
Energy Policy

Energy Policy, Vol.35, No.1 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-4215 (Print) 

In this Issue (70 articles)

1 - 5 The security of gas supply - a critical issue for Europe? - Viewpoint
Weisser H
6 - 14 Solar home system electrification as a viable technology option for Africa's development
Wamukonya N
15 - 28 CDM: Taking stock and looking forward
Ellis J, Winkler H, Corfee-Morlot J, Gagnon-Lebrun F
29 - 38 Energy taxes as a signaling device: An empirical analysis of consumer preferences
Ghalwash T
39 - 49 Life cycle cost analysis of a car, a city bus and an intercity bus powertrain for year 2005 and 2020
Hellgren J
50 - 60 Household energy consumption versus income and relative standard of living: A panel approach
Joyeux R, Ripple RD
61 - 75 Incorporating stress in electric power systems reliability models
Zerriffi H, Dowlatabadi H, Farrell A
76 - 90 Sustainable energy in Baltic States
Klevas V, Streimikiene D, Grikstaite R
91 - 111 Simulating price patterns for tradable green certificates to promote electricity generation from wind
Ford A, Vogstad K, Flynn H
112 - 127 Characteristics of the UK wind resource: Long-term patterns and relationship to electricity demand
Sinden G
128 - 143 Greenhouse gases embodied in the international trade and final consumption of Finland: An input-output analysis
Maenpaa M, Siikavirta H
144 - 155 Green electricity market development: Lessons from Europe and the US
Gan L, Eskeland GS, Kolshus HH
156 - 177 Asymmetric error correction models for the oil-gasoline price relationship
Grasso M, Manera M
178 - 191 Modelling the world oil market: Assessment of a quarterly econometric model
Dees S, Karadeloglou P, Kaufmann RK, Sanchez M
192 - 201 A two-factor method for appraising building renovation and energy efficiency improvement projects
Martinaitis V, Kazakevicius E, Vitkauskas A
202 - 209 Current situation of energy conservation in high energy-consuming industries in Taiwan
Chan DYL, Yang KH, Hsu CH, Chien MH, Hong GB
210 - 226 Security of energy supply: Comparing scenarios from a European perspective
Costantini V, Gracceva F, Markandya A, Vicini G
227 - 237 Downstream natural gas in Europe - High hopes dashed for upstream oil and gas companies
Eikeland PO
238 - 246 Handling zero values in the logarithmic mean Divisia index decomposition approach
Ang BW, Liu N
247 - 257 The impact of lifestyle on energy use and CO2 emission: An empirical analysis of China's residents
Wei YM, Liu LC, Fan Y, Wu G
258 - 264 Energy policies of Turkey during the period 1923-2003
Yilmaz AO, Uslu T
265 - 279 Real options valuation of US federal renewable energy research, development, demonstration, and deployment
Siddiqui AS, Marnay C, Wiser RH
280 - 294 Decomposition for emission baseline setting in China's electricity sector
Steenhof PA
295 - 306 Can deployment of renewable energy put downward pressure on natural gas prices?
Wiser R, Bolinger M
307 - 316 Pricing of monthly forward contracts in the Nord Pool market
Kristiansen T
317 - 332 Power sector reform in South Asia: Why slow and limited so far?
Bhattacharyya SC
333 - 341 Are shocks to energy consumption permanent or temporary? Evidence from 182 countries
Narayan PK, Smyth R
342 - 349 Do support systems for RES-E reduce EU-ETS-driven electricity prices?
Rathmann M
350 - 361 An econometric analysis of energy consumption in Nepal
Pokharel S
362 - 372 California's greenhouse gas law, Assembly Bill 1493: Deficiencies, alternatives, and implications for regulatory climate policy
Johnson KC
373 - 382 Efficient energy-saving targets for APEC economies
Hu JL, Kao CH
383 - 394 Decision support system for exploiting local renewable energy sources: A case study of the Chigu area of southwestern Taiwan
Yue CD, Yang GGL
395 - 402 Causality relationship between electricity consumption and GDP in Bangladesh
Mozumder P, Marathe A
403 - 412 The New Electricity Market of Singapore: Regulatory framework, market power and competition
Chang YH
413 - 423 Evaluation of negative environmental impacts of electricity generation: Neoclassical and institutional approaches
Kim SH
424 - 432 Europe's long-term climate target: A critical evaluation
