1 - 14 |
Securing a bioenergy future without imports Welfle A, Gilbert P, Thornley P |
15 - 27 |
Explaining government choices for promoting renewable energy Schaffer LM, Bernauer T |
28 - 38 |
Reduction of emissions from Brazilian cattle raising and the generation of energy: Intensification and confinement potentials Palermo GC, d'Avignon ALD, Freitas MAV |
39 - 52 |
Testing the evolution of crude oil market efficiency: Data have the conn Zhang B, Li XM, He F |
53 - 59 |
Explaining the non-implementation of health-improving policies related to solid fuels use in South Africa Matinga MN, Clancy JS, Annegarn HJ |
60 - 69 |
The energy and CO2 emissions impact of renewable energy development in China Qi TY, Zhang XL, Karplus VJ |
70 - 79 |
The target decomposition model for renewable energy based on technological progress and environmental value Liu Z, Lieu J, Zhang XL |
80 - 91 |
The implementation of decentralised biogas plants in Assam, NE India: The impact and effectiveness of the National Biogas and Manure Management Programme Raha D, Mahanta P, Clarke ML |
92 - 101 |
Micro-hydro power in the UK: The role of communities in an emerging energy resource Bracken LJ, Bulkeley HA, Maynard CM |
102 - 115 |
Will initiatives to promote hydroelectricity consumption be effective? Evidence from univariate and panel LM unit root tests with structural breaks Lean HH, Smyth R |
116 - 122 |
Evaluation of the annual electric energy output of an a-Si:H solar cell in various regions of the CIS countries Kryuchenko YV, Sachenko AV, Bobyl AV, Kostylyov VP, Sokolovskyi IO, Terukov EI, Tokmoldin N, Tokmoldin SZ, Smirnov AV |
123 - 131 |
The role of energy storage in accessing remote wind resources in the Midwest Lamy J, Azevedo IL, Jaramillo P |
132 - 145 |
Power industry restructuring and eco-efficiency changes: A new slacks-based model in Malmquist-Luenberger Index measurement Arabi B, Munisamy S, Emrouznejad A, Shadman F |
146 - 157 |
Long-term scenario alternatives and their implications: LEAP model application of Panama's electricity sector McPherson M, Karney B |
158 - 169 |
When does unreliable grid supply become unacceptable policy? Costs of power supply and outages in rural India Harish SM, Morgan GM, Subrahmanian E |
170 - 182 |
Punctuated continuity: The technological trajectory of advanced biomass gasifiers Kirkels AF |
183 - 194 |
The influence of financial incentives and other socio-economic factors on electric vehicle adoption Sierzchula W, Bakker S, Maat K, van Wee B |
195 - 198 |
How can Korea secure uranium enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing rights? Roh S, Kim W |
199 - 205 |
Post-Fukushima Japan: The continuing nuclear controversy Fam SD, Xiong JR, Xiong G, Yong DL, Ng D |
206 - 217 |
Cost analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles using GPS-based longitudinal travel data Wu X, Dong J, Lin ZH |
218 - 231 |
Development of a new energy efficiency rating system for existing residential buildings Koo C, Hong T, Lee M, Park HS |
232 - 242 |
Life-cycle energy implications of different residential settings: Recognizing buildings, travel, and public infrastructure Nichols BG, Kockelman KM |
243 - 253 |
Electricity demand and conservation potential in the Chinese nonmetallic mineral products industry Lin BQ, Ouyang XL |
254 - 263 |
Factors influencing German house owners' preferences on energy retrofits Achtnicht M, Madlener R |
264 - 272 |
Extended exergy-based sustainability accounting of a household biogas project in rural China Yang J, Chen B |
273 - 284 |
Use of reference buildings to assess the energy saving potentials of the residential building stock: The experience of TABULA project Ballarini I, Corgnati SP, Corrado V |
285 - 293 |
Importance of policy for energy system transformation: Diffusion of PV technology in Japan and Germany Chowdhury S, Sumita U, Islam A, Bedja I |
294 - 305 |
Heat planning for fossil-fuel-free district heating areas with extensive end-use heat savings: A case study of the Copenhagen district heating area in Denmark Harrestrup M, Svendsen S |
306 - 319 |
Environmental impact assessment methodological framework for liquefied natural gas terminal and transport network planning Papadopoulou MP, Antoniou C |
