
Energy Policy

Energy Policy, Vol.61 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-4215 (Print) 

In this Issue (159 articles)

1 - 2 Energy policy: The flip side
Greening LA, Jefferson M
3 - 11 Feasibility analysis and policy recommendations for the development of the coal based SNG industry in Xinjiang
Huo JW, Yang DG, Xia FQ, Tang H, Zhang WB
12 - 21 The feasibility and implications for conventional liquid fossil fuel of the Indonesian biofuel target in 2025
Rahmadi A, Aye L, Moore G
22 - 30 Governing biofuels in Brazil: A comparison of ethanol and biodiesel policies
Stattman SL, Hospes O, Mol APJ
31 - 41 Secure energy supply in 2025: Indonesia's need for an energy policy strategy
Mujiyanto S, Tiess G
42 - 50 Modelling electricity demand in Ghana revisited: The role of policy regime changes
Adom PK, Bekoe W
51 - 59 Will Venezuelan extra-heavy oil be a significant source of petroleum in the next decades?
de Sena MFM, Rosa LP, Szklo A
60 - 64 Applying maintenance strategies from the space and satellite sector to the upstream oil and gas industry: A research agenda
Perrons RK, Richards MG
65 - 77 Evaluation of energy recovery and potential of hydrogen production in Iranian natural gas transmission network
Safarian S, Saboohi Y, Kateb M
78 - 87 Should Alberta upgrade oil sands bitumen? An integrated life cycle framework to evaluate energy systems investment tradeoffs
Choquette-Levy N, MacLean HL, Bergerson JA
88 - 95 Diversity in theory and practice: A review with application to the evolution of renewable energy generation in the UK
Cooke H, Keppo I, Wolf S
96 - 103 Photovoltaics in agriculture: A case study on decision making of farmers
Brudermann T, Reinsberger K, Orthofer A, Kislinger M, Posch A
104 - 113 Development of China's pumped storage plant and related policy analysis
Zeng M, Feng JJ, Xue S, Wang ZJ, Zhu XL, Wang YJ
114 - 124 Anaerobic digester systems (ADS) for multiple dairy farms: A GIS analysis for optimal site selection
Thompson E, Wang QB, Li MH
125 - 139 Transmission expansion planning in Northern Europe in 2030-Methodology and analyses
Jaehnert S, Wolfgang O, Farahmand H, Voller S, Huertas-Hernando D
140 - 150 The integration of renewable energies into the German transmission grid-A scenario comparison
Schroeder A, Oei PY, Sander A, Hankel L, Laurisch LC
151 - 161 Empowering the end-user in smart grids: Recommendations for the design of products and services
Geelen D, Reinders A, Keyson D
162 - 171 Scenario analysis of the new energy policy for Taiwan's electricity sector until 2025
Chen FF, Chou SC, Lu TK
172 - 181 System behaviour modelling for demand response provision in a smart grid
Dave S, Sooriyabandara M, Yearworth M
182 - 195 Global assessment of research and development for algae biofuel production and its potential role for sustainable development in developing countries
Adenle AA, Haslam GE, Lee L
196 - 206 Shifting strategies and precarious progress: Nuclear waste management in Canada
Ramana MV
207 - 222 Medium-term demand for European cross-border electricity transmission capacity
Martinez-Anido CB, Vandenbergh M, de Vries L, Alecu C, Purvins A, Fulli G, Huld T
223 - 229 Reconciling self-sufficiency and renewable energy targets in a hydro dominated system: The view from British Columbia
Sopinka A, van Kooten GC, Wong LD
230 - 237 Modelling the impact of EVs on electricity generation, costs and CO2 emissions Assessing the impact of different charging regimes and future generation profiles for Ireland in 2025
Calnan P, Deane JP, Gallachoir BPO
238 - 248 Concentrating solar power plant investment and operation decisions under different price and support mechanisms
Kost C, Flath CM, Most D
249 - 266 Distributed energy resource system optimisation using mixed integer linear programming
Omu A, Choudhary R, Boies A
267 - 273 Simulating power integration in Latin America to assess challenges, opportunities, and threats
Ochoa C, Dyner I, Franco CJ
274 - 284 Change-actors in the US electric energy system: The role of environmental groups in utility adoption and diffusion of wind power
Doblinger C, Soppe B
285 - 291 Capital structure in LNG infrastructures and gas pipelines projects: Empirical evidences and methodological issues
Pierru A, Roussanaly S, Sabathier J
292 - 300 The limits of HVDC transmission
Pickard WF
301 - 305 Historical daily gas and electrical energy flows through Great Britain's transmission networks and the decarbonisation of domestic heat
Wilson IAG, Rennie AJR, Ding YL, Eames PC, Hall PJ, Kelly NJ
306 - 316 The military and energy: Moving the United States beyond oil
Closson S