433 - 451 Energy and transport in comparison: Immaterialisation dematerialisation and decarbonisation in the EU15 between 1970 and 2000
Tapio P, Banister D, Luukkanen J, Vehmas J, Willamo R
452 - 460 Structuring objectives to facilitate convergence of divergent opinion in hydrogen production decisions
Yuzugullu E, Deason JP
461 - 466 The value of solar: Prices and output from distributed photovoltaic generation in South Australia
Maine T, Chapman P
467 - 474 Is oil supply choked by financial market pressures?
Osmundsen P, Mohn K, Misund B, Asche F
475 - 486 The importance and the policy impacts of post-contractual opportunism and competition in the English and Welsh non-fossil fuel obligation
Agnolucci P
487 - 496 Testing viability of cross subsidy using time-variant price elasticities of industrial demand for electricity: Indian experience
Chattopadhyay P
497 - 506 European emissions trading and the international competitiveness of energy-intensive industries: a legal and political evaluation of possible supporting measures
van Asselt H, Biermann F
507 - 521 The economics of energy service contracts
Sorrell S
522 - 528 Decoupling factors on the energy-output linkage: The Spanish case
Climent F, Pardo A
529 - 539 Long-term energy savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions in the Swiss residential sector
Siller T, Kost M, Imboden D
540 - 547 Red light for green paper: The EU policy on energy efficiency
Nilsson M
548 - 552 Modelling a sustainability yardstick in modern energisation of rural sub-Saharan Africa
Sebitosi AB, Pillay P
553 - 566 Household energy requirement and value patterns
Vringer K, Aalbers T, Blok K
567 - 576 Using solar energy to arrest the increasing rate of fossil-fuel consumption: The southwestern states of the USA as case studies
Faiman D, Raviv D, Rosenstreich R
577 - 585 Effectiveness of policy instruments for supporting the use of waste wood as a renewable energy resource in the Czech Republic
Jehlickova B, Morris R
586 - 596 A comparison of Latin American energy-related CO2 emissions from 1970 to 2001
Kuntsi-Reunanen E
597 - 608 Policy strategies and paths to promote sustainable energy systems - The dynamic Invert simulation tool
Stadler M, Kranzl L, Huber C, Haas R, Tsioliaridou E
609 - 615 Performance based regulation of the electricity supply industry in Hong Kong: An empirical efficiency analysis approach
Wang JH, Ngan HW, Engriwan W, Lo KL
616 - 626 Challenges to a climate stabilizing energy future
Green C, Baksi S, Dilmaghani M
627 - 639 Effectiveness of policy measures in transforming the energy system
Lund PD
640 - 649 Development of the auto gas and LPG-powered vehicle sector in Turkey: A statistical case study of the sector for Bursa
Karamangil MI
650 - 671 Quantifying siting difficulty: A case study of US transmission line siting
Vajjhala SP, Fischbeck PS
672 - 677 Barriers to and drivers for energy efficiency in the Swedish foundry industry
Rohdin P, Thollander P, Solding P
678 - 691 China on the move: Oil price explosion?
Skeer J, Wang YJ
692 - 703 What factors influence mitigative capacity?
Winkler H, Baumert K, Blanchard O, Burch S, Robinson J
704 - 713 Multi-criteria evaluation of natural gas resources
Afgan NH, Pilavachi PA, Carvalho MG
714 - 721 Clean development mechanism and off-grid small-scale hydropower projects: Evaluation of additionality
Tanwar N
722 - 733 Short and intermediate economic impacts of a terrorist-initiated loss of electric power: Case study of New Jersey
Greenberg M, Mantell N, Lahr M, Felder F, Zimmerman R
734 - 738 Energy sector assistance in developing countries: Current trends and policy recommendations
Tharakan PJ, de Castro J, Kroeger T
739 - 742 Negative-value problems of the logarithmic mean Divisia index decomposition approach
Ang BW, Liu N
743 - 745 The aging US population and residential energy demand
Tonn B, Eisenberg J
746 - 755 US energy research and development: Declining investment, increasing need, and the feasibility of expansion
Nemet GF, Kammen DM
756 - 757 Achieving a sustainable global energy system
Sauter R, Awerbuch S
758 - 759 Sustainable fossil fuels: The unusual suspect in the quest for cleaner and enduring energy
Sioshansi FP