
Energy Policy

Energy Policy, Vol.77 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-4215 (Print) 

In this Issue (21 articles)

1 - 10 Household energy and climate mitigation policies: Investigating energy practices in the housing sector
Schaffrin A, Reibling N
11 - 20 Renewable energy partnerships in development cooperation: Towards a relational understanding of technical assistance
Kruckenberg LJ
21 - 30 Identifying strategies for mitigating the global warming impact of the EU-25 economy using a multi-objective input-output approach
Cortes-Borda D, Ruiz-Hernandez A, Guillen-Gosalbez G, Llop M, Guimera R, Sales-Pardo M
31 - 45 Heat savings and heat generation technologies: Modelling of residential investment behaviour with local health costs
Zvingilaite E, Jacobsen HK
46 - 55 Provincial carbon intensity abatement potential estimation in China: A PSO-GA-optimized multi-factor environmental learning curve method
Yu SW, Zhang JJ, Zheng SH, Sun H
56 - 69 Energy shocks, crises and the policy process: A review of theory and application
Grossman PZ
70 - 78 Electricity consumption, industrial production, and entrepreneurship in Singapore
Sun SZ, Anwar S
79 - 88 The merit-order effect in the Italian power market: The impact of solar and wind generation on national wholesale electricity prices
Clo S, Cataldi A, Zoppoli P
89 - 96 The question of energy reduction: The problem(s) with feedback
Buchanan K, Russo R, Anderson B
97 - 108 The effects of environmental regulation and technical progress on CO2 Kuznets curve: An evidence from China
Yin JH, Zheng MZ, Chen J
109 - 117 Marginal CO2 abatement costs: Findings from alternative shadow price estimates for Shanghai industrial sectors
Zhou X, Fan LW, Zhou P
118 - 130 Achieving California's 80% greenhouse gas reduction target in 2050: Technology, policy and scenario analysis using CA-TIMES energy economic systems model
Yang C, Yeh S, Zakerinia S, Ramea K, McCollum D
131 - 139 Shaping China's energy security: The impact of domestic reforms
Yao LX, Chang YH
140 - 151 Analysis of past and future oil production in Peru under a Hubbert approach
Chavez-Rodriguez MF, Szklo A, de Lucena AFP
152 - 163 Ex-ante evaluation of EU ETS during 2013-2030: EU-internal abatement
Hu J, Crijns-Graus W, Lam L, Gilbert A
164 - 175 What can we learn from high-frequency appliance-level energy metering? Results from a field experiment
Chen VL, Delmas MA, Kaiser WJ, Locke SL
176 - 190 Rethinking the role of scenarios: Participatory scripting of low-carbon scenarios for France
Mathy S, Fink M, Bibas R
191 - 206 Modelling the energy and exergy utilisation of the Mexican non-domestic sector: A study by climatic regions
Kerdan IG, Galvez DM, Raslan R, Ruyssevelt P
207 - 215 A missing link? The case of Norway and Sweden: Does increased renewable energy production impact domestic greenhouse gas emissions?
Blindheim B
216 - 226 Setting up charging electric stations within residential communities in current China: Gaming of government agencies and property management companies
Wu T, Ma L, Mao ZG, Ou XM
227 - 237 Evaluation of energy saving potential in China's cement industry using the Asian-Pacific Integrated Model and the technology promotion policy analysis
Wen ZG, Chen M, Meng FX