Korea Polymer Journal, Vol.5, No.2, 114-125, June, 1997
Interfacial Aspects of Dual Basalt and SiC Fibers Reinforced Epoxy Composites Using Fragmentation Technique and Acoustic Emission
Interfacial properties in dual basalt and SiC fibers reinforced epoxy composites (DFC) were investigated by the fragmentation method and acoustic emission (AE). Fiber tensile strength over optimum concentration was decreased by the stress concentration at lump coating. Using amino-silane coupling agent, the interfacial shear strength(IFSS) showed the significant improvement under dry and wet conditions, which may be due to chemical and hydrogen bonds as well as the interdiffusion effect in the two different interphases. In-situ monitoring of AE during straining DFC specimens showed the sequential occurrence of two distinct groups of AE data. The first group might have come from fiber breakages, whereas the second might come from mainly epoxy matrix cracking. Characteristic frequencies coming from the different failure modes of fiber and epoxy matrix cracking. Characteristic frequencies coming from the different failure modes of fiber and epoxy matrix were investigated through fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis. One-to-one correspondence between the number of AE events and fiber breakages was established.
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