
Energy Policy

Energy Policy, Vol.63 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-4215 (Print) 

In this Issue (128 articles)

1 - 2 Energy Policy: Broadening the view
Greening L, Jefferson M
3 - 9 Energy production from biogas in the Italian countryside: Policies and organizational models
Carrosio G
10 - 17 The social organization of agricultural biogas production and use
Bluemling B, Mol APJ, Tu Q
18 - 25 Overcoming the "club dilemma" of village-scale bioenergy projects-The case of India
Bluemling B, de Visser I
26 - 33 Which factors are effective for farmers' biogas use?-Evidence from a large-scale survey in China
Qu W, Tu Q, Bluemling B
34 - 43 Comparing centralized and decentralized bio-energy systems in rural China
He GZ, Bluemling B, Mol APJ, Zhang L, Lu YL
44 - 51 Market-based biogas sector development in least developed countries-The case of Cambodia
Buysman E, Mol APJ
52 - 54 Synopsis of the Special Issue Section: "The social organization of agricultural biogas production and use"
Bluemling B
55 - 68 Contrasting perspectives on China's rare earths policies: Reframing the debate through a stakeholder lens
Hayes-Labruto L, Schillebeeckx SJD, Workman M, Shah N
69 - 80 Strategic structure matrix: A framework for explaining the impact of superstructure organizations on the diffusion of wind energy infrastructure
Tang A, Taylor JE, Mahalingam A
81 - 88 Too difficult to govern? An assessment of the governability of transport biofuels in the EU
Di Lucia L
89 - 96 Quantifying CO2 savings from wind power
Wheatley J
97 - 100 The value of holding scarce wind resource-A cause of overinvestment in wind power capacity in China
Liu XM
101 - 113 Modern bioenergy from agricultural and forestry residues in Cameroon: Potential, challenges and the way forward
Ackom EK, Alemagi D, Ackom NB, Minang PA, Tchoundjeu Z
114 - 122 Lessons from first generation biofuels and implications for the sustainability appraisal of second generation biofuels
Mohr A, Raman S
123 - 129 A microeconomic analysis of decentralized small scale biomass based CHP plants-The case of Germany
Wittmann N, Yildiz O
130 - 138 The consumption, production and transportation of methanol in China: A review
Su LW, Li XR, Sun ZY
139 - 146 Financial analysis of utility scale photovoltaic plants with battery energy storage
Rudolf V, Papastergiou KD
147 - 167 Evaluating the impact of the administrative procedure and the landscape policy on grid connected PV systems (GCPVS) on-floor in Spain in the period 2004-2008: To which extent a limiting factor?
de la Hoz J, Martin H, Martins B, Matas J, Miret J
168 - 180 Assessment of selected CCS technologies in electricity and synthetic fuel production for CO2 mitigation in South Africa
Telsnig T, Tomaschek J, Ozdemir ED, Bruchof D, Fahl U, Eltrop L
181 - 196 Comparative analysis of features of Polish and Lithuanian Day-ahead electricity market prices
Bobinaite V, Juozapaviciene A, Staniewski M, Szczepankowski P
197 - 206 Adapting overhead lines to climate change: Are dynamic ratings the answer?
Cradden LC, Harrison GP
207 - 214 Cellulosic ethanol production from agricultural residues in Nigeria
Iye E, Bilsborrow P
215 - 223 Improved cost-benefit analysis for market-based transmission planning, a European perspective
Papaemmanouil A, Tjernberg LB, Tuan LA, Andersson G
224 - 229 Barriers and solutions for expansion of electricity grids-the German experience
Steinbach A
230 - 243 Developing pathways for energy storage in the UK using a coevolutionary framework
Taylor PG, Bolton R, Stone D, Upham P
244 - 251 The need for a common standard for voltage levels of HVDC VSC technology
Muller HK, Torbaghan SS, Gibescu M, Roggenkamp MM, van der Meijden MAMM
252 - 260 Gas transport networks: Entry-exit tariffs via least squares methodology
Bermudez A, Gonzalez-Diaz J, Gonzalez-Dieguez FJ, Gonzalez-Rueda AM
261 - 271 The hydrologic and economic feasibility of micro hydropower upfitting and integration of existing low-head dams in the United States
Sandt CJ, Doyle MW
272 - 282 Life cycle assessment of stand-alone photovoltaic (SAPV) system under on-field conditions of New Delhi, India
Sharma R, Tiwari GN
283 - 299 How methodological issues affect the energy indicator results for different electricity generation technologies
Modahl IS, Raadal HL, Gagnon L, Bakken TH
300 - 310 Efficiency and productivity (TFP) of the Turkish electricity distribution companies: An application of two-stage (DEA&Tobit) analysis
Celen A
311 - 320 Big Pylons: Mixed signals for transmission. Spatial planning for energy distribution
Ritchie H, Hardy M, Lloyd MG, McGreal S
321 - 327 The Brazilian energy matrix: Evolution analysis and its impact on farming
Lamas WD, Giacaglia GEO
328 - 337 Where to place the saving obligation: Energy end-users or suppliers?
