Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.20, No.1, 9-12, January, 2014
Low-temperature catalytic conversion of lignite: 3. Tar reforming using the supported potassium carbonate
Alumina-supported K2CO3-LaMn0.8Cu0.2O3 was investigated for the catalytic conversion of tar, produced from lignite, into syngas under inert and steam-reforming conditions. A double-bubble fluidized bed reactor system, equipped with a micro gas chromatograph and a collecting system to analyze permanent gases and condensable species, was developed to screen the catalytic conversion of tar components below 700 ℃. The redox properties of catalysts, estimated by hydrogen temperature programmed reduction analyses, were correlated with their catalytic performance in tar conversion. The synthesized catalyst effectively converted tars into hydrogen-rich syngas and also improved tar reforming by inhibiting coke deposition.
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