
Energy Policy

Energy Policy, Vol.96 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-4215 (Print) 

In this Issue (67 articles)

1 - 13 Interregional differences of coal carbon dioxide emissions in China
Chen JD, Cheng SL, Song ML, Wang J
14 - 26 A critical analysis of energy efficiency improvement potentials in Taiwan's cement industry
Huang YH, Chang YL, Fleiter T
27 - 35 Achieving very high PV penetration - The need for an effective electricity remuneration framework and a central role for grid operators
Perez R, Rabago KR, Trahan M, Rawlings L, Norris B, Hoff T, Putnam M, Perez M
36 - 44 Energy consumption, political regime and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa
Adams S, Klobodu EKM, Opoku EEO
45 - 49 Why is the oil price not about equilibrium?: An economic sociology account of petroleum markets
Belyi AV
50 - 77 Tracking global carbon revenues: A survey of carbon taxes versus cap-and-trade in the real world
Carl J, Fedor D
78 - 92 Transport energy demand in Andorra. Assessing private car futures through sensitivity and scenario analysis
Travesset-Baro O, Gallachoir BPO, Jover E, Rosas-Casals M
93 - 104 CO2 emission and economic growth in Algeria
Bouznit M, Pablo-Romero MD
105 - 118 Assessing the impact of policy interventions on the adoption of plug-in electric vehicles: An agent-based model
Silvia C, Krause RM
119 - 130 Evidence of asymmetric behavioral responses to changes in gasoline prices and taxes for different fuel types
Bajo-Buenestado R
131 - 143 Carbon emissions, energy consumption and economic growth: An aggregate and disaggregate analysis of the Indian economy
Ahmad A, Zhao YH, Shahbaz M, Bano S, Zhang ZH, Wang S, Liu Y
144 - 152 The role of actor-networks in the early stage mobilisation of low carbon heat networks
Ambrose A, Eadson W, Pinder J
153 - 166 The impact of the EU car CO2 regulation on the energy system and the role of electro-mobility to achieve transport decarbonisation
Thiel C, Nijs W, Simoes S, Schmidt J, van Zyl A, Schmid E
167 - 178 The impact of the North American shale gas revolution on regional natural gas markets: Evidence from the regime-switching model
Geng JB, Ji Q, Fan Y
179 - 192 Structural, geographic, and social factors in urban building energy use: Analysis of aggregated account-level consumption data in a megacity
Porse E, Derenski J, Gustafson H, Elizabeth Z, Pincetl S
193 - 205 Fair pricing of REDD-based emission offsets under risk preferences and benefit-sharing
Krasovskii A, Khabarov N, Obersteiner M
206 - 216 The role of scientific knowledge in the public's perceptions of energy technology risks
Stoutenborough JW, Vedlitz A
217 - 230 Leveraging energy efficiency to finance public-private social housing projects
Copiello S
231 - 240 Integration scenarios of Demand Response into electricity markets: Load shifting, financial savings and policy implications
Feuerriegel S, Neumann D
241 - 250 Changes of the carbon dioxide emissions and the overshoot ratio resulting from the implementation of the 2nd Energy Master Plan in the Republic of Korea
Yeo MJ, Kim YP
251 - 259 Household consumption of electricity in Brazil between 1985 and 2013
Villareal MJC, Moreira JML
260 - 273 Transmission capacities and competition in Western European electricity market
Spiridonova O
274 - 288 Accountability feedback assessments for improving efficiency of nuclear regulatory institutions
Lavarenne J, Shwageraus E, Weightman M
289 - 301 A quantitative description of state-level taxation of oil and gas production in the continental U.S
Weber JG, Wang YS, Chomas M
302 - 313 A framework for siting and dispatch of emerging energy resources to realize environmental and health benefits: Case study on peaker power plant displacement
Krieger EM, Casey JA, Shonkoff SBC
314 - 327 Towards a low carbon growth in Mexico: Is a double dividend possible? A dynamic general equilibrium assessment
Rivera GL, Reynes F, Cortes II, Bellocq FX, Grazi F
328 - 340 From government to market and from producer to consumer: Transition of policy mix towards clean mobility in China
Xu L, Su J
341 - 350 Should we build wind farms close to load or invest in transmission to access better wind resources in remote areas? A case study in the MISO region
Lamy JV, Jaramillo P, Azevedo IL, Wiser R
351 - 363 The impact of different energy policy options on feedstock price and land demand for maize silage: The case of biogas in Lombardy
Bartoli A, Cavicchioli D, Kremmydas D, Rozakis S, Olper A
364 - 371 Fossil fuels, employment, and support for climate policies
Tvinnereim E, Ivarsflaten E
372 - 382 The Energy Union and security-of-gas supply
