno N, Uemiya S |
S467 - S473 |
Biological fossil CO2 mitigation Hughes E, Benemann JR |
S475 - S479 |
CO2 mitigation with microalgae systems Benemann JR |
S481 - S486 |
A new marine microalga cultivation in a tubular bioreactor and its utilization as an additive for paper surface improvements HonNami K, Hirano A, Kunito S, Tsuyuki Y, Kinoshita T, Ogushi Y |
S487 - S492 |
Biological CO2 fixation and utilization project by RITE .1. Highly-effective photobioreactor system Usui N, Ikenouchi M |
S493 - S497 |
The biological CO2 fixation and utilization project by RITE .2. Screening and breeding of microalgae with high capability in fixing CO2 Murakami M, Ikenouchi M |
S499 - S503 |
Development of a photobioreactor incorporating Chlorella sp. for removal of CO2 in stack gas Watanabe Y, Saiki H |
S505 - S510 |
Plant flue gas as a source of CO2 for microalgae cultivation. Economic impact of different process options Kadam KL |
S511 - S516 |
Optimization of the fertilization by nutrients of the ocean, taking fixation by phytoplankton into account Horiuchi K, Kojima T, Inaba A |
S517 - S521 |
Calcium chloride as a biomimetic intermediate for the mineralization of carbonate ions of water as calcium carbonate in gelatinous matrices of chitosan and chitin Hirano S, Yamamoto K, Inui H |
S523 - S528 |
Cyanobacterial bioconversion of carbon dioxide for fuel productions Ohtaguchi K, Kajiwara S, Mustaqim D, Takahashi N |
S529 - S532 |
Design of the bioreactor for carbon dioxide fixation by Synechococcus PCC7942 Kajiwara S, Yamada H, Ohkuni N, Ohtaguchi K |
S533 - S537 |
Stably sustained hydrogen production by biophotolysis in natural day/night cycle Miura Y, Akano T, Fukatsu K, Miyasaka H, Mizoguchi T, Yagi K, Maeda I, Ikuta Y, Matsumoto H |
S539 - S544 |
The synthesis of alternatives for the bioconversion of waste-monoethanolamine from large-scale CO2-removal processes Ohtaguchi K, Yokoyama T |
S545 - S549 |
Biomass development and waste wood co-firing Benjamin W |
S551 - S556 |
The Shawville Coal/Biomass Cofiring Test: A coal/power industry cooperative test of direct fossil-fuel CO2 mitigation Hunt EF, Prinzing DE, Battista JJ, Hughes E |
S557 - S562 |
Potential of cofiring with biomass in Italy Aresta M, Tommasi I, Galatola M |
S563 - S568 |
Utility Forest Carbon Management Program UtiliTree Carbon Company Kinsman J, Kaster G, Kuhn E, McIntyre R |
S569 - S573 |
Potential land area for reforestation and carbon dioxide mitigation effect through biomass energy conversion Yokoyama SY |
S575 - S580 |
Oxygen-blown gasification combined cycle: Carbon dioxide recovery, transport, and disposal Doctor RD, Molburg JC, Thimmapuram PR |
S581 - S588 |
The sequestering of carbon dioxide, embodied energy and common targets for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions Walsh JH |
S589 - S594 |
Estimating the embodied carbon emissions from the material content Nishimura K, Hondo H, Uchiyama Y |
S595 - S600 |
The costs and benefits of mitigation: A full-fuel-cycle examination of technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions Audus H, Freund P |
S601 - S606 |
Full fuel cycle emission analysis for electric power generation options and its application in a market-based economy Macdonald D, Donner J, Nikiforuk A |
S607 - S614 |
Study on GHG control scenarios by life cycle analysis - World energy outlook until 2100 Ito K, Uchiyama Y, Takeshita T, Hayashibe H |
S615 - S620 |
Evaluation of CO2 payback time of power plants by LCA Tahara K, Kojima T, Inaba A |
S621 - S627 |
Economic assessment of CO2 capture and disposal Eckaus RS, Jacoby HD, Ellerman AD, Leung WC, Yang Z |
S629 - S634 |
Synergies and conflicts of sulfur and carbon mitigation strategies Messner S |
S635 - S641 |
Assessment of CO2 removal utilizing the concept of sustainability limitations Matsuhashi R, Ishitani H |
S643 - S648 |
Externality estimation of greenhouse warming impacts Sorensen B |
S649 - S654 |
Japan's cooperative research of CO2 mitigation with developing countries Kusuda S, Kurashige Y, Higashikawa T, Hayashi I |
S655 - S660 |
CO2 mitigation by new energy systems Sakaki K, Yamada K |
S661 - S667 |
CO2 mitigation through the use of hybrid solar-combined cycles Allani Y, Favrat D, vonSpakovsky MR |
S669 - S672 |
Mitigation impact of CO2 in developing countries BhavanNaRayana K |
S673 - S678 |
CO2 release of main industries in China: Situation and options Jiang M |
S679 - S684 |
Trends in evolution of CO2 emissions in Romania and perspectives for diminishing their environmental impact Dragos L, Scarlat N, Flueraru C |
S685 - S689 |
Non-CO2 emitting renewable energy sources in Nepal: Problems and prospects Shrestha JN, Kojima T |