Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.51, No.34, 11005-11010, 2012
Microwave Synthesis of Fullerene-Doped MgB2
Unconventional in situ synthesis of MgB2 undoped and doped with fullerene (C-60) was performed by using a single-mode microwave (MW) furnace. Structural properties suggested that C substitutes for B in the crystal lattice of MgB2, while the J(c) showed typical enhancement at high magnetic fields when C chemical doping occurred. This behavior was similar to published results for another field-activated unconventional method of processing, i.e., spark plasma sintering, and it was opposite to the conventional powder-in-tube method for which chemical substitution was not realized when using addition of C-60. Certain morphologically unique features such as the occurrence of needlelike grains were revealed in the MW samples. Our MW samples showed higher relative density (<= 83%) than previously reported data. Magnetic relaxation experiments suggested the presence of microscopic flux jumps in the MW samples, while macroscopic flux jumps were not observed.