Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.62, No.3, 533-543, 1996
Bulk Surface Photografting Process and Its Applications .1. Reactions and Kinetics
A bulk surface photografting process which is conducted in the interface between two polymer films was designed and investigated. The bulk surface photografting is a highly efficient process. With this method, the surface of hydrophobic polymers can be made hydrophilic in less than 2 s and a grafted layer 5 mu m thick can be obtained in 30 s. The kinetic investigation shows that the bulk surface photografting polymerization involves a four-step reaction process : induction period, surface initiation, successive polymerization, and solid-phase crosslinking. The photoreduction of benzophenone (BP) takes place in the interlayer between the LDPE films and is a three-stage process : surface photoreduction, secondary photoreduction, and solid-state photoreduction. With regard to the photoreduction of the initiator caused by hydrogen abstraction, the kinetic studies show that the photoreduction rate has a first-order dependence on the BP concentration. The activation energy of the hydrogen abstraction reaction is about 28.5 kJ (6.8 kcal)/mol. With regard to the photografting polymerization reaction, the reaction order of the rate Rp with respect to the monomer is unity and 0.89 with respect to BP. This means that the termination reaction takes place mainly by combination of polymer chain free radicals and semipinacol free radicals from BP. The activation energy of the overall polymerization reaction is around 8.8 kJ (2.1 kcal)/mol.