Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.6, No.3, 420-427, June, 1995
표면개질 활석분체의 피치콘트롤제어의 적용성 검토
Investigation on the Application to the Pitch Control Agents of the Surface-modificated Talc Powders
활석분체의 품위향상 및 새로운 용도 개발을 지향한 연구의 일환으로써, 우선 활석광물의 미분쇄품을 염산수용액으로 세정하여 그 표면 및 내부에 함유된 불순물을 게거한 다음 보류향상제 또는 분산제 등으로 건식 및 습식 개질처리함으로써, 제지산업의 초조공정 중 주된 트러블 요인으로 작용하는 유기점착성 물질(피치)을 효과적으로 제어할 수 있는 새로운 피치콘트롤제의 개발에 즈음하여, 그 핵심기술이 되는 활석입자의 표면개질 관련 기초 데이터를 제공함과 아울러 표면개질 활석분체의 피치콘트롤제에의 적용성 시험결과를 검토하였다.
As a part of research for rising the quality and developing the new uses of the talc powders, we developed the new preparation method of the pitch control agents controlling effectively the contents of organic-viscous materials(namely "pitch") acted as a main trouble factor in the paper making process of paper industry by washing out the impurities included in the surface or inside of the fine-grinding talc powders with the aqueous solution of HCI, first and the seconds by modificating the surface of it in type of dry or wet with dispersants or retention aids. In this report, it was made an offer the basic data came to the hard core technology concerning the surface modification of the talc powders and discussed the results in the test of application to the pitch control agents of the surface-modificated talc powders.
  1. Hughes DA, Tappi, 60, 144 (1977)
  2. Allen LH, Tappi, 63, 81 (1980)
  3. Murray HH, Tappi, 60, 70 (1977)
  4. Allen LH, Pitch Particle Concentration: an Important Parameter in Pitch Problems, Transaction, 32 (1977)