320 - 333 |
Identifying space for offshore wind energy in the North Sea. Consequences of scenario calculations for interactions with other marine uses Jongbloed RH, van der Wal JT, Lindeboom HJ |
334 - 339 |
Domestic hot water storage: Balancing thermal and sanitary performance Armstrong P, Ager D, Thompson I, McCulloch M |
340 - 347 |
Willingness to pay for renewable electricity: A contingent valuation study in Beijing, China Guo XR, Liu HF, Mao XQ, Jin JJ, Chen DS, Cheng SY |
348 - 370 |
Central Asian gas in Eurasian power game Cobanli O |
371 - 382 |
Predicting oil price movements: A dynamic Artificial Neural Network approach Godarzi AA, Amiri RM, Talaei A, Jamasb T |
383 - 393 |
The impact of European balancing rules on wind power economics and on short-term bidding strategies Chaves-Avila JP, Hakvoort RA, Rarnos A |
394 - 402 |
The impacts of global oil price shocks on China's fundamental industries Wang X, Zhang CG |
403 - 412 |
Do regulatory mechanisms promote competition and mitigate market power? Evidence from Spanish electricity market Moutinho V, Moreira AC, Mota J |
413 - 422 |
Beyond pure offsetting: Assessing options to generate Net-Mitigation-Effects in carbon market mechanisms Warnecke C, Wartmann S, Hohne N, Blok K |
423 - 435 |
Energy, economic and environmental discourses and their policy impact: The case of Ontario's Green Energy and Green Economy Act Winfield M, Dolter B |
436 - 446 |
Smart grids, information flows and emerging domestic energy practices Naus J, Spaargaren G, van Vliet BJM, van der Horst HM |
447 - 457 |
Adaptation to electricity crisis: Businesses in the 2011 Great East Japan triple disaster Fujimi T, Chang SE |
458 - 464 |
The impacts of tourism, energy consumption and political instability on economic growth in the MENA countries Tang CF, Abosedra S |
465 - 475 |
Economic populism, partial deregulation of transport fuels and electoral outcomes in India Srinivasan S |
476 - 481 |
Energy poor or fuel poor: What are the differences? Li K, Lloyd B, Liang XJ, Wei YM |
482 - 489 |
Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from China's cities: Case study of Suzhou Wang HS, Wang YX, Wang HK, Liu MM, Zhang YX, Zhang RR, Yang J, Bi J |
490 - 497 |
Investigation of the environmental Kuznets curve for carbon emissions in Malaysia: Do foreign direct investment and trade matter? Lau LS, Choong CK, Eng YK |
498 - 507 |
Government control or low carbon lifestyle? - Analysis and application of a novel selective-constrained energy-saving and emission-reduction dynamic evolution system Fang GC, Tian LX, Fu M, Sun M |
508 - 523 |
Peak energy consumption and CO2 emissions in China Yuan JH, Xu Y, Hu Z, Zhao CH, Xiong MP, Guo JS |
524 - 533 |
Landfill waste and recycling: Use of a screening-level risk assessment tool for end-of-life cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin-film photovoltaic (PV) panels Cyrs WD, Avens HJ, Capshaw ZA, Kingsbury RA, Sahmel J, Tvermoes BE |
534 - 549 |
The influence of urban form on GHG emissions in the US household sector Lee S, Lee B |
550 - 555 |
US biofuels subsidies and CO2 emissions: An empirical test for a weak and a strong green paradox Grafton RQ, Kompas T, Long NV, To H |
556 - 561 |
Re-fueling road transport for better air quality in India Guttikunda SK, Mohan D |
562 - 566 |
The development and deployment of low-carbon energy technologies: The role of economic interests and cultural worldviews on public support Cherry TL, Garcia JH, Kallbekken S, Torvanger A |
567 - 575 |
Testing the rationality of DOE's energy price forecasts under asymmetric loss preferences Mamatzakis E, Koutsomanoli-Filippaki A |
576 - 584 |
Multilevel LMDI decomposition of changes in aggregate energy consumption. A cross country analysis in the EU-27 Gonzalez PF, Landajo M, Presno MJ |
585 - 590 |
Re-spending rebound: A macro-level assessment for OECD countries and emerging economies Antal M, van den Bergh JCJM |
591 - 602 |
Remaking the UK's energy technology innovation system: From the margins to the mainstream Winskel M, Radcliffe J, Skea J, Wang XX |
603 - 607 |
The European Union Emission Trading System and technological change: The case of the Italian pulp and paper industry Fontini F, Pavan G |