317 - 326 Policy analysis for energy efficiency in the built environment in Spain
Travezan JY, Harmsen R, van Toledo G
327 - 336 The dynamics of sectoral electricity demand for a panel of US states: New evidence on the consumption growth nexus
Saunoris JW, Sheridan BJ
337 - 348 Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demand profiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electric vehicle trips
Robinson AP, Blythe PT, Bell MC, Hubner Y, Hill GA
349 - 359 The potential for segmentation of the retail market for electricity in Ireland
Hyland M, Leahy E, Tol RSJ
360 - 370 Engineering estimates versus impact evaluation of energy efficiency. projects: Regression discontinuity evidence from a case study
Lang C, Siler M
371 - 381 Energy saving behaviours: Development of a practice-based model
Sweeney JC, Kresling J, Webb D, Soutar GN, Mazzarol T
382 - 393 The impact of government policy on preference for NEVs: The evidence from China
Zhang X, Wang K, Hao Y, Fan JL, Wei YM
394 - 402 Estimation of urban residential electricity demand in, China using household survey data
Zhou SJ, Teng F
403 - 413 Going electric: Expert survey on the future of battery technologies for electric vehicles
Catenacci M, Verdolini E, Bosetti V, Fiorese G
414 - 422 Implementing energy efficiency policy in Croatia: Stakeholder interactions for closing the gap
Bukarica V, Robic S
423 - 429 Demand response from the non-domestic sector: Early UK experiences and future opportunities
Grunewald P, Torriti J
430 - 440 Innovation and adoption of energy efficient technologies: An exploratory analysis of Italian primary metal manufacturing SMEs
Trianni A, Cagno E, Worrell E
441 - 447 Affordability of electric vehicles for a sustainable transport system: An economic and environmental analysis
Tseng HK, Wu JS, Liu XS
448 - 459 Estimating the energy saving potential of telecom operators in China
Yang TJ, Zhang YJ, Huang J, Peng RH
460 - 471 Actual and theoretical gas consumption in Dutch dwellings: What causes the differences?
Majcen D, Itard L, Visscher H
472 - 482 Estimation on oil demand and oil saving potential of China's road transport sector
Lin BQ, Xie CP
483 - 495 Determinants of willingness to pay for smart meters: An empirical analysis of household customers in Germany
Gerpott TJ, Paukert M
496 - 512 A methodology for understanding the impacts of large-scale penetration of micro-combined heat and power
Tapia-Ahumada K, Perez-Arriaga IJ, Moniz EJ
513 - 522 How to reduce energy intensity in China: A regional comparison perspective
Li Y, Sun LY, Feng TW, Zhu CY
523 - 531 Proposed business plan for energy efficiency in Brazil
De Oliveira LS, Shayani RA, De Oliveira MAG
532 - 543 Hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or electric-What do car buyers want?
Axsen J, Kurani KS
544 - 550 Temporal and spatial variations in on-road energy use and CO2 emissions in China, 1978-2008
Liu Y, Wang Y, Huo H
551 - 561 Abatement cost analysis in CO2 emission reduction costs regarding the supply-side policies for the Taiwan power sector
Ko L, Chen CY, Lai JW, Wang YH
562 - 573 How to decarbonize the transport sector?
van der Zwaan B, Keppo I, Johnsson F
574 - 586 Analysis of energy intensity in Japan
Okajima S, Okajima H
587 - 594 Development of a greenhouse gas accounting GIS-based tool to support local policy making-application to an Italian municipality
Asdrubali F, Presciutti A, Scrucca F
595 - 598 The rationality of biofuels
Nogueira LAH, Moreira JR, Schuchardt U, Goldemberg J
599 - 609 Promoting the market and system integration of renewable energies through premium schemes-A case study of the German market premium
Gawel E, Purkus A
610 - 618 China's large-scale power shortages of 2004 and 2011 after the electricity market reforms of 2002: Explanations and differences
Zeng M, Xue S, Li LY, Wang YJ, Wei Y, Li Y
619 - 627 Feed-in tariff design for domestic scale grid-connected PV systems using high resolution household electricity demand data
Ayompe LM, Duffy A
628 - 634 Price discovery in European natural gas markets
Schultz E, Swieringa J
635 - 641 Supplementing an emissions tax by a feed-in tariff for renewable electricity to address learning spillovers
Lehmann P
642 - 652 Global wind power development: Economics and policies
Timilsina GR, van Kooten GC, Narbel PA
653 - 662 Contract market power and its impact on the efficiency of the electricity sector
Serra P
663 - 670 Gazprom vs. other Russian gas producers: The evolution of the Russian gas sector
Lunden LP, Fjaertoft D, Overland I, Prachakova A
671 - 685 How to correct for long-term externalities of large-scale wind power development by a capacity mechanism?
