AAPG Bulletin, Vol.96, No.8, 1429-1448, 2012
Integrated outcrop reservoir characterization, modeling, and simulation of the Jackfork Group at the Baumgartner Quarry area, western Arkansas: Implications to Gulf of Mexico deep-water exploration and production
The lower Pennsylvanian Jackfork Group in Arkansas has been the subject of studies, field trips, and publications for many years because of excellent outcrop exposures of different deep-water architectural elements. This latest study is focused on the Baumgartner Quarry located near Kirby, Arkansas, which exposes a series of vertical walls in three dimensions. This quarry has not been as well documented as other popular exposures, although three-dimensional (3-D) quarry faces exist, and the quarry strata comprise part of a complete 600-m (1970-ft)-thick near-continuous Jackfork stratigraphic sequence not unlike younger deep-water stratigraphic exploration targets in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere. Subsurface problems including reservoir uncertainties and reservoir performance of lobe versus channel-fill deposit; are addressed based on our work in the quarry.