1 - 2 |
A Special Tribute to Stan Sandler: The Reach and Impact of a Life-Long Dedication to the Chemical Engineering Profession Sum AK, Lin ST, Prausnitz JM |
3 - 15 |
Opportunities for Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics in Biotechnology: Some Examples Dey SS, Prausnitz JM |
16 - 22 |
Tungsten Carbides as Alternative Electrocatalysts: From Surface Science Studies to Fuel Cell Evaluation Stottlemyer AL, Weigert EC, Chen JG |
23 - 27 |
Sustainable and Scalable Synthesis of Piperylene Sulfone: A "Volatile" and Recyclable DMSO Substitute Marus GA, Vyhmeister E, Pollet P, Donaldson ME, Llopis-Mestre V, Faltermeier S, Roesel R, Tribo M, Gelbaum L, Liotta CL, Eckert CA |
28 - 40 |
Microkinetic Modeling and Reduced Rate Expressions of Ethylene Hydrogenation and Ethane Hydrogenolysis on Platinum Salciccioli M, Chen Y, Vlachos DG |
41 - 51 |
Kinetics, Selectivity, and Deactivation in the Aldol Condensation of Acetaldehyde on Anatase Titanium Dioxide Rekoske JE, Barteau MA |
52 - 61 |
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of a Microalga with Heterogeneous Catalysts Duan PG, Savage PE |
62 - 68 |
Cation Characterization and CO2 Capture in Li+-Exchanged Metal-Organic Frameworks: From First-Principles Modeling to Molecular Simulation Babarao R, Jiang JW |
69 - 77 |
Coarse-Graining of Chain Models in Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations Spaeth JR, Dale T, Kevrekidis IG, Panagiotopoulos AZ |
78 - 84 |
Poroelastic Consolidation in the Phase Separation of Vesicle-Polymer Suspensions Huh JY, Lynch ML, Furst EM |
85 - 96 |
Effects of Urea on the Microstructure and Phase Behavior of Aqueous Solutions of Poly(oxyethylene) Surfactants Bianco CL, Schneider CS, Santonicola M, Lenhoff AM, Kaler EW |
97 - 101 |
Generalized Phase Boundary Determination Algorithm for Multicomponent Mixtures Ortiz-Vega DO, Cristancho DE, Hall KR, Iglesias-Silva GA |
102 - 110 |
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculations of Aqueous and Nonaqueous Binary Systems Using the Mattedi-Tavares-Castier Equation of State Santos JPL, Tavares FW, Castier M |
111 - 118 |
Experimental Measurements of Amine-Functionalized Anion-Tethered Ionic Liquids with Carbon Dioxide Goodrich BF, de la Fuente JC, Gurkan BE, Zadigian DJ, Price EA, Huang Y, Brennecke JF |
119 - 130 |
Energy Efficiency Limitations of the Conventional Heat Integrated Distillation Column (HIDiC) Configuration for Binary Distillation Shenvi AA, Herron DM, Agrawal R |
131 - 141 |
Measuring and Modeling Activity Coefficients in Aqueous Amino-Acid Solutions Held C, Cameretti LF, Sadowski G |
142 - 147 |
Prediction of Drug Solubility in Mixed Solvent Systems Using the COSMO-SAC Activity Coefficient Model Shu CC, Lin ST |
148 - 157 |
Gas Hydrate Structure and Pressure Predictions Based on an Updated Fugacity-Based Model with the PSRK Equation of State Bandyopadhyay AA, Klauda JB |
158 - 162 |
Glass-Transition Temperatures in CO2 + Polymer Systems: Modeling and Experiment Kasturirangan A, Koh CA, Teja AS |
163 - 175 |
Thermodynamic Modeling for CO2 Absorption in Aqueous MDEA Solution with Electrolyte NRTL Model Zhang Y, Chen CC |
176 - 187 |
Extension of COSMO-SAC Solvation Model for Electrolytes Wang S, Song YH, Chen CC |
188 - 197 |
Surface Chemistry and Gas Hydrates in Flow Assurance Zerpa LE, Salager JL, Koh CA, Sloan ED, Sum AK |
198 - 206 |
Mixing and Packing of Fine Particles of Different Sizes Liu HJ, Yu Q, Pfeffer R, Gogos C |
207 - 212 |
New Apparatus for Solubility Measurements of Solids in Carbon Dioxide Elizalde-Solis O, Galicia-Luna LA |
213 - 220 |
Fluid-Phase Equilibria in the Binary System Trifluoromethane 1-Phenyltetradecane Bogatu C, Geana D, Duta A, Poot W, de Loos TW |
221 - 226 |
Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Solubilities of 21 Commonly Used Industrial Solid Compounds in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Gharagheizi F, Eslamimanesh A, Mohammadi AH, Richon D |
227 - 233 |
Nonadditive Hard-Sphere Reference Model for Ionic Liquids Woodcock LV |
234 - 238 |
Corresponding States Theory for the Freezing of Ionic Liquids Babarao R, Jiang JW, Woodcock LV |
239 - 246 |
Amine-Functionalized Titanosilicates Prepared by the Sol-Gel Process as Adsorbents of the Azo-Dye Orange II Marcal L, de Faria EH, Saltarelli M, Calefi PS, Nassar EJ, Ciuffi KJ, Trujillano R, Vicente MA, Korili SA, Gil A |
247 - 258 |
Biosorptive Abatement of Cd2+ by Water Using Immobilized Biomass of Arthrobacter sp.: Response Surface Methodological Approach Hasan SH, Srivastava P |
259 - 266 |
Effects of Doping LiCl into MgCl2-Supported Ziegler-Natta Catalyst on the Molecular Weight Distribution and Isotacticity of Polypropylene Jiang X, Wang H, Tian XZ, Yang YQ, Fan ZQ |
267 - 276 |
Kinetics of Methyl Formate Hydrolysis in the Absence and Presence of a Complexing Agent Jogunola O, Salmi T, Warna J, Mikkola JP, Tirronen E |
277 - 290 |
Compartment Modeling for Flow Characterization of Underground Coal Gasification Cavity Daggupati S, Mandapati RN, Mahajani SM, Ganesh A, Pal AK, Sharma RK, Aghalayam P |
291 - 298 |
Kinetics of Eucalypt Lignosulfonate Oxidation to Aromatic Aldehydes by Oxygen in Alkaline Medium Santos SG, Marques AP, Lima DLD, Evtuguin DV, Esteves VI |
299 - 309 |
Influence of the Substrate Properties on the Performances of NH3-SCR Monolithic Catalysts for the Aftertreatment of Diesel Exhaust: An Experimental and Modeling Study Nova I, Bounechada D, Maestri R, Tronconi E, Heibel AK, Collins TA, Boger T |
310 - 315 |
Kinetic Modeling of the Removal of Aniline by Low-Pressure Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation over a Nanostructured Co3O4/CeO2 Catalyst Ersoz G, Atalay S |
316 - 321 |
Flow Improvement of Waxy Oils by Modulating Long-Chain Paraffin Crystallization with Comb Polymers: An Observation by X-ray Diffraction Li L, Guo XH, Adamson DH, Pethica BA, Huang JS, Prud'homme RK |
322 - 331 |
Steady-State and Dynamic Modeling of the Basell Multireactor Olefin Polymerization Process Zheng ZW, Shi DP, Su PL, Luo ZH, Li XJ |
332 - 341 |
Time/Space-Separation-Based SVM Modeling for Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Processes Qi CK, Li HX, Zhang XX, Zhao XC, Li SY, Gao F |
342 - 351 |
Production of C-3/C-4 Olefins from n-Hexane: Conceptual Design of a Catalytic Oxidative Cracking Process and Comparison to Steam Cracking Boyadjian C, Seshan K, Lefferts L, van der Ham AGJ, van den Berg H |
352 - 377 |
Local Equilibrium Theory for the Binary Chromatography of Species Subject to a Generalized Langmuir Isotherm. 2. Wave Interactions and Chromatographic Cycle Rajendran A, Mazzotti M |
378 - 381 |
Method for the Production of Deuterium-Depleted Potable Water Huang F, Meng CG |
382 - 388 |
Hydrophilic Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization, and Performance in Forward Osmosis Processes Ge QC, Su JC, Chung TS, Amy G |
389 - 397 |
Effect of Orifice Surface Roughness on the Liquid Weeping in Bubble Columns Hossain MI, Pang QX, Pang SQ, Yang YH, Lau R |
398 - 403 |
Microwave Heating Application To Produce Dehydrated Castor Oil Nezihe A, Eliff D, Ozlem Y, Tuncer EA |
404 - 411 |
Fe/Ni Bimetallic Particles Transport in Columns Packed with Sandy Clay Soil Harendra S, Vipulanandan C |
412 - 418 |
Pressure Dependence of the Nonequilibrium Kinetic Model That Describes the Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of CO2 in K-Promoted Hydrotalcite Like Compound Du H, Ebner AD, Ritter JA |