Bertoldi P, Labanca N, Rezessy S, Steuwer S, Oikonomou V
338 - 347 Stimulating fuelwood consumption through public policies: An assessment of economic and resource impacts based on the French Forest Sector Model
Caurla S, Delacote P, Lecocq F, Barkaoui A
348 - 354 Solar Home System (SHS) in rural Bangladesh: Ornamentation or fact of development?
Rahman SM, Ahmad MM
355 - 362 Sustainable renovation of residential buildings and the landlord/tenant dilemma
Astmarsson B, Jensen PA, Maslesa E
363 - 374 Social barriers to the adoption of smart homes
Balta-Ozkan N, Davidson R, Bicket M, Whitmarsh L
375 - 381 Solar cookers in developing countries-What is their key to success?
Otte PP
382 - 397 An analysis of the demonstration projects for renewable energy application buildings in China
Liu XM, Ren H, Wu Y, Kong DP
398 - 407 Do home energy management systems make sense? Assessing their overall lifecycle impact
van Dam SS, Bakker CA, Buiter JC
408 - 418 Implementation of energy efficiency projects by Dutch industry
Abeelen C, Harmsen R, Worrell E
419 - 432 Modeling light-duty plug-in electric vehicles for national energy and transportation planning
Wu D, Aliprantis DC
433 - 440 Perception and reality: Public knowledge of plug-in electric vehicles in 21 US cities
Krause RM, Carley SR, Lane BW, Graham JD
441 - 448 Interactive relationships between crude oil prices, gold prices, and the NT-US dollar exchange rate-A Taiwan study
Chang HF, Huang LC, Chin MC
449 - 457 Conceptual proposals for measuring the impact of internationale regimes on energy security
Sander M
458 - 468 South Asia energy security: Challenges and opportunities
Singh BK
469 - 483 On the global economic potentials and marginal costs of non-renewable resources and the price of energy commodities
Mercure JF, Salas P
484 - 493 Need and design of short-term auctions in the EU gas markets
Vazquez M, Hallack M
494 - 503 To regulate or not to regulate off-grid electricity access in developing countries
Bhattacharyya SC
504 - 513 Crude oil-corn-ethanol - nexus: A contextual approach
Natanelov V, McKenzie AM, Van Huylenbroeck G
514 - 520 Interactions between energy and imports in Singapore: Empirical evidence from conditional error correction models
Katircioglu ST
521 - 530 Recent incentives for renewable energy in Turkey
Simsek HA, Simsek N
531 - 542 The impact of city-level permitting processes on residential photovoltaic installation prices and development times: An empirical analysis of solar systems in California cities
Dong CG, Wiser R
543 - 552 Governing community energy-Feed-in tariffs and the development of community wind energy schemes in the United Kingdom and Germany
Nolden C
553 - 561 Maritime oil freight flows to 2050: Delphi perceptions of maritime specialists
Dinwoodie J, Tuck S, Rigot-Muller P
562 - 574 Retrospective and prospective decomposition analysis of Chinese manufacturing energy use and policy implications
Hasanbeigi A, Price L, Fino-Chen C, Lu HY, Ke J
575 - 587 Benchmarking urban energy efficiency in the UK
Keirstead J
588 - 598 Effects of under-development and oil-dependency of countries on the formation of renewable energy technologies: A comparative study of hydrogen and fuel cell technology development in Iran and the Netherlands
Nasiri M, Khorshid-Doust RR, Moghaddam NB
599 - 606 How the removal of energy subsidy affects general price in China: A study based on input-output model
Jiang ZJ, Tan JJ
607 - 613 Determining appropriate feed-in tariff rates to promote biomass-to-electricity generation in Eastern Ontario, Canada
Moore S, Durant V, Mabee WE
614 - 621 The effect of power distribution privatization on electricity prices in Turkey: Has liberalization served the purpose?
