
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.57, No.5 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0018-9286 (Print) 

In this Issue (30 articles)

1087 - 1101 Chattering-Free Digital Sliding-Mode Control With State Observer and Disturbance Rejection
Acary V, Brogliato B, Orlov YV
1102 - 1109 On the Relationship Between the Enforced Convergence Criterion and the Asymptotically Optimal Laguerre Pole
Dankers AG, Westwick DT
1110 - 1124 Optimal Supervisory Control of Probabilistic Discrete Event Systems
Pantelic V, Lawford M
1125 - 1140 On Saturation, Discontinuities, and Delays, in iISS and ISS Feedback Control Redesign
Pepe P, Ito H
1141 - 1154 Nonlinear Stabilization Under Sampled and Delayed Measurements, and With Inputs Subject to Delay and Zero-Order Hold
Karafyllis I, Krstic M
1155 - 1165 Opacity-Enforcing Supervisory Strategies via State Estimator Constructions
Saboori A, Hadjicostis CN
1166 - 1178 A Beamlet-Based Graph Structure for Path Planning Using Multiscale Information
Lu YB, Huo XM, Tsiotras P
1179 - 1191 Max Weight Learning Algorithms for Scheduling in Unknown Environments
Neely MJ, Rager ST, La Porta TF
1192 - 1207 Nash Equilibrium Seeking in Noncooperative Games
Frihauf P, Krstic M, Basar T
1208 - 1221 Stability and Stabilizability Criteria for Discrete-Time Positive Switched Systems
Fornasini E, Valcher ME
1222 - 1232 Periodic Schedules for Bounded Timed Weighted Event Graphs
Benabid-Najjar A, Hanen C, Marchetti O, Munier-Kordon A
1233 - 1242 Blocking in Fully Connected Networks of Arbitrary Size
Nazari S, Thistle JG
1243 - 1248 On Stability of Discrete-Time LTI Systems With Varying Time Delays
Kao CY
1248 - 1253 Estimator for Systems With Measurement Packet Dropping
Zhang HS, Song XM, Shi L
1253 - 1258 Power Control in Wireless Networks: Stability and Delay Independence for a General Class of Distributed Algorithms
Lestas I
1259 - 1265 Distributed Failure Prognosis of Discrete Event Systems With Bounded-Delay Communications
Takai S, Kumar R
1265 - 1269 Verification of Infinite-Step Opacity and Complexity Considerations
Saboori A, Hadjicostis CN
1269 - 1273 Nonlinear Adaptive Learning Control With Disturbance of Unknown Periods
1273 - 1279 Rigid Body Attitude Control Using a Single Vector Measurement and Gyro
Khosravian A, Namvar M
1280 - 1285 Improper L-infinity Optimal/Suboptimal Controllers
Pal D, Belur MN
1285 - 1291 H-infinity Control of Switched Nonlinear Systems in p-Normal Form Using Multiple Lyapunov Functions
Long LJ, Zhao J
1291 - 1297 Distributed Event-Triggered Control for Multi-Agent Systems
Dimarogonas DV, Frazzoli E, Johansson KH
1297 - 1302 A Nonconservative LMI Condition for Stability of Switched Systems With Guaranteed Dwell Time
Chesi G, Colaneri P, Geromel JC, Middleton R, Shorten R
1303 - 1309 A Fast Algorithm for Errors-in-Variables Filtering
Diversi R
1309 - 1314 A Framework for the Observer Design for Networked Control Systems
Postoyan R, Nesic D
1314 - 1319 On the Nearest Quadratically Invariant Information Constraint
Rotkowitz MC, Martins NC
1320 - 1326 Stability and Robustness Analysis for Curve Tracking Control using Input-to-State Stability
Malisoff M, Mazenc F, Zhang F
1326 - 1332 Small-Gain Based Output-Feedback Controller Design for a Class of Nonlinear Systems With Actuator Dynamic Quantization
Liu TF, Jiang ZP, Hill DJ
1332 - 1338 Attitude Estimation Using Biased Gyro and Vector Measurements With Time-Varying Reference Vectors
Grip HF, Fossen TI, Johansen TA, Saberi A
1338 - 1343 Optimal Pruning for Multi-Step Sensor Scheduling
Huber MF