Journal of Food Engineering, Vol.77, No.1, 112-118, 2006
Effect of three-stage hypobaric storage on cell wall components, texture and cell structure of green asparagus
The effect of three-stage hypobaric storage on cell wall components, texture and cell structure of green asparagus was studied as compared with the atmosphere cold storage group. Three-stage hypobaric conditions not only significantly inhibited the increase of cellulose, lignin, water soluble pectin (WSP), shear intensity and puncture intensity, and slowed down the degradation rate of protopectin (P < 0.05), but also obviously delayed the growth of vascular bundle, prevented the formation of trachea and thickening of trachea wall. Until more than 50% asparagus under atmosphere cold storage lost commercial value, the three-stage hypobaric storage group was still good for consumption. It is concluded that three-stage hypobaric storage can significantly inhibit asparagus senescence and thus preserve the asparagus quality. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:green asparagus;atmosphere cold storage;three-stage hypobaric storage;texture;cell structure;light microscopy