Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics, Vol.36, No.5, 439-445, 2011
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Contrast Variation Measurement of the Interfacial Surface Area in PBX 9501 as a Function of Pressing Intensity
Small-angle neutron scattering with contrast variation was used to measure the interfacial surface area in a composite high explosive formulated with a deuterated binder. Continuing our work on the effect of varying the pressing intensity on void and binder size distribution, the effect of pressing intensity on the three interfaces (HMX-binder, HMX-voids and binder-voids) of the PBX 9501 microstructure was studied. Formulation of PBX 9501 with a deuterated binder allowed the neutron scattering length density contrast to be varied and thus allowed differentiation of the three interfaces. Porod analysis was used to measure the surface area. The surface area at the interfaces of HMX and binder was found to increase with increasing pressing intensity, while the surface area between HMX and voids may have decreased slightly. No evidence was found for voids within the binder at any pressing intensity.