Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.87, No.2, 168-173, 2008
Oxygen accumulation in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast suspension in bubble columns and external loop airlift reactors
Effect of the air flow rate and concn. of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast on the dissolved O concn. were studied during aeration in the bubble column and in the external-loop airlift reactor. Both active and inactive yeasts were used. The gas hold-up in the bubble column increased with the increasing air flow rate and the decreasing concn. of yeast both for the active and inactive yeast. The O concn. was higher in presence of the inactive yeast than the active one because of lower O consumption in the last case. In the active yeast suspension 1 g/dm(3) and air flow rate 0.0003 m/s, the O was quite totally used for the methabolic conversion. The vol. O transfer coeff. in the airlift reactor was lower than that in the bubble column.