Macromolecular Research, Vol.20, No.10, 1063-1069, October, 2012
Biomimetic Surface Modification of Polycarbonateurethane Film via Phosphorylcholine-Graft for Resisting Platelet Adhesion
Phosphorylcholine groups were covalently introduced onto a polycarbonateurethane (PCU) surface in order to create a biomimetic structure on the polymer surfaces. After introducing primary amine groups onto the polymer surface by 1,6-hexanediamine, phosphorylcholine groups were covalently linked onto the surface by the reductive amination between the amino group and the aldehyde group of phosphorylcholine glyceraldehyde (PCGA). The results of water contact angle test, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) analysis of the modified films indicated that PCGA had already been covalently linked to the PCU surface. The topographies and surface roughnesses were both imaged and measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation of the PCU films after treatment with platelet-rich plasma demonstrated that platelets had rarely adhered to the surface of the PCGA-grafted PCU films but had mainly adhered to the surface of the blank PCU films. The platelet adhesion result indicated that the PC modified PCU films could resist platelet adhesion after grafting with PCGA, and that these PCGA-grafted PCU materials, potentially, might be applied as blood-contacting materials.
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