Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.9, No.7, 1053-1058, December, 1998
Poly(vinyl butyral)에 azide기가 도입된 감광성 고분자의 합성 및 감광특성
Synthesis and Photochemical Properties of Photosensitive Poly(vinyl butyral) with Azide Group
Poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA)와 n-butylaldehyde를 산촉매하에서 반응시켜 butyral unit의 함량이 서로 다른 poly(vinyl butyral)(PVB)를 합성하였으며, PVB내 butyral unit의 함량은 원소분석으로부터 결정하였다. 합성된 PVB와 p-azidobenzaldehyde를 산촉매하에서 반응시켜 azidobenzene기가 도입된 감광성수지(PVB-AZ)를 합성하였으며, PVB-AZ내 azidobenzene기의 함량은 UV 분광분석법으로 결정하였다. 합성된 PVB-AZ의 감광특성, 열적성질 및 용해특성을 조사하였으며, 상대감도 변화를 gray scale(GS)법으로 조사하였다. PVB-AZ내 butyral unit의 함량, azidobenzene기의 함량 및 현상용매에 따라 GS법에 의한 상대감도가 서로 다르게 나타났으며, 공유결합으로 감광기가 도입된 감광성수지(PVB-AZ)의 감도는 PVB에 감광제인 2,6-bis(p-azidobenzylidene) cyclohexanone(BAC)가 혼합된 감광성수지(PVB-BAC)보다 우수하였다.
Poly(vinyl butyral)s (PVB) with different butyral content were synthesized from poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) and n-butylaldehyde with acid catalyst. Bound butyral unit in PVB was determined by elemental analysis. Synthesized PVBs were reacted with p-azidobenzaldehyde to give photosensitive polymer with azidobenzene group(PVB-AZ). Bound photosensitive azidobenzene group in PVB-AZ was determined by UV spectrophotometry. The photosensitivity of PVB-AZ was compared with that of PVB/2,6-bis(p-azidobenzylidene)cyclohexanone(BAC) photosensitizer mixture system by gray scale method. Photosensitivity of PVB-AZ was higher than that of PVB/BAC mixture system. The photosensitivity of PVB-AZ was dependent on the developer used due to the solubility of PVB-AZ in a developer solvent.
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