Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.20, No.4, 1812-1818, July, 2014
Development of gluten-free flat bread using hydrocolloids: Xanthan and CMC
The effects of xanthan gum (XG) and (carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) (5-20 g kg-1) on the quality parameters of gluten-free flat bread, based on rice flour were investigated. Increase in CMC concentration yielded bigger gas cells, leading to better crumb porosity. Formula 3 (F3), containing 15 g kg-1 XG and formula 10 (F10), containing 10 g kg-1 CMC and 10 g kg-1 XG resulted in the highest dough yield (P < 0.05) and bread yield, respectively, and F10 showed the lowest bread weight loss (P < 0.05). F10, followed by, F3 were the best and most acceptable (P < 0.05) formulae, compared to all the others.
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