1605 - 1612 |
Spark-ignition engine performance with'Powergas' fuel (mixture of CO/H-2): A comparison with gasoline and natural gas Mustafi NN, Miraglia YC, Raine RR, Bansal PK, Elder ST |
1613 - 1630 |
Models for fuel droplet heating and evaporation: Comparative analysis Sazhin SS, Kristyadi T, Abdelghaffar WA, Heikal MR |
1631 - 1641 |
Synthesis gas generation by chemical-looping reforming in a continuously operating laboratory reactor Ryden M, Lyngfelt A, Mattisson T |
1642 - 1651 |
Oil sands cokes affect microbial activities Fedorak PM, Coy DL |
1652 - 1665 |
Influence of polyethylene terephthalate on the carbonisation of bituminous coals and on the modification of their electric and dielectric properties Zubkova VV |
1666 - 1670 |
Thermodynamic study on cloud point of biodiesel with its fatty acid composition Imahara H, Minami E, Saka S |
1671 - 1678 |
Influence of phosphorus on sulphur capture during co-firing of sewage sludge with wood or bark in a fluidised bed Elled AL, Amand LE, Leckner B, Andersson BA |
1679 - 1684 |
Modes of occurrence and origins of noble metals in the Late Permian coals from the Puan Coalfield, Guizhou, southwest China Yang JY |
1685 - 1699 |
Experimental investigation of fluidised bed co-combustion of meat and bone meal with coals and olive bagasse Fryda L, Panopoulos K, Vourliotis P, Pavlidou E, Kakaras E |
1700 - 1707 |
FT-Raman spectroscopic study of the evolution of char structure during the pyrolysis of a Victorian brown coal Li XJ, Hayashi J, Li CZ |
1708 - 1713 |
Hydrogen production from steam reforming of kerosene over Ni-La and Ni-La-K/cordierite catalysts Yu XH, Zhang SC, Wang LQ, Jiang Q, Li SG, Tao Z |
1714 - 1719 |
PM-10 emissions and power of a Diesel engine fueled with crude and refined Biodiesel from salmon oil Reyes JF, Sepulveda MA |
1720 - 1728 |
Determination of multi-properties of residual oils using mid-infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy Yuan HF, Chu XL, Li HR, Xu YP |
1729 - 1742 |
NOx emission characteristics of counterflow syngas diffusion flames with airstream dilution Giles DE, Som S, Aggarwal SK |
1743 - 1749 |
Fuel structure and properties of biodiesel produced by the peroxidation process Lin CY, Lin HA, Hung LB |
1750 - 1755 |
Production of bioethanol from corn meal hydrolyzates Mojovic L, Nikolic S, Rakin M, Vukasinovic M |
1756 - 1762 |
Biodesulphurization of a coal by packed-column leaching. Simultaneous thermogravimetric and mass spectrometric analyses Cara J, Vargas M, Moran A, Gomez E, Martinez O, Frutos FJG |
1763 - 1771 |
The effect of mineral matter on the physical and chemical activation of low rank coal and biomass materials Vamvuka D, Troulinos S, Kastanaki E |
1772 - 1780 |
Evaluation of amines for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx from diesel engine exhaust Kelly JF, Stanciulescu M, Charland JP |
1781 - 1793 |
Design of mixed fuel for heterogeneous reburning Chen WY, Gathitu BB |
1794 - 1797 |
Volatility of blended fuel of endothermic hydrocarbon fuel and triethylamine Wang Z, Fang WJ, Lin RR, Guo YS, Zhou XP |
1798 - 1802 |
Effect of hydrothermal treatment on the extraction of coal in the CS2/NMP mixed solvent Shui HF, Wang ZC, Wang GQ |
1803 - 1810 |
Adsorptive removal of sulfur dioxide by Saskatchewan lignite and its derivatives Chattopadhyaya G, Macdonald DG, Bakhshi NN, Mohammadzadeh JSS, Dalai AK |
1811 - 1814 |
Radioassay of prominent Nigerian fossil fuels using gamma and TXRF spectroscopy Mokobia CE, Adebiyi FM, Akpan I, Ofise FS, Tchokossa P |
1815 - 1820 |
Novel alkyl methylnaphthalene sulfonate surfactants: A good candidate for enhanced oil recovery Zhao ZK, Liu F, Qiao WH, Li ZS, Cheng LB |
1821 - 1830 |
Evidence for network formation during the carbonization of coal from the combination of rheometry and H-1 NMR techniques Steel KM, Diaz MC, Patrick JW, Snape CE |
1831 - 1841 |
A computational study of direct injection gasoline HCCI engine with secondary injection Wang Z, Shuai SJ, Wang JX, Tian GH |
1842 - 1850 |
Fractionation of petroleum resins by normal and reverse phase liquid chromatography Islas-Flores CA, Buenrostro-Gonzalez E, Lira-Galeana C |
1851 - 1859 |
Pyrolysis of two different biomass samples in a fixed-bed reactor combined with two different catalysts Ates F, Putun AE, Putun E |
1860 - 1865 |
Effect of mono-olefins and diolefins on the stability of automotive gasoline Pereira RCC, Pasa VMD |
1866 - 1870 |
Performance of classic oils and lubricating oils in froth flotation of Ukraine coal Sonmez I, Cebeci Y |
1871 - 1879 |
Calcium sulphide in FBC boilers and its fate using liquid water reactivation Anthony EJ, Jia L, Iribarne AP, Welford G, Wang J, Trass O |
1880 - 1893 |
The estimation of knock-points of fuels by a weighted mean square error criterion Coetzer RLJ, Rossouw R, Swarts A, Viljoen C |
1894 - 1903 |
Evaluation of the potential air pollution from fuel combustion in industrial boilers in Kocaeli, Turkey Karademir A |
1904 - 1912 |
In situ CO2-coal reactions in view of carbon dioxide storage in deep unminable coal seams Mazumder S, van Hemert P, Bruining J, Wolf KHAA, Drabe K |
1913 - 1920 |
The influences of coal type on in-bed desulphurization in a PFBC demonstration plant Huda M, Mochida I, Korai Y, Misawa N |
1921 - 1928 |
Pyrolysis of rapeseed in a free fall reactor for production of bio-oil Onay O, Kockar OM |
1929 - 1934 |
Adsorption of Cd(II) from aqueous solution onto pyrite Borah D, Senapati K |
1935 - 1943 |
Numerical simulation of coal gasification in entrained flow coal gasifier Watanabe H, Otaka M |
1944 - 1949 |
Utilisation of Turkish fly ashes in cost effective HVFA concrete production Felekoglu B |
1950 - 1951 |
Comment on'Molecular size and weight of asphaltene and asphaltene solubility fractions from coals, crude oils and bitumen' by S. Badre, C.C. Goncalves, K. Norinaga, G. Gustavson and O.C. Mullins; Fuel 85 (2006) 1-11 Herod AA, Kandiyoti R, Bartle KD |