Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.85, No.8-9, 1163-1165, 2006
The use of sedimentation tests for estimating the homogeneity of suspensions produced in a mixer
The BaCrO4 + Zr + ZrO2 + binder mixt. to be used for making molded pieces applied as an active mass in pyropre-heaters, was dispersed in water and two series of sedimentation tests were run in relation to vol. and to sedimentation time to study the stability of the suspension after mixing was discontd. Sedimentation was very fast: in 10+ min., the suspension level was 20% of the original, in a few hrs. it was stable, and in 20 hrs. the cake was incompressible. Sedimentation course was not related to the vol. examd. The concns. of the suspension portions led out from the mixer were comparable. The suspension prepd. was wen dispersed. Comparative tests run with an active C suspended in H2O verified the results.