Karahan H, Toptas M
622 - 627 The optimal vertical structure in the electricity industry when the incumbent has a cost advantage
Kurakawa Y
628 - 637 Electricity prices and generator behaviour in gross pool electricity markets
O'Mahoney A, Denny E
638 - 645 Natural gas consumption and economic growth: Are we ready to natural gas price liberalization in Iran?
Heidari H, Katircioglu ST, Saeidpour L
646 - 655 Evaluation of China's local enforcement of energy efficiency standards and labeling programs for appliances and equipment
Khanna NZ, Zhou N, Fridley D, Fino-Chen C
656 - 663 Determinants of food price inflation in Finland-The role of energy
Irz X, Niemi J, Liu X
664 - 673 The Spanish regulation of the photovoltaic demand-side generation
Mir-Artigues P
674 - 680 Elasticities of gasoline demand in Switzerland
Baranzini A, Weber S
681 - 695 A projection of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in the electricity sector for Saudi Arabia: The case for carbon capture and storage and solar photovoltaics
Mansouri NY, Crookes RJ, Korakianitis T
696 - 707 Energy requirements of consumption: Urban form, climatic and socio-economic factors, rebounds and their policy implications
Wiedenhofer D, Lenzen M, Steinberger JK
708 - 715 Considerations for decision-making on distributed power generation in rural areas
Holtmeyer ML, Wang SX, Axelbaum RL
716 - 725 Assessment of technical and economical viability for large-scale conversion of single family residential buildings into zero energy buildings in Brazil: Climatic and cultural considerations
Pacheco M, Lamberts R
726 - 737 The role of the state in sustainable energy transitions: A case study of large smart grid demonstration projects in Japan
Mah DNY, Wu YY, Ip JCM, Hills PR
738 - 746 Let there be light: A multi-actor approach to alleviating energy poverty in Asia
Spagnoletti B, O'Callaghan T
747 - 755 Consumer loss in Czech photovoltaic power plants in 2010-2011
Prusa J, Klimesova A, Janda K
756 - 764 The role of cooperatives in overcoming the barriers to adoption of renewable energy
Viardot E
765 - 774 Evaluating fuel poverty policy in Northern Ireland using a geographic approach
Walker R, Liddell C, McKenzie P, Morris C
775 - 787 The influences of financial and non-financial factors on energy-saving behaviour: A field experiment in Japan
Mizobuchi K, Takeuchi K
788 - 795 Institutional analysis and the "resource curse" in developing countries
Costa HKD, dos Santos EM
796 - 808 Carbon reduction scenarios for 2050: An explorative analysis of public preferences
Allen P, Chatterton T
809 - 813 Energy-saving behavior and marginal abatement cost for household CO2 emissions
Hamamoto M
814 - 822 To what extent does wind power deployment affect vested interests? A case study of the Northeast China Grid
Zhao XL, Zhang SF, Zou YS, Yao J
823 - 832 Reduction of firewood consumption by households in south-central Chile associated with energy efficiency programs
Schueftan A, Gonzalez AD
833 - 844 Harnessing social networks for promoting adoption of energy technologies in the domestic sector
Bale CSE, McCullen NJ, Foxon TJ, Rucklidge AM, Gale WF
845 - 850 Can Europe run on renewable energy? A negative case
Trainer T
851 - 861 Application of a fuzzy cognitive map based on a structural equation model for the identification of limitations to the development of wind power
Huang SC, Lo SL, Lin YC
862 - 869 Public support for energy sources and related technologies: The impact of simple information provision
Hobman EV, Ashworth P
870 - 876 Avoiding the resource curse the case Norway
Holden S
877 - 881 Energy consumption and economic growth for selected OECD countries: Further evidence from the Granger causality test in the frequency domain
Bozoklu S, Yilanci V
882 - 886 Farmers' willingness to convert traditional houses to solar houses in rural areas: A survey of 465 households in Chongqing, China
Li XS, Li H, Wang XW
887 - 899 A small-world methodology of analysis of interchange energy-networks: The European behaviour in the economical crisis
Dassisti M, Carnimeo L
900 - 909 Critique of offshore wind energy policies of the UK and Germany-What are the lessons for India
Mani S, Dhingra T
910 - 917 Limits to solar thermal energy set by intermittency and low DNI: Implications from meteorological data
Trainer T
918 - 926 Panel estimation for transport sector CO2 emissions and its affecting factors: A regional analysis in China
Zhang CG, Nian J
927 - 934 How large are the impacts of carbon-motivated border tax adjustments on China and how to mitigate them?
