Macromolecular Research, Vol.21, No.7, 738-746, July, 2013
Characterization of AN-SBR/Silica compound with acrylonitrile as a polar group in SBR
In this study, acrylonitrile-styrene-butadiene rubber (AN-SBR), in which polar monomer acrylonitrile was introduced to emulsion styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) as the 3rd monomer, was applied to silica compound to examine the various properties that are required for tire tread compound. The mechanical properties of the AN-SBR compounds, the modulus, and the abrasion resistance were improved. These results are attributed to the increase in the degree of cross-linking of the compounds. In particular, the abrasion resistance result is attributed to the increase of filler-rubber interaction and the increased dispersion of silica in the compound by the application of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). When the PEG was applied to the AN-SBR compound, the values of tan δ were increased at 0 °C and decreased at 60 °C in dynamic viscoelastic characteristics. These results are due to the improvement of silica dispersion in the compound as the H-bonding increased the filler-rubber interaction, and the adsorption of the PEG onto silica reduced the strong filler-filler interaction between particles.
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