Cepeda M, Finon D
686 - 696 A comprehensive method to find RPO trajectory and incentive scheme for promotion of renewable energy in India with study of impact of RPO on tariff
Shereef RM, Khaparde SA
697 - 706 The solar photovoltaic feed-in tariff scheme in New South Wales, Australia
Martin N, Rice J
707 - 716 How important are national companies for oil and gas sector performance? Lessons from the Bolivia and Brazil case studies
Antolin MJP, Cendrero JMR
717 - 728 Development of a virtual power market model to investigate strategic and collusive behavior of market players
Shafie-Khah M, Moghaddam MP, Sheikh-El-Eslami MK
729 - 739 Information strategies and energy conservation behavior: A meta-analysis of experimental studies from 1975 to 2012
Delmas MA, Fischlein M, Asensio OI
740 - 750 What is the best practice for benchmark regulation of electricity distribution? Comparison of DEA, SFA and StoNED methods
Kuosmanen T, Saastamoinen A, Sipilainen T
751 - 760 The costs of electricity interruptions in Spain. Are we sending the right signals?
Linares P, Rey L
761 - 770 Solar feed-in tariffs and the merit order effect: A study of the German electricity market
Tveten AG, Bolkesjo TF, Martinsen T, Hvarnes H
771 - 782 Russia's resource capitalism-market vs political signalling
Kretzschmar GL, Simpson E, Haque M
783 - 787 The Energy Services Company (ESCo) as business model for heat entrepreneurship-A case study of North Karelia, Finland
Suhonen N, Okkonen L
788 - 792 A qualitative study of users' engagement with real-time feedback from in-house energy consumption displays
Ultra C, Boso A, Espluga J, Prades A
793 - 801 The causal relationship between energy resources and economic growth in Brazil
Pao HT, Fu HC
802 - 810 Local acceptance of existing biogas plants in Switzerland
Soland M, Steimer N, Walter G
811 - 821 An expert elicitation of climate, energy and economic uncertainties
Usher W, Strachan N
822 - 828 Effect of the Fukushima nuclear disaster on global public acceptance of nuclear energy
Kim Y, Kim M, Kim W
829 - 839 Energy policymaking in Denmark: Implications for global energy security and sustainability
Sovacool BK
840 - 851 Driving and hindering factors for rural electrification in developing countries: Lessons from Bangladesh
Rahman MM, Paatero JV, Poudyal A, Lahdelma R
852 - 863 A comparative analysis of urban energy governance in four European cities
Morlet C, Keirstead J
864 - 873 Promoting low-carbon city through industrial symbiosis: A case in China by applying HPIMO model
Dong L, Fujita T, Zhang H, Dai M, Fujii M, Ohnishi S, Geng Y, Liu Z
874 - 880 Individual metering and charging of heat and hot water in Swedish housing cooperatives
Siggelsten S, Olander S
881 - 887 Growth and energy nexus in Europe revisited: Evidence from a fixed effects political economy model
Menegaki AN, Ozturk I
888 - 893 Assessment of end-use electricity consumption and peak demand by Townsville's housing stock
Ren ZG, Paevere P, Grozev G, Egan S, Anticev J
894 - 900 Mobilizing cities towards a low-carbon future: Tambourines, carrots and sticks
Azevedo I, Delarue E, Meeus L
901 - 908 Consumer preferences for alternative fuel vehicles: Comparing a utility maximization and a regret minimization model
Chorus CG, Koetse MJ, Hoen A
909 - 919 An analysis of the influence of urban form on energy consumption by individual consumption behaviors from a microeconomic viewpoint
Yin YH, Mizokami S, Maruyama T
920 - 930 Energy and environmental evaluation of municipal facilities: Case study in the province of Barcelona
Oliver-Sola J, Armero M, de Foix BM, Rieradevall J
931 - 943 A case-control study of support/opposition to wind turbines: Perceptions of health risk, economic benefits, and community conflict
Baxter J, Morzaria R, Hirsch R
944 - 952 Measuring the solar potential of a city and its implications for energy policy
Byrd H, Ho A, Sharp B, Kumar-Nair N
953 - 962 Risk identification for PPP waste-to-energy incineration projects in China
Song JB, Song DR, Zhang XQ, Sun Y
