1 - 3 |
Critiquing the use of war to mobilise peaceful climate action: A response to Kester & Sovacool Delina LL, Diesendorf M |
4 - 11 |
Exploring strengths and weaknesses of bioethanol production from bio-waste in Greece using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Konti A, Damigos D |
12 - 18 |
US state and local oil and gas revenue sources and uses Newell RG, Raimi D |
19 - 28 |
Solar Feed-In Tariffs: Examining fair and reasonable retail rates using, cost avoidance estimates Martin N, Rice J |
29 - 33 |
Creative accounting: A critical perspective on the market-based method for reporting purchased electricity (scope 2) emissions Brander M, Gillenwater M, Ascui F |
34 - 44 |
Evaluating the CO2 emissions reduction potential and cost of power sector re-dispatch Steinberg DC, Bielen DA, Townsend A |
45 - 55 |
Public estimates of support for offshore wind energy: False consensus, pluralistic ignorance, and partisan effects Sokoloski R, Markowitz EM, Bidwell D |
56 - 66 |
Economic and environmental costs of replacing nuclear fission with solar and wind energy in Sweden Hong S, Qvist S, Brook BW |
67 - 73 |
A nuclear- to-gas transition in South Korea: Is it environmentally friendly or economically viable? Hong S, Brook BW |
74 - 83 |
Explaining choices in energy infrastructure development as a network of adjacent action situations: The case of LNG in the Baltic Sea region Gritsenko D |
84 - 97 |
The impact of investors' risk aversion on the performances of capacity remuneration mechanisms Abani AO, Hary N, Rious V, Saguan M |
98 - 110 |
Poverty and distributional effects of a carbon tax in Mexico Renner S |
111 - 118 |
The effect of renewable and nonrenewable electricity generation on economic growth Atems B, Hotaling C |
119 - 128 |
Understanding stress effects of wind turbine noise - The integrated approach Pohl J, Gabriel J, Hubner G |
129 - 140 |
Investigating the rebound effect in road transport system: Empirical evidence from China Zhang SS, Lin BQ |
141 - 151 |
Business perspective to the national greenhouse gases emissions trading scheme: A survey of cement companies in China Liu XB, Fan YB |
152 - 161 |
Promoting green residential buildings: Residents' environmental attitude, subjective knowledge, and social trust matter Liu YX, Hong ZS, Zhu J, Yan JJ, Qi JQ, Liu P |
162 - 172 |
The shale technical revolution - cheer or fear? Impact analysis on efficiency in the global oilfield service market Gong BL |
173 - 183 |
On the role of efficient cogeneration for meeting Mexico's clean energy goals Llamas A, Probst O |
184 - 197 |
Natural gas market integration in the Visegrad 4 region: An example to follow or to avoid? Osicka J, Lehotsky L, Zapletalova V, Cernoch F, Dancak B |
198 - 208 |
Investigating the multivariate Granger causality between energy consumption, economic growth and CO2 emissions in Ghana Appiah MO |
209 - 220 |
The governance of the European Energy Union: Efficiency, effectiveness and acceptance of the Winter Package 2016 Ringel M, Knodt M |
221 - 232 |
Household consumption of coal and related sulfur, arsenic, fluorine and mercury emissions in China Zhao C, Luo KL |
233 - 241 |
Why people want to buy electric vehicle: An empirical study in first-tier cities of China Lin BQ, Wu W |
242 - 257 |
The influence of emission thresholds and retrofit options on airline fleet planning: An optimization approach Muller C, Kieckhafer K, Spengler TS |
258 - 271 |
Public receptiveness of vertical axis wind turbines Hui I, Cain BE, Dabiri JO |
272 - 279 |
Cost comparisons for wind and thermal power generation Partridge I |
280 - 290 |
Developing weighting system for refurbishment building assessment scheme in Malaysia through analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach Kamaruzzaman SN, Lou ECW, Wong PF, Wood R, Che-Ani AI |
291 - 300 |
Consumption-based approach to RES-E quantification: Insights from a Pan-European case study Gaffney F, Deane JP, Collins S, O Gallachoir BP |
301 - 304 |
Editorial to the special issue "Sustainable energy policies in Northeast Asia" Choi Y |
305 - 315 |
Public acceptance of high-voltage power lines: The influence of information provision on undergrounding Lienert P, Sutterlin B, Siegrist M |
316 - 327 |
Strategy on China's regional coal consumption control: A case study of Shandong province Zhang YQ, Liu CG, Li K, Zhou Y |
328 - 333 |
Pioneering industry/municipal district heating collaboration in Sweden in the 1970s Soderholm K |
334 - 348 |
The networking dynamics of the Italian biofuel industry in time of crisis: Finding an effective instrument mix for fostering a sustainable energy transition Falcone PM, Lopolito A, Sica E |
349 - 360 |
The effect of additive manufacturing on global energy demand: An assessment using a bottom-up approach Verhoef LA, Budde BW, Chockalingam C, Nodar BG, van Wijk AJM |
361 - 370 |
Barriers to biogas dissemination in India: A review Mittal S, Ahlgren EO, Shukla PR |
371 - 371 |
Variability of electricity load patterns and its effect on demand response: A critical peak pricing experiment on korean commercial and industrial customers (vol 88, pg 11, 2016) Jang D, Eom J, Park MJ, Rho JJ |
372 - 380 |
What do local stakeholders think about the impacts of small hydroelectric plants? Using Q methodology to understand different perspectives Pagnussatt D, Petrini M, dos Santos ACMZ, da Silveira LM |
381 - 398 |
Economic and environmental impacts of electricity subsidy reform in Kuwait: A general equilibrium analysis Gelan A |
399 - 414 |
Sunset or sunrise? Understanding the barriers and options for the massive deployment of solar technologies in Chile Haas J, Palma-Behnke R, Valencia F, Araya P, Diaz-Ferran G, Telsnig T, Eltrop L, Diaz M, Puschel S, Grandel M, Roman R, Jimenez-Estevez G |
415 - 426 |
Analysing households' responsiveness towards socio-economic determinants of residential electricity consumption in Singapore Loi TSA, Ng JL |
427 - 436 |
Renewable energy curtailment: A case study on today's and tomorrow's congestion management Schermeyer H, Vergara C, Fichtner W |
437 - 448 |
Electric vehicles and natural disaster policy implications Adderly SA, Manukian D, Sullivan TD, Son M |