Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.20, No.4, 2050-2058, July, 2014
Synthesis of core-shell magnetic adsorbent nanoparticle and selectivity analysis for binary system dye removal
Core-shell magnetic adsorbent nanoparticle (CSMAN) was synthesized and used to remove dye from binary system. The characteristics of CSMAN were investigated using FTIR and SEM. Acid Red 18 (AR18), Direct Green 6 (DG6) and Direct Red 31 (DR31) were used. The effect of adsorbent dosage, dye concentration and salt on dye removal was evaluated. Kinetic and isotherm of dye adsorption followed pseudo-second order and Langmuir isotherm, respectively. The maximum dye adsorption capacity (Q0) was 588, 333 and 323 mg/g for AR18, DG6 and DR31, respectively. Selectivity analysis for binary system showed that the magnetic adsorbent had no selectivity.
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