Chemical Engineering Science, Vol.108, 134-153, 2014
On estimating self-diffusivities by the extended corresponding states principle
The ability of the extended corresponding states principle (ECSP) to predict the self-diffusion coefficients of several types of fluids has been studied. Two versions of the model were compared with the traditional two parameter corresponding states principle (where the equilibrium shape factors are set to unity): one using the equilibrium shape factors and another one that additionally introduces a correction based on the modified Enskog theory (MET). Ethane was chosen as a reference fluid and the experimental database comprises 3163 points from 37 substances (polar, non polar and hydrogen bonding ones). Results show that a third complementary parameter, generated from diffusion data, is necessary to accurately correlate this transport property. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Corresponding states principle;Helmholtz residual energy;Equation of state;Self-diffusion;Shape factor;Modified Enskog theory