Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.19, No.1, 63-67, January, 2013
Quantitative recovery of high purity nanoporous silica from waste products of the phosphate fertilizer industry
This study reports on the quantitative recovery of high purity nanoporous silica from wastes material (H2SiF6) of the phosphate fertilizer industry and Na2OㆍSiO2. The silica recovered from the wastes was compared with silica from the reaction of H2SO4 and Na2OㆍSiO2 because H2SO4 is commonly used. The product recovered from the wastes material and H2SO4 were 99.3% and 99.1% pure, respectively. The quantity recovered were 22.30 g and 20.11 g, respectively. The product had superior properties suitable for applications such as chromatography, reinforcing material for rubber and plastics. The process may significantly reduce the release of SiF4 gas into the environment.
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