Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.67, No.10, 1739-1752, 1998
Effect of melamine on the foam kinetics of polyurethane model system. II. Effect of melamine particles on film formation
To study the influence of the flame-retardant melamine on foam properties of a polyurethane model system, single, vertical liquid foam films were studied. The presence of particles gives the possibility to observe the complete circulation in the film. The films of the model system have been found to be mobile films showing marginal regeneration. Film formation was combined with surface-tension measurements on the pool surface. The changes in the surface tension of the pool were measured and the amount of surfactant diffused from the surface of the pool to the surface of the film were calculated. This quantity was found to be a few percent of the moles necessary for equilibrium coverage. The fresh film surface is nearly independent of the pool surface and the meniscus behaves as a slit, producing a film with a nearly surfactant-free surface. Two characteristic phenomena were observed during film formation from a suspension containing 25 pphp melamine ultrafine : (1) The convective currents are slower in the melamine-filled film than in the corresponding melamine-free lamellae. (2) No surface tension difference was seen on the surface of the pool after film formation. It seems that the melamine hinders the surface diffusion.