963 - 976 Biofuels and food security: Micro-evidence from Ethiopia
Negash M, Swinnen JFM
977 - 989 A thousand flowers blooming? An examination of community energy in the UK
Seyfang G, Park JJ, Smith A
990 - 1002 Household energy consumption patterns and its environmental implications: Assessment of energy access and poverty in Nepal
Malla S
1003 - 1010 Poor energy poor: Energy saving obligations, distributional effects, and the malfunction of the priority group
Moser S
1011 - 1021 The development of renewable energies and supply security: A trade-off analysis
Ropke L
1022 - 1030 Success for energy efficient renovation of dwellings-Learning from private homeowners
Risholt B, Berker T
1031 - 1045 The co-evolutionary relationship between Energy Service Companies and the UK energy system: Implications for a low-carbon transition
Hannon MJ, Foxon TJ, Gale WF
1046 - 1054 Assessing welfare impact of entry into power market
Cho IK, Kim H
1055 - 1062 Predictors of technical adoption and behavioural change to transport energy-saving measures in response to climate change
Aini MS, Chan SC, Syuhaily O
1063 - 1070 Power infrastructure quality and manufacturing productivity in Africa: A firm level analysis
Moyo B
1071 - 1078 Putting rural energy access projects into perspective: What lessons are relevant?
van der Vleuten F, Stam N, van der Plas RJ
1079 - 1087 Determining barriers to developing geothermal power generation in Japan: Societal acceptance by stakeholders involved in hot springs
Kubota H, Hondo H, Hienuki S, Kaieda H
1088 - 1096 Energy access: Lessons learned in Brazil and perspectives for replication in other developing countries
Coelho ST, Goldemberg J
1097 - 1106 Effects of feedback on residential electricity demand-Findings from a field trial in Austria
Schleich J, Klobasa M, Golz S, Brunner M
1107 - 1110 The global resource balance table, an integrated table of energy, materials and the environment
Tsuchiya H
1111 - 1115 A paradox regarding economic support to deploy renewable energy technologies
Kosugi T
1116 - 1126 The usefulness of marginal CO2-e abatement cost curves in Austria
Wachter P
1127 - 1139 A dynamic simulation of the ILUC effects of biofuel use in the USA
Oladosu G, Kline K
1140 - 1150 The environmental convergence hypothesis: Carbon dioxide emissions according to the source of energy
Herrerias MJ
1151 - 1163 Renewable electricity generation in Germany: A meta-analysis of mitigation scenarios
Schmid E, Pahle M, Knopf B
1164 - 1177 Emissions intensity targeting: From China's 12th Five Year Plan to its Copenhagen commitment
Lu YY, Stegman A, Cai YY
1178 - 1187 Method of checking and certifying carbon trading volume of existing buildings retrofits in China
Li M, Zhao J, Zhu N
1188 - 1199 Stakeholder perspectives on carbon capture and storage in Indonesia
Setiawan AD, Cuppen E
1200 - 1211 Evaluating public policy mechanisms for climate change mitigation in Brazilian buildings sector
de Melo CA, Jannuzzi GD, Tripodi AF
1212 - 1220 CO2 embodiment in China-Australia trade: The drivers and implications
Tan H, Sun AJ, Lau H
1221 - 1235 Emissions reduction potential from CO2 capture: A life-cycle assessment of a Brazilian coal-fired power plant
Branco DAC, Moura MCP, Szklo A, Schaeffer R
1236 - 1251 Impact of the carbon price on the integrating European electricity market
Aatola P, Ollikainen M, Toppinen A
1252 - 1260 The public perception of climate change in Taiwan and its paradigm shift
Tien CK
1261 - 1270 An exploration of residents' low-carbon awareness and behavior in Tianjin, China
Bai Y, Liu Y
1271 - 1275 Experiences of project developers around CDM projects in South Africa
Thurner TW, Varughese A
1276 - 1284 Life cycle carbon emission flow analysis for electricity supply system: A case study of China
Chen G, Chen B, Zhou H, Dai P
1285 - 1294 CO2 emissions and economic activity: Short- and long-run economic determinants of scale, energy intensity and carbon intensity
Andersson FNG, Karpestam P
1295 - 1304 Energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from Cameroon
