International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.37, No.6, 609-619, 2011
Apparent wall slip velocity measurements in free surface flow of concentrated suspensions
In this work we have experimentally measured the apparent wall slip velocity in open channel flow of neutrally buoyant suspension of non-colloidal particles. The free surface velocity profile was measured using the tool of particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) for two different channels made of plane and rough walls. The rough walled channel prevents wall slip, whereas the plane wall showed significant wall slip due to formation of slip layer. By comparing the velocity profiles from these two cases we were able to determine the apparent wall slip velocity. This method allows characterization of wall slip in suspension of large sized particles which cannot be performed in conventional rheometers. Experiments were carried out for concentrated suspensions of various particle volume concentrations and for two different sizes of particles. It was observed that wall slip velocity increases with particle size and concentration but decreases with increase in the viscosity of suspending fluid. The apparent wall slip velocity coefficients are in qualitative agreement with the earlier measurements. The effect of wall slip on free surface corrugation was also studied by analyzing the power spectral density (PSD) of the refracted light from the free surface. Our results indicate that free surface corrugation is a bulk flow response and it does not arise from boundary problem such as development of slip layer. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.