Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol.85, No.B6, 579-598, 2007
Modelling complex pipeline network leak detection systems
A novel model for detecting leaks in complex pipeline network systems has been developed. The model derives from the theory of Liapunov stability criteria. A leak is detected if the resulting eigenvalues from the deviation flow matrix have values less:than a predetermined value. An advanced mesh network algorithm was used to decompose the complex pipeline network system into sub-networks. The flow model (equations of motion and continuity) which incorporates a leaking factor, k(L), is solved by a numerical technique that uses the method of characteristics and an implicit finite function. The unsteady state flow matrix of the complex pipeline network system was analysed using a modified Hardy Cross algorithm, where the velocity and pressure were computed for each node and pipeline loop in the complex network. The plots for the characteristic pressure and velocity eigenvalues show that pressure measurements are faster parameters for leak detection than volume measurements. Volume measurements appear to be suitable for larger leak systems and longer response time.