Wandji YDF
1305 - 1321 China's inter-regional spillover of carbon emissions and domestic supply chains
Meng B, Xue JJ, Feng KS, Guan DB, Fu X
1322 - 1331 Regional disparity and cost-effective SO2 pollution control in China: A case study in 5 mega-cities
Kanada M, Dong L, Fujita T, Fujii M, Inoue T, Hirano Y, Togawa T, Geng Y
1332 - 1343 Assessment of the economic impact of environmental constraints on annual hydropower plant operation
Guisandez I, Perez-Diaz JI, Wilhelmi JR
1344 - 1356 Distributional impacts of climate change mitigation in Indian electricity: The influence of governance
Rao ND
1357 - 1366 How the choice of multi-gas equivalency metrics affects mitigation options: The case of CO2 capture in a Brazilian coal-fired power plant
Moura MCP, Branco DAC, Peters GP, Szklo AS, Schaeffer R
1367 - 1369 Policy delivery for low carbon energy infrastructure in the UK, april 5th 2013: Conference overview
Heffron RJ, Johnston A, McCauley D, Jenkins K
1370 - 1376 An overview of CO2 cost pass-through to electricity prices in Europe
Jouvet PA, Solier B
1377 - 1387 Technological, economic and financial prospects of carbon dioxide capture in the cement industry
Li J, Tharakan P, Macdonald D, Liang X
1388 - 1399 Including alternative resources in state renewable portfolio standards: Current design and implementation experience
Heeter J, Bird L
1400 - 1411 Analysis of low-carbon industrial symbiosis technology for carbon mitigation in a Chinese iron/steel industrial park: A case study with carbon flow analysis
Zhang H, Dong L, Li HQ, Fujita T, Ohnishi S, Tang Q
1412 - 1421 Estimating the energy use of high definition games consoles
Webb A, Mayers K, France C, Koomey J
1422 - 1431 The effect of fossil energy and other environmental taxes on profit incentives for change in an open economy: Evidence from the UK
Webster A, Ayatakshi S
1432 - 1442 An equity assessment of introducing uncertain forest carbon sequestration in EU climate policy
Vass MM, Elofsson K, Gren IM
1443 - 1451 Current status of REC mechanism in India and possible policy modifications to way forward
Shereef RM, Khaparde SA
1452 - 1459 The effects of financial development, economic growth, coal consumption and trade openness on CO2 emissions in South Africa
Shahbaz M, Tiwari AK, Nasir M
1460 - 1470 The global climate change and its effect on power generation in Bangladesh
Khan I, Alam F, Alam Q
1471 - 1480 Walking away from a low-carbon economy? Recent and historical trends using a regional decomposition analysis
Mundaca L, Markandya A, Norgaard J
1481 - 1489 The winds of change: How wind firms assess Germany's energy transition
Stegen KS, Seel M
1490 - 1502 FDI spillovers at different levels of industrial and spatial aggregation: Evidence from the electricity sector
Del Bo CF
1503 - 1520 Generation IV nuclear reactors: Current status and future prospects
Locatelli G, Mancini M, Todeschini N
1521 - 1528 US spent nuclear fuel management: Political, fiscal, and technical feasibility
Singer C
1529 - 1538 Expedited patent examination for green inventions: Developing countries' policy choices
1539 - 1550 Survey evidence on the willingness of US consumers to pay for automotive fuel economy
Greene DL, Evans DH, Hiestand J
1551 - 1555 The impact of electricity price changes on industrial prices and the general price level in Korea
Lim SY, Yoo SH
1556 - 1567 The diffusion process of stationary fuel cells in a two-sided market economy
Heinz B, Graeber M, Praktiknjo AJ
1568 - 1585 The evolution of China's National Energy RD&D Programs: The role of scientists in science and technology decision making
Zhi Q, Su J, Ru P, Anadon LD
1586 - 1594 The Norwegian PV manufacturing industry in a Triple Helix perspective
Klitkou A, Godoe H
1595 - 1607 Innovation in emerging energy technologies: A case study analysis to inform the path forward for algal biofuels
Haase R, Bielicki J, Kuzma J
1608 - 1609 Energy from the Desert: Very Large Scale Photovoltaic Power - State of the Art and Into the Future
Krupa J