Austvik OG
383 - 396 The oil price crash in 2014/15: Was there a (negative) financial bubble?
Fantazzini D
397 - 410 CO2 emissions reduction of Chinese light manufacturing industries: A novel RAM-based global Malmquist-Luenberger productivity index
Emrouznejad A, Yang GL
411 - 420 Implicit CO2 prices of fossil fuel use in Switzerland
Schleiniger R
421 - 431 The Hinkley Point decision: An analysis of the policy process
Thomas S
432 - 445 The role of decentralized generation and storage technologies in future energy systems planning for a rural agglomeration in Switzerland
Yazdanie M, Densing M, Wokaun A
446 - 457 Resource revenue management and wealth neutrality in Norway
Mohn K
458 - 470 Renewable generation versus demand-side management. A comparison for the Spanish market
Fernandez JMR, Payan MB, Santos JMR, Garcia ALT
471 - 490 Structural dynamics of innovation networks funded by the European Union in the context of systemic innovation of the renewable energy sector
Kang MJ, Hwang J
491 - 503 Incidence and impact: The regional variation of poverty effects due to fossil fuel subsidy reform
Rentschler J
504 - 523 Competition and norms: A self-defeating combination?
Alberts G, Gurguc Z, Koutroumpis P, Martin R, Muuls M, Napp T
524 - 533 An analysis of Chinese provincial carbon dioxide emission efficiencies based on energy consumption structure
Liu YQ, Zhao GH, Zhao YS
534 - 541 Residual coal exploitation and its impact on sustainable development of the coal industry in China
Zhang YJ, Feng GR, Zhang M, Ren HR, Bai JW, Guo YX, Jiang HN, Kang LX
542 - 563 Competitiveness of shallow water hydrocarbon development projects in Mexico after 2015 actualization of fiscal reforms: Economic benchmark of new production sharing agreement versus typical US federal lease terms
Weijermars R, Zhai J
564 - 575 Most promising flexible generators for the wind dominated market
Vorushylo I, Keatley P, Hewitt NJ
576 - 586 Beyond public acceptance of energy infrastructure: How citizens make sense and form reactions by enacting networks of entities in infrastructure development
Aaen SB, Kerndrup S, Lyhne I
587 - 596 Gas and LNG trading hubs, hub indexation and destination flexibility in East Asia
Shi XP, Variam HMP
597 - 606 Household welfare implications of fossil fuel subsidy reforms in developing countries
Dennis A
607 - 616 Optimal combination of energy crops under different policy scenarios; The case of Northern Greece
Zafeiriou E, Petridis K, Karelakis C, Arabatzis G
617 - 629 Low energy efficiency in rental properties: Asymmetric information or low willingness-to-pay?
Carroll J, Aravena C, Denny E
630 - 644 The economic impact of energy saving retrofits of residential and public buildings in Croatia
Mikulic D, Bakaric IR, Slijepcevic S
645 - 660 A retrospective analysis of benefits and impacts of US renewable portfolio standards
Barbose G, Wiser R, Heeter J, Mai T, Bird L, Bolinger M, Carpenter A, Heath G, Keyser D, Macknick J, Mills A, Millstein D
661 - 672 An assessment of alternative carbon mitigation policies for achieving the emissions reduction of the Clean Power Plan: Case study for the state of Indiana
Lu LW, Preckel PV, Gotham D, Liu AL
673 - 679 Tacking stock of the EU "Power Target Model"... and steering its future course
Glachant JM
680 - 687 An empirical comparison of voluntary and mandatory building energy performance disclosure outcomes
Gabe J
688 - 699 Assessing the design of three carbon trading pilot programs in China
Munnings C, Morgenstern RD, Wang ZM, Liu X
700 - 710 The development of market power in the Spanish power generation sector: Perspectives after market liberalization
Ciarreta A, Nasirov S, Silva C
711 - 716 "Why can't we all get along?" A conceptual analysis and case study of contentious energy problems
Felder FA
717 - 725 Spot sale of uncommitted LNG from Middle East: Japan or the UK?
Nikhalat-Jahromi H, Bell MGH, Fontes DBMM, Cochrane RA, Angeloudis P
726 - 727 Introduction, collective findings and policy recommendations on renewable and nuclear electricity
Difiglio C
728 - 734 Key challenges to expanding renewable energy
Stram BN
735 - 739 Nuclear power: Status report and future prospects
Budnitz RJ
740 - 750 Economics of nuclear and renewables
Khatib H, Difiglio C
751 - 757 Harnessing electricity storage for systems with intermittent sources of power: Policy and R&D needs
Pierpoint LM
758 - 769 Renewable and nuclear electricity: Comparison of environmental impacts
McCombie C, Jefferson M
770 - 778 Nuclear fusion: Status report and future prospects
Ongena J, Ogawa Y
779 - 780 Obituary: Peter R. Odell (1st of July 1930-12 April 2016)
Correlje A