Journal of Materials Science, Vol.48, No.1, 240-250, 2013
In search of materials for artificial flagella of nanoswimmers
Localized drug delivery and nano manipulation in fluid media like blood is an important application in biomedicine. Nanoswimmers are potential drug delivery agents for inter-vascular and intra-cellular systems. The bio-mimic modeling of flagellar propulsion mechanism of nanoswimmers has been widely attempted in literature. Mathematical models of the flagellated nanoswimmers show dependence of motion on multiple parameters like geometry and material of flagella, and viscosity of the surrounding medium. The literature also provides constraints to the material property depending on the mimicked biological system. Although modeling of shape and size of nanoswimmers is widely investigated in the literature, the material selection for the flagella needs to be assessed on the criteria like biocompatibility, physical properties, and technological feasibility. The shortlisting is quintessential for attempts to engineer an artificial nanoswimmer. The present study provides a methodology for assessing the candidature of a material for the fabrication of artificial flagella, which shall have implant capabilities and be able to shortlist the potential material. Further screening criteria, based on biocompatibility and technology viability issues are also discussed.