Li AJ, Zhang AZ, Cai HB, Li XF, Peng SS
935 - 950 Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions, water and land use for concentrated solar power plants with different energy backup systems
Klein SJW, Rubin ES
951 - 961 Monetary compensations in climate policy through the lens of a general equilibrium assessment: The case of oil-exporting countries
Waisrnan H, Rozenberg J, Hourcade JC
962 - 971 Estimation of potential energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction in China based on an extended non-radial DEA approach
Bian YW, He P, Xu H
972 - 981 Does pro-environmental behaviour affect carbon emissions?
Tabi A
982 - 994 Identified best environmental management practices to improve the energy performance of the retail trade sector in Europe
Galvez-Martos JL, Styles D, Schoenberger H
995 - 1001 Renewable energy: Comparison of CDM and Annex I projects
Kirkman GA, Seres S, Haites E
1002 - 1012 Emergy diagnosis and reflections towards Brazilian sustainable development
Giannetti BF, Demetrio JFC, Bonilla SH, Agostinho F, Almeida CMVB
1013 - 1020 Low Carbon-Economy Development: China's Pattern and Policy Selection
Dou XS
1021 - 1031 Impact of renewables deployment on the CO2 price and the CO2 emissions in the European electricity sector
Van den Bergh K, Delarue E, D'haeseleer W
1032 - 1041 Implications of the international reduction pledges on long-term energy system changes and costs in China and India
Lucas PL, Shukla PR, Chen WY, van Ruijven BJ, Dhar S, den Elzen MGJ, van Vuuren DP
1042 - 1050 CO2 emissions, energy consumption, income and foreign trade: A South African perspective
Kohler M
1051 - 1055 Addressing carbon Offsetters' Paradox: Lessons from Chinese wind CDM
He G, Morse R
1056 - 1064 Firm competitiveness and the European Union emissions trading scheme
Chan HS, Li SJ, Zhang F
1065 - 1074 Mitigating the greenhouse gas emissions embodied in food through realistic consumer choices
Hoolohan C, Berners-Lee M, McKinstry-West J, Hewitt CN
1075 - 1085 Can we trust corporates GHG inventories? An investigation among Canada's large final emitters
Talbot D, Boiral O
1086 - 1090 Voluntary business activities to mitigate climate change: Case studies in Japan
Wakabayashi M
1091 - 1097 Carbon allowance allocation in the transportation industry
Chang CC, Lai TC
1098 - 1110 Proposal for a national inventory adjustment for trade in the presence of border carbon adjustment: Assessing carbon tax policy in Japan
Zhou X, Yano T, Kojirna S
1111 - 1125 Probabilistic decision model of wind power investment and influence of green power market
Gillenwater M
1126 - 1138 Reduction targets under three burden-sharing schemes for 50% global GHG reduction toward 2050
Kawase R, Matsuoka Y
1139 - 1150 Canadian energy and climate policies: A SWOT analysis in search of federal/provincial coherence
Fertel C, Bahn O, Vaillancourt K, Waaub JP
1151 - 1159 Co-benefits? Not always: Quantifying the negative effect of a CO2-reducing car taxation policy on NOx emissions
Leinert S, Daly H, Hyde B, Gallachoir BO
1160 - 1168 Environment-adjusted total-factor energy efficiency of Taiwan's service sectors
Fang CY, Hu JL, Lou TK
1169 - 1181 The impact of domestic trade on China's regional energy uses: A multi-regional input-output modeling
Zhang B, Chen ZM, Xia XH, Xu XY, Chen YB
1182 - 1195 Mechanisms blocking the dynamics of the European offshore wind energy innovation system - Challenges for policy intervention
Jacobsson S, Karltorp K
1196 - 1206 The causal link between energy and output growth: Evidence from Markov switching Granger causality
Kocaaslan OK
1207 - 1216 Assessing alternative options for allocating oil revenue in Iran
Barkhordar ZA, Saboohi Y
1217 - 1223 The effects of an increase in power rate on energy demand and output price in Korean manufacturing sectors
Lee M
1224 - 1232 An equivalent marginal cost-pricing model for the district heating market
Zhang JL, Ge B, Xu HS
1233 - 1239 Strategic rigidity and foresight for technology adoption among electric utilities
Shah AN, Palacios M, Ruiz F
1240 - 1250 Innovation policy for directing technical change in the power sector
Aalbers R, Shestalova V, Kocsis V